“Don’t worry about it. Remember, I said Mexico’s paying for the wall.”
–Donald Trump, 10/2016
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Okay. Today's the day! Dems take over the house! Time to unleash holy hell!!!
Are there no Trump supporters left visiting this site?
They're lurking, I think.
This isn't exactly a safe space, and we're not known for civil debate on this forum. Also, Drumpf isn’t helping; he makes it increasingly hard for any rational person to defend him.
Trumpers will start posting as we get closer to the elections, or as the FoxBots disseminate talking points against particular candidates.
In the meantime, we can always beat up on each other. It's the Democratic Way.
How do you explain Moddy Meltdown's absence then?
Moddy only had two schticks; to defend Republicans accused of true stuff, and to sing the praises of GOP candidates. It's really too hard to defend Trump as the evidence of corruption and treasonous conduct continues to pile up, and as the economy disintegrates under his random policies. I could be wrong, but I think that there aren't any credible GOP candidates left in Colorado.
The purposes of a troll are to distract, demoralize, and demonize. Moddy wasn't very good at those essential troll skills. And he was almost 100% outed, so posting now might jeopardize his livelihood. I do hope he's enjoying the furlough.
Trolls distract by the usual means: "Hillary was worse", "Obama did it too", "Some Dem did something stupid sometime", etc.
Demoralization was really Andrew Carnegie's thing; he excelled at bringing up info just true enough to shift debate to whether the one stupid thing a Dem did back in the day outweighed the reeking pile of horseshit deposited on the doorstep that afternoon.
Negev's pretty good at distracting and demonizing; he'd have us all in a liberal lather over the supposed threat to good guys with guns. His main role here is to pop in after every new mass shooting and argue that the real victims are not the dead and injured, but the gun owners now in fear of losing their guns.
Pear, well – he has his alphabet. He might be stuck on Q. It's hard to do Q with Jared Polis in office. He does hate him some teacher's unions, and will probably pop back up as the unions get active in the election cycle.
In the meantime, as I said, we have each other. We can act trollish all by ourselves, distracting, demonizing, and demoralizing, all within our own ranks. We really don't need trolls. They might be more useful elsewhere.
Pear was losing his dog to a terrible disease. That's enough to take down any animal lover. He has only my best wishes.
Losing your pet is fucking brutal, regardless of how. My sympathies to him.
I think there are extremely few credible GOP candidates left in Colorado. The only one I can think of right now is Kevin Priola. Maybe Heidi Gandahl.
What about Cynthia Coffman? The one we all fear.
Yeah. Not like she royally screwed the pooch.
Bob Rankin, Larry Crowder, to name a couple more.
Good question.
Your point about mamas' use of "rational" is taken. It does not describe the FluffyOne.
I am never surprised at the hypocrisy of our " conservative" brethren. Selfishness breeds hypocrisy because unfairness cannot be justified. Our "conservative" brethren, including the biggest hypocrites of the bunch, Blue Dogs, aren't saying shit about the $2,000,000,000,000 increase in the deficit, due principally to the $1,700,000,000,000 tax cut for the rich..
Remember…none of the mayhem, thievery, and cruelty perpetrated by the criminal enterprise that is the Trump family/administration would be possible without the cooperation, indeed, abetting by the GOP and all the rats that left the sinking ship of the Reagan Republican party and became "Independents" instead of standing up to fascism in their party.
You still vote for Republicans while hiding behind your Never Trump cloak of invisibility hoping no one will notice.
Your party brought him..your party needs to get rid of him..
Oh…but the tax cuts…
Oh yeah, Kavanaugh…
And I guess..there's the Great Christian caliphate (kingdom,empire…whatever) the dumpster is helping us build.
Deficit schmeficit…
and morality?…it has no benefit to me..I can't vote for that.
I think that is a call for all the liberal leaning unaffiliated voters to come out and say, "Hey, I resemble that remark!"
Only one more day until the General Assembly starts meeting so we can start complaining about how they are throwing away opportunities or overreaching as our inclinations dictate.
Funny. I feel like I'm the one who rolls his eyes because we got better things to do than fight over petty shit.
Republican congressmen looking pretty low testosterone today; so are the lurkers.
Shutdown records:
Anyone want to hazard a guess of how long the *resident and his backers will allow trash piles to grow? Let immigration cases slip? not pay the 380,000 essential workers or provide a paycheck to the other 400,000+ who are furloughed?
Happy 2019! I've been offline for weeks. Super excited for the new True Blue session.
Donald Trump brags that he would have made a great general. Has anyone explained to him how hard that is to do while simultaneously dodging the draft?
Guess we can change his nickname from Cadet Bonespurs to General Bonespurs.