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December 29, 2018 06:52 AM UTC

2018 #TrumpShutdown Day 8 Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“China built a wall that’s 13,000 miles long 2,000 years ago. My ambition is for ours to be much higher.”

–Donald Trump, 1/16/2016


18 thoughts on “2018 #TrumpShutdown Day 8 Open Thread

  1. 'Democracy is not about trust. It's about effort.'

    December 2002 a judge dismissed the convictions of five young men-four black and one Latino-who served years in prison for a crime that they did not commit.  
    The men had been roaming Central Park the night of the assault.  There was no forensic evidence linking the youths to the crime, and their confessions were coerced.  They were convicted and served terms raging from 6 to 11 years. Only one was still in prison in 2002, when prosecutors announced they had a new confession and a DNA match from serial rapist Matias Reyes.  

    Trump is wrong.

  2. 1. "Federal Personnel Office Suggests Furloughed Workers Offer To Trade Chores For Rent"

    Of course, OPM neglected to mention that the IRS says you have pay taxes on imputed barter income.

    2. "Federal Personnel Office Suggests Furloughed WorkFollowed by : Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers’ pay in 2019
    ‘”We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases,” the President wrote.’

    3. "Federal Personnel Office Suggests Furloughed WorkAnd, the “Trump’s Popularity Revisits Low as Government Agencies Shut Down”

    • 39% approve of Trump, 56% don’t — matching nadir of his popularity in August 2017, after Charlottesville protests.
    • 43% plurality says he is mostly to blame for shutdown;
    • 53% also say he didn’t do enough to stop it from happening.
    • 52% of Trump voters believe he won’t get full funding for border wall.
    1. At least he's not OUR Congressman:

      Louie Gohmert, appearing on Fox News, as pointed out by Huff Post: 

      “So, Congressman, how long should the president keep the government closed?” co-host Griff Jenkins asked Gohmert, who is famous for his eyebrow-raising remarks. 

      “Because we keep seeing people losing their lives without [a wall], you do it till hell freezes over,” the lawmaker answered, after noting that only about 25 percent of the federal government is closed. Before the shutdown, 75 percent of the government had already been funded until September 2019.

      “Until hell freezes over,” Gohmert continued. “Because we owe it to our country.”

      1. Gohmert continues to set the  bar for legislative dumbassery.

        And I wouldn’t believe any weather predictions Gohmert makes, even on the likelihood of hell freezing over. He’s a famous climate science denier, basing his belief on the Vikings farming in Iceland, on cold winters. 38% of his district (Texas 1) agree with him – the scientists know nothing.

    2. Pfffft, chores.  Who needs more chores when you’re on furlough Trumpcation.  

      Just mail your landlord, mortgage company, bank one of these handy government recommended and approved letters — you’ll be fine (plus you won’t have to learn plumbing or sewage maintenance or roofing).  Bonus:  more time to watch FOX while you’re trying to figure out which letter will get you some groceries!


      Who says Cheetolini doesn’t take care of his little people!?!

      Maybe Trump will come up with a letter you can send to get Mexico to pay your bills???

      Maybe you should have listened to what your mother said about making career choices, and become a bartender like she wanted???

  3. Jon Caldara is whining about how Teh Libz don't support him. In January, Caldara plans to continue open-carrying his long rifle whenever and wherever he feels like in the city of Boulder. He thinks its grossly unfair that he is supposed to have it in a case, have applied for a permit and certificate, and gotten it inspected, as well as have passed a background check. This is per Boulder's city ordinance 8259 enacted last May. Caldara writes

    Because I own a long gun with a pistol grip and a detachable magazine, I had to the end of December to self-identify to the police, present myself for investigation and my gun for inspection, pay fees in order to receive a police-issued permission slip, all to avoid jail time, monetary penalties, and the confiscation and destruction of my gun.

    So to recap: Jon Caldara is being a media whore again, deliberately breaking a  law (as he's done on voting ) in order to get attention and probably as a test case in a lawsuit against the city of Boulder. Wah, wah. And he is arguing that liberals should support him – because being a gun fetishist is exactly like being in other protected classes such as LGBT, racial and ethnic minorities, women, etc.

    You'll excuse me if I don't buy his argument. Lock up your gun or get it permitted, Jon, like every other law abiding assault rifle ownerin Boulder.

      1. Perhaps Caldera is hoping the ACLU will pick up his defense if he does follow through and get arrested.  I suspect they, like you, will let Jon hear the sound of one hand clapping in support of his cause.

    1. Any strutting fool who thinks a gun is a totem to be carried around to make a display point, has made a point that they probably shouldn’t be trusted to carry a gun around . . .

  4. Federal workers just can’t catch a break.

    In the middle of a partial shutdown of the federal government, President Donald Trump ordered a pay freeze for federal workers late Friday, blocking an automatic pay increase from going into effect Jan. 1.

    Trump said months ago that he was seeking the freeze. It was ultimately made possible by Congress, which never passed a pay hike before the end of the year. The GOP-controlled Senate had signed off on a bipartisan 1.9 percent increase, but the GOP-controlled House left it unaddressed.

    If Trump had done nothing, the federal pay formula would have enacted an automatic 2.1 percent pay increase. But the inaction by Congress gave him an opening to make the increase zero through executive order.

    It’s likely that the House will agree to a pay raise after Democrats take over as the majority on Jan. 3. Federal employee unions will press for any raise to be retroactive to the first of the year if an increase gets passed.

    Groups representing federal employees said Trump’s freeze comes as added insult to the shutdown. Roughly one-fourth of the federal government is not funded at the moment, as the president demands $5 billion in federal funds for a wall along the southern border that he used to say Mexico was going to pay for.

    Roughly 420,000 federal employees are working without pay, and another 380,000 have been furloughed and are temporarily out of a job. Although lawmakers have typically approved backpay retroactively after previous shutdowns, there is no guarantee a divided Congress would do so this time.

    NARFE, a group representing current and retired federal workers, said the implementation of the pay freeze is another sign of Trump’s “disdain” for government employees.

    “Refusing to provide a nominal raise for our nation’s hardworking federal employees amid a partial government shutdown shows clear contempt for those who carry out public service,” Ken Thomas, the group’s president, said in a statement.

    Tony Reardon, the president of the National Treasury Employees Union, which represents 150,000 federal workers, said Trump was “pouring salt into the wound” while workers go without paychecks.

    As HuffPost reported Thursday, the partial shutdown is just the latest chapter in Trump’s long-running battle with civil servants who do the government’s work. In addition to the pay freeze, his administration has also tried to peel back collective bargaining rights and increase workers’ pension contributions.

    Many workers and their representatives bristle at middle-class government employees being lumped in with the “swamp” that Trump said needs draining.

    “It’s almost as if we have an administration that is at war with its own workforce,” one union official told HuffPost earlier this week. “It’s been an ongoing assault.”

    Trump has warned that the shutdown could drag on ”for a very long time″ if he doesn’t get the wall money he wants. Democrats have said they will produce a bill to reopen the government as soon as they take over the House next week, but so far they have shown few signs of acquiescing to the president’s demands.

    Members of the military are not subject to the pay freeze. They will be receiving a 2.6 percent pay increase next year, even though Trump falsely told them to their faces that they would be getting 10 percent.

      1. HuffPost certainly thought it was worthy.

        Trump Blocks Federal Workers’ Pay Hike While They’re Out Of A Job

        Federal workers just can’t catch a break.

        In the middle of a partial shutdown of the federal government, President Donald Trump ordered a pay freeze for federal workers late Friday, blocking an automatic pay increase from going into effect Jan. 1.

        Trump said months ago that he was seeking the freeze. It was ultimately made possible by Congress, which never passed a pay hike before the end of the year. The GOP-controlled Senate had signed off on a bipartisan 1.9 percent increase, but the GOP-controlled House left it unaddressed.

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