“If at first you don’t succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.”
–William Lyon Phelps
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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*rump gets a lasting honor, richly deserved:
Path to impeachment requires Republicans in the Senate. At some point they may decide that it's better to do it now rather than later. Some are Trumpists by nature, some are bought off by the oligarchy and big oil, some would lose a primary, some would lose the general election, some would prefer the golden parachute.
Decisions, decisions – We need to flip 15 or so.
I think a lot of Republicans are starting to run scared now that the Mueller is closing in and the Democrats have the House. They put on a good face, but they know Trump isn't a stable genius master negotiator.
Also, I think they are increasingly worried about Trump himself, what with the Syria Pullout, revelations of Russian blackmail (is it blackmail if you are doing it out of willingness and greed?), government shutdown, the ease with which Trump gets pwned in any negotiation, then has a temper tantrum afterward.
So, maybe we have a shut-down that lasts until January 3. The Democrats file a one-line article of impeachment, forcing the Senate to decide. First time, they vote against, so we run a second, one-line article, while the shutdown continues.
I think the Democrats have realized that you can't negotiate with a hostage taker. If they're crazy they blow up the hostage anyway; if they aren't they just keep coming back for more.
Here's a quote from another forum explaining why Trump went back to hostage taking.:
We need to flip precisely 20 if every Dem voted to convict
It isn't blackmail — which requires "a demand for money or other favors in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information."
Doing something illegal with willingness and greed is conspiracy (if the end action is illegal) or corruption (if the end action is legal but the process is not).
I can't imagine we are there yet — no one from the GOP is resigning from the Sad!-ministration, resigning their military commission and position, resigning as ambassador, resigning from the GOP and continuing as an independent in the Senate or House, resigning from a political party staff or representative post, or making any other sizeable commitment to opposition to Trump.
Trump’s investment advice to, “Feel the market. Don’t just go by the meaningless numbers” has changed my whole life! I am suddenly a professional at nearly all my sports— golf, bowling, swimming, even tennis.
But, warning! This does not work for skiing. “Feel the mountain” will just result in a broken leg. Trust me.
For those interested, Larry Sabato has a couple good articles now up on his Crystal Ball. Most recent one deals with Ds chances of re-taking the Senate in 2020 since far more R seats are up than D seats (hint: not good because so many R seats are in deep red states). Also an article about the Rs chances of re-taking the House in 2020.
Should clarify that there is another article posted more recently than the Senate article. Must now click on HOUSE above on the title bar for that article. I had not checked the site in a few days.
I’ve been saying that, CHB. Barring some type of economic catastrophe, best case scenario is 50/50 split. Dems pick up Maine, Colorado, Arizona and either North Carolina or Iowa, lose Alabama.
50/50 might do it if we have vice president hickenlooper to break ties.
Poor Moddy…
Trump torpedoes funding bill over border wall
But Yesterday Mexico was paying for it. What happened?
I wonder if the lack of funds for the Treasury Department > Secret Service > Presidential Protection unit means they won't have money to pay to rent golf carts or hotel rooms. Hmmm, what a dilemma for Trump — have to stay in DC at the White House (and its red trees) or go to Florida and NOT be able to increase profits from self-dealing.
They should cut off electricity and water to the White House, and refuse to fuel up Air Force One. Then you'd see *rump signing the funding bill!
Paul Ryan's legacy
Every rat for himself!
Mattis quits, says his views aren't 'aligned' with Trump's
The Money Quote:
Mattis is a craven asshole who was fine with wielding power in this horror show until he wasn't. Fuck his "sentiment." Any honor he had died when he agreed to participate in Trump’s government.
BTW 40 years and how many millions dead because of his “immersion?”
So if not General Mattis, who would you have preferred as Secretary of Defense in this administration? Recall, please, that elections do have consequences.
Nobody. No decent person could serve in this administration. So, Jim Mattis is no surprise. As for elections having consequences, I assume that's how we ended up with the cast of ghouls currently serving.
All that someone like Mattis serving in Trump's administration served to do was give journos a reason to indulge themselves by writing fantasy "adult in the room" articles, and to give a Republican congress cover for bending the knee to the diapered tyrant– with whom, by the way, they overwhelmingly agree.
I can offer one suggestion, though. The next civilian leader of the military shouldn’t be someone one would choose to refer to as “General” in preference to “Secretary.”
I imagine Putin will send Trump three names from whom he can select one to serve as Sec of Defense
"no decent person could serve in this administration……." Then you would prefer we turn off the lights, shut the door, and give the keys to Putin and Xi Ping?
The whole sneering tone of Pseudafed's comments and his contempt for the military makes me mark him as a man who never served his country. In that respect, he is Trump's brother.
It will be the Trump Shutdown – no matter how much he tries to pin it on Obama, on Jeff Sessions, on Hillary's emails, on whichever media personality he's mad at today….
Trump will be the guy who shut down the government. The millions of government employees who will be missing their December paychecks will remember. People who scheduled family trips to national forests, people who depend on pros to regulate the food and water supply, national health and scientific laboratories….people will remember.
Trump shutdown the government over an unnecessary wall.
People who are good at %rump whispering need to find a way for the man-baby to save face and declare victory, so everyone can go back to being merely dysfunctional instead of dead in the water.
You and I will share this pain together, along with many others here on Pols. Unfortunately, the hard core base of Trump voters could care less.
They'll care when their disability and social security and crop subsidy checks don't come. They'll care when their kid can't get any word from FAFSA about financial aid. They'll care when their veteran family members have to wait even longer for appointments.
Moderatus, amirite? You and your wife are Federal employees – are y'all willing to take one for the team? So the Grand Trumpus can have his Big Beautiful Wall?
Wha wha whattttttt???!!!???
That’s just too rich . . .
. . . next we’ll learn that his prized Tiny Aynnie Randy Invisible Hand Gold Edition Secret Decoder Ring was actually assembled in China from plastic NAFTA parts designed in San Francisco, California and hecho en México!
Aye carumba!