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December 11, 2018 02:15 PM UTC

"Moms Demand Automatics" To Rally During Denver's Jan. 19 Women's March

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Colorado Democrats are widely expected to pass gun-safety legislation next year.

But the Democrats’ legislative majority isn’t stopping pro-gun groups from preparing to fight.

A pro-gun group called Moms Demand Automatics is trying to get attention by organizing a counter-protest during Denver’s Jan. 19 Women’s March, according to the group’s Facebook page, which includes likes from Republican State House Minority Leader Patrick Neville of Castle Rock. About 100 people are interested or going to the rally, like former Republican House candidate Grady Nouis.

Another pro-gun gun entity, Rally for Our Rights, is raising money for billboards in Colorado and planning workshops on the legislative process.

One of Rally for Our Rights’ three proposed billboards calls it hypocrisy to support women’s rights and also to advocate for gun-safety legislation. The  billboard would state:

Politicians Who Claim to Support Women’s Rights Want to Take Away A Woman’s Right To Defend Herself with a Firearm. Why?

The group wants the billboards as part of a campaign to fight expected gun-control legislation.

“Colorado is going to be ground zero for gun control legislation after Democrats swept all three branches of state government on election day,” state’s the group’s GoFundMe page, which indicates that about $1,000 has been raised toward a $15,000 goal.

In addition to the billboard campaign, Rally for Our Rights plans to hold three free activist workshops in Colorado, including one at the offices of the Independence Institute, a libertarian entity most often aligned with Republicans.  The workshops, which will be scheduled later, are titled, “How to Be a Better Second Amendment Activist.”

The training includes information on the legislative and the electoral processes, as well as a “quick overview of the recall process.”

Rally for Our Rights is being promoted by longtime Tea Party activist Lesley Hollywood, who founded the group but did not respond to requests for comment. Hollywood recently appeared on NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch’s “NRATV” program.

It’s not clear who’s behind Moms Demand Automatics, which has nearly 10,000 Facebook followers, but the organization’s swag, including cups and “toddler zip-up hoodies,” is being sold on the Rally for Our Rights online shop.

Mom’s Demand Automatics is apparently intended to mock a national gun-safety group called Mom’s Demand Action, which describes itself as a “campaigns for new and stronger solutions to lax gun laws and loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families.”

The Facebook page of Mom’s Demand Automatics includes photos of women shooting guns in bikinis as well as a video of a women’s buttocks shifting after she fires an automatic weapon.

The video of a woman led one commenter to write, “Why does this make me think moms aren’t really running this page? lol,” and another to counter with, “Why do you assume a female can’t appreciate the female form?”

The fact that Rally for Our Rights is planning to review Colorado’s recall rules at its trainings is significant, because pro-gun advocates waged successful recall campaigns after Democrats passed modest gun-safety laws in 2013. Two Democratic state senators lost their seats in 2015 and a third resigned. Hollywood led the “We Care 4 Weld County” group that attempted to recall Weld County Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer back in August. Hollywood’s group failed to gather the 5,767 signatures needed to place a recall initiative on the ballot.

Colorado’s 2013 laws require background checks prior to all private and online gun sales in the state and allowed a gun’s bullet holder, called a magazine, to hold no more than 15 bullets.

But this year, gun control measures have high approval ratings in Colorado in the wake of repeated mass shootings.

Democrats who avoided talking about gun control on the campaign trail in the past proactively promoted the issue in the last election and vilified the National Rifle Association as blocking modest efforts to save lives.

In fact, the NRA’s presence in Colorado was seen as counter-productive to Republican candidates backed by the organization.

And similar questions could be raised about Republican groups that auctioned or raffled off AR-15 rifles this year.

Democrat Jason Crow backed a ban on assault-style weapons in his successful campaign against U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman of Aurora.

Gun-safety activist Tom Sullivan, whose son died in the Aurora theater shooting, won a Colorado state house seat here in Colorado.

Gun-safety advocates are reportedly prioritizing two bills in the upcoming legislative session. A “red flag” law would allow police to take guns from people deemed by a judge to pose a significant risk to themselves or others.

A second bill would deny guns to people convicted of violent misdemeanors.

Most Republicans oppose such bills due to fears that they would lead to the confiscation of guns in unintended ways. Or because they oppose all restrictions on guns.

Earlier this year, Republicans in Colorado’s state senate blocked a red flag bill that had cleared the house with bipartisan support.


25 thoughts on ““Moms Demand Automatics” To Rally During Denver’s Jan. 19 Women’s March

    1. . . . because what mom, convicted of a violent misdemeanor, doesn’t need enough “self-defense” firepower to take out the whole damn soccer team??!!??

    1. My guess is Butina will be able to address the group via Skype, from Russia. She'll get time served and perhaps a symbolic additional week or month, then deportation and notification she won't be allowed back into the US for a while.

      Do you suppose the Moms Want Automatics will come early for the anti-abortion March for Life on January 12?

    1. Jacking off with the long shiny barrel in his hand reminded him how much it meant to him to be a PROUD gun owner of a weapon that was intended to kill other human beings.  Along with the 10,000 rounds and high capacity magazines, he fantasied about all the other deranged dregs of humanity who had access to that same firepower.

  1. Actually I'm not cool with Democrats picking fights with the NRA, bakers or the Oil & Gas industry.  Work on healthcare first and then protect our watersheds.  Sign the contract with the supertankers and make fire mitigation an urgent priority.  Fighting with the idiots is a poor use of this opportunity to address some really urgent needs.

  2. Gilpin Guy,

    I also want health care and environmental protections, but I also am pretty upset about people dying because too many guns are in the hands of irresponsible people.  Sometimes, I believe one of our greatest sins as is that we allow this to keep going on and on and on.

    1. I still maintain that the recalls were not really about guns. Minor, moderate changes to gun law (<30 round magazine, background checks) doesn't explain the huge amounts of  money that were poured into the recall fight on both sides.

      It was a proxy fight for control of the Colorado Senate. Gunheads were patsies, used for their 2nd amendment fervor, which made them deep-pocketed funders, and trusty voters.

      On the Democratic side, we had just gone through the Aurora theater shooting, in which an obviously mentally unstable and unfit gun owner should have been prevented from his crime. (Cue Negev to explain with charts that Holmes' 2nd amendment rights are still a higher priority than those 12 moviegoer's lives).

      So those Democratic emotions were intense, too, wanting to prevent more mass shootings. And yes, we wanted to keep control of the Senate, as well.

      Add to this that Senator Giron had successfully sponsored the nation's most progressive voting law – providing for all- mail in ballot elections, same day and online registration, etc – which helped turn Colorado blue, and you understand why she had a target on her back.

      And I'll go further out on a limb and venture to say that there really are not many moms demanding automatic rifles; that this is a proxy fight for the last gasp of Trumpism in Colorado.  Additionally, it is a means to deflect attention from the upcoming Women's March, and the general resurgence of this iteration of grassroots feminism.


      1. Perhaps, MJ, perhaps. But while you were up in your rural sanctuary in NE Colorado, I was down at the Capitol for a hearing. I got to listen to all the rednecks driving around, waving their flags & signs, and honking their horns. I wasn't impressed that they were patsies for anybody.

        Your implication that only Democrats had intense feelings following the Aurora theater shooting is inappropriate. I'll still maintain that the Dems overplayed their hand in 2013 and didn't think things through real well regarding possible reactions from the pro-gun crowd.

        1. "Sanctuary", huh? I had to laugh. You do know that some NE plains counties wanted to secede and form their own state,  over their gun gripes, cannabis, gay marriage, and immigration.

          But at any rate, during the recall, I was in Pueblo. I worked hard against the recall, canvassing and calling.  Here's my little Honda against the backdrop of the competing anti-recall and pro-recall offices.  The huge sign is over the pro-recall office, of course.  They claimed that they weren't trying to intimidate anyone.

          Yes, the gunheads were and still are deluded patsies, but I will concede that the relationship with the Republican party is mutually beneficial – the GOP brings the political power and the deep pockets; the gunheads bring the righteous fervor and fake victim status.

          I'm not saying that the gunheads don't sincerely believe that Obama or scary Libruls are going to come and take away their guns – but that is a delusion carefully fostered by people – and industries – who know better.


                1. Angela Giron has lived her life with joy, integrity, and purpose. As far as I know, neither she nor Senator John Morse has any regrets about the stances they took.

                  How many of us could say the same?

                  1. I wonder if she regrets losing it all for laws that have done nothing but double the murder by gun rate. I wonder if she is going to have the integrity to pay back the near $200k she owes the state. I wonder if the joy she took in receiving $300k in Bloomberg cash all while complaining her opposition took outside funds to defeat her keeps her happy while she lies about what she did with the remaining funds upon her defeat. 


                    1. Instead of worrying about what Giron might have done with leftover cash, maybe you should also be concerned about what the Dudster and the RMGO did with their left-over cash.

                      Yes, MJ, I recall the short lived secession attempt by "Northern Colorado." You might recall that I had estimated a bill, to be due upon statehood, of at least $1 billion that the new state would have to pay the rest of us for their infrastructure bought & paid for by other taxpayers.

                    2. I am not worried about what either did with the funds. I just don't think lying about what you did with them illustrates living a "life of integrity":

                      To close her campaign, she said she donated the $10,000 left in her account to the now-defunct Colorado Progressive Coalition in 2013. Campaign finance records, however, don’t reflect that donation.


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