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January 21, 2010 04:03 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back.”

–Gautama Buddha


71 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread


      # Would you favor or oppose the national government offering everyone the choice of a government administered health insurance plan – something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get – that would compete with private health insurance plans?

      Favor 82%

      Oppose 14%

      Not Sure 4%  

      1. The entire Colorado Democratic Caucus voted for Obamacare.

        I expect you to hold their feet to the fire and honor their previous commitments and votes!  You need to demand this of your caucus.

        And this extends to other pending matters which we disagree about.  

        1. do you want anything at all to change with HC as it is in the U.S., or do you think it’s perfect and doesn’t need to change in any way?  You did link to the R alternative bill the other day.  That bill has a shitton of serious changes in it.  Do you support them?  Or are you just no no no no no no no all the way home?

          1. remember the multiple posts of Boehner’s HC amendment?  You should start there.

            I know it has its problems – increased spending; and no insurance, drug company or hospital accountability – but those are some traps you should run through on the Boehner amendment bill.

            Now John Caldera will rip you a new ass as you tromp down that path, but you can handle it.

              1. that I think you should go to the citizens with single payer and make the case.

                Hell business should love it, they can off load more benefit costs to the state and we can all be happy with a UK or Canadian model.  Business shareholders are much more happy and the under-funded ($BBBB) PERA gets their returns increase.

                Me, I’d offer Boehner’s bill straight up, probably fuck some folks along the way to pull more money out of the healthcare racket, but putting it in citizen consumers pocket.

        2. The senate HC bill DOES NOT have a Public option.

          “Obamacare” would include a public Option Just like the House version does.

          The President Wants it, The People Want it, The House has passed it.

          the gop,private insurance and paid off (corrupted) senators do not.

          1. post anything just patently stupid or otherwise flat out wrong and I will fhqwhgads you again.  I did it last week; i’ll do it again if necessary.

      2. WASHINGTON – The White House has abandoned its controversial method of counting jobs under President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus, making it impossible to track the number of jobs saved or created with the $787 billion in recovery money.

        Despite mounting a vigorous defense of its earlier count of more than 640,000 jobs credited to the stimulus, even after numerous errors were identified, the Obama administration now is making it easier to give the stimulus credit for hiring. It’s no longer about counting a job as saved or created; now it’s a matter of counting jobs funded by the stimulus.

        That means that any stimulus money used to cover payroll will be included in the jobs credited to the program, including pay raises for existing employees and pay for people who never were in jeopardy of losing their positions.

        The new rules, quietly published last month in a memorandum to federal agencies, mark the White House’s latest response to criticism about the way it counts jobs credited to the stimulus. When The Associated Press first reported flaws in the job counts in October, the White House said errors were being corrected and future counts would provide a full and correct accounting of just how many stimulus jobs were saved or created.

        Wow this is a shocker…….NOT.  As reported by the AP and promoted by Yahoo POTUS quietly issued an order to change the accounting for accountability mid stream.

        Not to be outdone, CO Democrats have run for cover.

        1. Think of the forced union dues that can now be plyed to individual candidates, think of the host of non-profits [ACORN to Liberal thud tanks] that now have an open window to use their donations to ply election cash into the liberal causes you support.

          With the TRILLIONS on Unaccountable ARRA cash being thrown about just think of the extraction techniques Interim Senator Bennet and senior member Udall can work on Denver’s largest corporations.

    1. “Even if this court finds that the Stolen Valor Act affects protected speech and subjects it to the strict scrutiny standard of the First Amendment, the Act withstands the scrutiny because it serves the compelling interest of protecting the reputation and meaning of decorations and medals,” Sibert wrote. “Since the Act’s prohibition is narrowly tailored, its criminal penalty does not violate the First Amendment.”

      “However, his lying about receiving military medals, false statements of fact in an effort to increase his status and credibility, fall into the class of unprotected ‘utterances’ ” that are not constitutionally protected, Sibert wrote.

      Read more:

      Shortly after the whole Strandlof thing went public, I mentioned in a conversation that I had a Bronze Star.  “Oh sure”, said the persoan I was talking to, “I’m sure you do.”  (said sarcastically)

      Thanks Strandlof, you little POS, for demeaning the reputation of all those who actually served.

    2. but I find it hard to believe that his lies are covered under the 1st Amendment, particularly since Strandlog told them in order to solicit funds for his organization. I don’t see how the Stolen Valor Act doesn’t apply here.

      1. When the First Amendment says Congress shall make “no law,” it means Congress shall make no law.  It is a very principled view, but very difficult to apply in the real world.

    3. I’m promoting myself to Admiral and running for President on the Reform Party ticket.

      I won’t be any nuttier than the last guy who ran that way.

      The harm this asshole has done (looking at Majority Moderates post alone) to honest vets reputation is enough to set me off.  I can’t imagine how PO’d you must be Dan.

      1. Sure, and Rick was suffering from “another” mental disorder when he ran his con on the marks in Reno over “his” Gran Prix.

        As far as I’ve been told, there has only been one mental health evaluation, and that was the one the FEDERAL judge ordered at his bail hearing. And those results have never been released.

        So, considering this jerk is a congenital liar, how do I know he’s bipolar and schizo? Because HE said so to a reporter in Jail?

        Dude’s a con artist with an addiction to attention. And he’s good at skimming info off MilBlogs and other internet sources. And soon, provided this BS motion doesn’t go thru, will be spending some time in Uncle Sam’s Resort Home….

        1. .

          I was making a diagnosis on my own.  I’ve known a couple folks, friends, who had that disorder, and his behavior suggested to me that he might also be afflicted.

          But the thing about forgiveness, its more for your benefit than for his.  As I diagnose you over the Internet, I see this guy giving you ulcers.  Don’t give him that power over you.  

          And while you’re at it, you might listen again to Bernie Taupin’s song of the same name.  I just did.  Very therapeutic.


          1. ….of all the harm this asshat has done to Veterans advocacy, the one that hurts the most is to other vets.

            To wit: Two OIF vets I’ve been trying to get to go to the Vet Center have told me point-blank that they won’t go – they’re afraid that they’ll be called phony vets like “that fake Marine guy.”

            I know YOU get the stigma that warriors have in asking for help of any kind. On top of that, the roadblocks that PTSD puts up are even worse. Add in the additional danger of being called a “fake” or “malingerer” – and vets that really need help don’t ask for it.

            The fact that this will be a high-profile case is going to turn out to be a plus – if he’s convicted (and he already admited to being a liar on Anderson Cooper 360) then t will be big news. And MAYBE, just MAYBE someone else will think twice about pulling the same con. Crooks will screw with the local cops -but they will think twice about the FBI.

    1. They’re like the French – lose one battle and they want to surrender. Today we are starting to see some semblance of backbone reappearing – lets hope they find the will to pick themselves up after one tiny little loss, and start to fight again.

  1. We had to go get head shots of all of us senior executives. So they take the picture… Then they bring up photoshop to clean it up make us look younger.

    I wanted mine left alone and was told tough. But I was at least able to have them leave some wrinkles when I pointed out how bad Joe Biden’s forehead looks with no wrinkles.

    Anyways, very weird. America expects people to all look young with no imperfections.

  2. I attended the Colorado Labor Imititive of the Democratic Party, as I do Monthly. Speaker Romanoff was there. He made encouraging remarks regarding immigration. I believe that he believes in civil rights. Not everyone in Labor does , though not as bad as the Teabaggers. Immigration is a wedge issue for both parties. The right thing to do is not. Immigration reform that gives 12 million human rights must come to pass

    I still back Sen Bennet. I respect Andrew Romanoff.

        1. .

          he’s got a reality show in development, pitting some attractive young blonde women he knows in a vicious contest.  Not sure what the prize is.

          That takes some sort of courage, mixed with something.


  3. OK, I can’t let this whole Scott Brown thing go, so I took a stroll through his campaign website last night.  I was tired of hearing Republicans crow about his victory and claim that it was a repudiation of the Democratic agenda and confirmation that the Repubs are going to come roaring back this November.

    Not only was his website completely blue, but nowhere on it did he mention the word Republican.

  4. from TPM

    The people I’m talking too are wondering why in the hell we’ve spent the last two decades trying to elect Democrats to office, when they abandon their public policy priorities because Martha Coakley runs the most incompetent campaign in history of the world….

    1. Now it’s like those awful depressing hopeless times of November 2008, when we had 59 votes in the Senate and 258 in the House as well as the Presidency. Being completely powerless sucks.

  5. Mr. Hickenlooper, by President Obama at the Mayor’s Conference.  

    “The days of McCain and McInnis are over.”   -Don Bain, former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party

    1. Meghan has been quite outspoken regarding gay rights so I’m not surprised to see her do this but her mother usually stays in the background, which just makes this even more impressive, in my opinion. Good on both of them.  

    1. ..and it may be the single reason that keeps me subscribing to the racket that is SiriusXM.

      Now, if the Calorically-challenged, ethically-challenged, recreational drug use-challenged Right wing talk show host would choke on a deep-fried twinky, the week would be complete.

      1. …do you go on and on about the drug thing?  He cleaned up.  Do you give the same disrespect to every other drug addict you know that’s turned things around?

        You really want someone to choke?

        1. he’s cleaned up?

          I want to see the results of weekly drug tests over the last year as proof.

          Until he posts results that prove that he’s clean, it is fair for reasonably thoughtful people to suspect that he is still hiding his drug habits. No?

          1. he was caught with an illegal prescription for Viagra in the Dominican Republic. He learned nothing from the cushy treatment he got as a white guy whom the media wanted to succeed.

            Dan is right to call him out on it. It’s not like he did this thirty years ago. It was less than 5 years ago.

        2. EVERYTHING you do in your past is allowed for inspection, debate and (in his case) slander. Doesn’t matter what you’ve done since, any past act is grounds for endless bullshit on the air.

          If your not in his ideological bullpen, that is. If you’re on his Goody list, you could shoot Nuns with a nailgun loaded with rusty nails and it would be an instance of true leadership.

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