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January 03, 2010 10:30 PM UTC

Editor, Edit Thyself

  • by: Colorado Pols

The Denver Post’s Dan Haley gives his take on upcoming Colorado races, for what it’s worth–you might lower your estimate before the end.

Senate: Jane Norton

Biggest asset: Full-time candidate. While Bennet’s in D.C., she can be campaigning in Durango, Denver or Dacono.

Pothole to avoid: She needs to win her primary by wooing Tea Partiers but without breaking out the tri-cornered hat and musket.

Overlooked strength: Likability. No one has a harsh word to say about Norton, which makes her difficult to attack.

Side note: Colorado has never elected a woman to statewide office, [Pols emphasis] meaning we’re a few decades overdue…

All we can say is former Attorney General Gale Norton, former Lt. Governor Gail Schoettler, current Lt. Governor Barbara O’Brien, Treasurer Cary Kennedy, not to mention former Lt. Governor Jane Norton (herself) will be most surprised to learn that Colorado has never elected a woman to statewide office. And didn’t Colorado elect a woman state treasurer back in the 1960s (see photo of stained-glass window in the state capitol above)?

We would offer the “must have been edited” benefit of the doubt…but who edits the editors?


59 thoughts on “Editor, Edit Thyself

          1. Granted, about 6 or more years old.

            paulv # paulv.net

            She audited some classes at Iliff when I was there and we were both on the Denver Community Bioethics Committee.

          1. It’s funny, but how many six months out of Pasadena soccer moms read that this morning and were like, “Omigawd!”

            The ladies in the newsroom should tattoo “correction” on his pudgy forehead.

            1. I would have heartily agreed. I don’t think Jane Norton would be the best candidate, but I won’t deny that if she won it would be a cause for celebration as we are definitely overdue on having a woman represent us in the Senate.

          2. whether male or female can make the case to the voters. From where I sit I have grave reservations about Ms. Norton. She is an active member of the Vineyard church which believies in Dominion theology. Dominion theology calls for the repeal of all civil laws and the substitution of Biblically based laws. Besides the obvious questions about whose version of the Bible and whose interpretation she will utilize, how exactly does she intend to legislate from that perspective.

            Ms. Norton needs to answer a few questions:

            1. Does she believe, as her church does, in Dominion theology?

            2. If so, does she believe the federal statutes we now operate under should be repealed and replaced by Biblically based laws?

            3. If so, which Biblically based laws does she propose to introduce in the U.S. Senate if she is elected?

            These are all legitimate questions. In recent political history, Republicans have been more than willing to inject religion into politics and we need to know if she, like some of her Republican predecessors, believes her version of Christianity should be imposed upon us through federal law.  

    1. I’m really looking forward to seeing this in the corrections section.

      “On Sunday, it was reported that Jane Norton would be the first woman elected to statewide office in Colorado if she wins her bid for US Senate in November. In fact, the first woman was elected 112 years ago. We regret the error.”

    2. http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/fa

      Center for American Women and Politics

      Statewide Elective Executives (Total Positions: 5)  Barbara O’Brien (D) Lieutenant Governor 2007-present

      Cary Kennedy (D) State Treasurer 2007-present

      Gigi Dennis (R) Secretary of State 2005-2006

      Jane Norton (R) Lieutenant Governor 2003-2007

      Donetta Davidson (R)1 Secretary of State 1999-2005

      Vikki Buckley (R)2 Secretary of State 1995-1999

      Gail S. Schoettler (D) Lieutenant Governor 1995-1999

      Gale A. Norton (R) Attorney General 1991-1999

      Gail S. Schoettler (D) State Treasurer 1987-1995

      Natalie Meyer (R) Secretary of State 1983-1995

      Nancy Dick (D) Lieutenant Governor 1979-1986

      Mary Estill Buchanan (R)3 Secretary of State 1972-1982

      Julia Swearingen (R)4 State Treasurer 1970-1971

      Virginia Blue (R) State Treasurer 1967-1970

      Nettie S. Freed (R) Superintendent of Public Instr. 1947-1950

      Inez Johnson Lewis (D) Superintendent of Public Instr. 1931-1947

      Katherine L. Craig (R) Superintendent of Public Instr. 1905-1909; 1921-1923;


      Mary C. C. Bradford Superintendent of Public Instr. 1913-1921; 1923-1927

      Helen M. Wixson Superintendent of Public Instr. 1911-1913

      Katherine M. Cook Superintendent of Public Instr. 1909-1911

      Helen Grenfell Superintendent of Public Instr. 1899-1905

      1. a couple of those weren’t elected — though, to pile on Haley’s ridiculous error even further, they were appointed to fill the terms of other women who were elected statewide.

    1. In it, I used several Denver Post articles as sources. It would have been totally inappropriate for me to have cited Colorado Pols instead of the Denver Post.

      Unless you’re looking for a substitute for the opinion page, then I wouldn’t turn to a blog.

      The fact of the matter is that errors like this don’t really happen that much in a news room (hence the humor, and the piling on.) But they happen constantly at blogs. Sometimes they’re corrected, sometimes they’re not, but if there was a corrections section for blogs, there might be more content in it than on the blog.

      1. In fact, Haley’s mistake was first erroneously pointed out on this blog by someone who attributed the mistake to a David Sirota column:

        For example, Sirota’s column today in the Denver Post, said that Colorado had never elected a woman to statewide office.  That is simply wrong and inept.


        1. My mistake was picked up and corrected immediately on this blog.  I even apologized, and rightly so, to Sirota.  NOTE:  the correction was in the same place, almost at the same time, and certainly in the same size font, as the original mistake.  Not so for the Post.

      2. Unfortunately, newspapers do not consistently run corrections to their factual errors, so it’s like trees falling in a forest. And of course, there no longer are ombudsmen or locally focused media research organizations to note and strive for correction of factual errors.

        That raises a good question: Who at Pols has pointed out the error to Mr. Haley? Has anyone proactively asked for a correction/clarification?

        1. I may have underestimated the amount of errors in daily newspapers, but I think my main point (that we are better off with newspapers than with just blogs) is still cogent.

    2. If there aren’t any newspapers to link to, then how the hell are blogs supposed to create material? What percentage of Pols’ posts are based on newspaper articles? It’s got to be close to 90%

      And have you noticed what happens when it’s not confirmed by a paper? People post and say

      “oh, that’s just a rumor” until the Post or someone else confirms it by publishing it.

      Newspapers have to change their business model–and probably their business in general–but that doesn’t mean we (bloggers) should be claiming to be a legitimate replacement for them, because we just aren’t, David.

      1. I’ll agree the papers fill a definite need. And confirmation from them is nice. But we should not pretend that they are the end-all be-all.

        We also need to look toward the world we’ll have in 3 – 4 years. Last I heard, even with the Rocky gone, the Post is still losing money.

  1. I’m almost certain that Owens ran without a running mate in 2002 and appointed Norton after the election. I don’t think that she actually appeared on the ballot in 2002.

    That year, remember, was the first election where the Lt. Governor position was not run for separately.

    Don’t forget about Nancy Dick, LG from 1979-1987

    1. 2002 was many, many years after the governor and lieutenant governor ran together on a ticket.

      Republican John Vanderhoof, elected in 1970, was the first “Lt. Governor elected under new constitutional provision calling for joint election of Governor and Lt. Governor,” according to the state archives: http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/do

      1. …this statute:

        1-4-502. Methods of nomination for partisan candidates.

        . . .

        (3) For general elections occurring after January 1, 2001:

        (a) The nomination of a major political party for lieutenant governor shall be made by the party’s candidate for governor. No later than seven days following the primary election, the party’s candidate for governor shall select a candidate for lieutenant governor. Other nominations for the office of lieutenant governor may be made by petition for nomination of an unaffiliated candidate as provided in section 1-4-802 or by a minor political party as provided in section 1-4-1304 (2).

        (b) No person shall be eligible for a major political party nomination for lieutenant governor unless such person is a registered elector and has been affiliated, for a period of at least twelve months immediately preceding the date of the nomination, with the major political party making the nomination as shown in the record books of the county clerk and recorder.

        (c) Any person nominated as the candidate for lieutenant governor of a major political party pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall file a written acceptance with the secretary of state by mail or hand delivery. The written acceptance must be postmarked or received by the secretary of state within thirty days after the primary election. If an acceptance is not filed within the required time, the candidate shall be deemed to have declined the nomination, and the nomination shall be treated as a vacancy to be filled as provided in section 1-4-1002 (2.3) (a).

        Source: L. 92: Entire part R&RE, p. 677, В§ 5, effective January 1, 1993. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 860, В§ 115, effective July 1. L. 98: (1) amended, p. 256, В§ 6, effective April 13. L. 2000: (1) amended and (3) added, p. 2027, В§ 2, effective August 2. L. 2003: (1) amended, p. 1309, В§ 6, effective April 22.


        1. but he said 2002 was the first year they weren’t “run for separately,” and that isn’t accurate. It was the first year they weren’t nominated separately.

    2. Nancy Dick was the first female LTG ever elected in Colorado, if I remember right.  And the first candidate for US Senate I ever contributed to, when she ran against Bill Armstrong.  (her son, Timber, rest his soul, and his partner were our debate team rivals from Aspen when we were in high school)  So Norton’s run for Senate is not even the first time a woman has sought the office.

      1. was the Republican nominee for the Senate in 1980 (she lost to Gary Hart by 2 points in the year of the Reagan landslide), predating Dick’s run by four years.

        Other women nominated for senator and governor include Dottie Lamm (who lost in 1998 to Ben Campbell) and Gail Schoettler (who lost the same year to Bill Owens).

        There’s really nothing meaningful in Haley’s erroneous quip.

  2. Now reads:

    Side note: Colorado has never elected a female senator or governor, meaning we’re a few decades overdue.

    Too bad the hilariously wrong version is what’s in print – I assume. Then again I don’t waste trees on the Post so I might have never known if not for Pols.

      1. Colorado has been in the top five or ten states for women elected to the legislature, traditionally a source of candidates for statewide office. (Partly because it is a parttime, poorly paid job so perfect for women, right?) Since we have such a deep bench, we could have been assumed to be among the first to elect a woman to the U.S. Senate or to the Governor’s office.

        But we haven’t – why?

      2. Colorado has been in the top five or ten states for women elected to the legislature, traditionally a source of candidates for statewide office. (Partly because it is a parttime, poorly paid job so perfect for women, right?) Since we have such a deep bench, we could have been assumed to be among the first to elect a woman to the U.S. Senate or to the Governor’s office.

        But we haven’t – why?

        1. I didn’t mean my comment to sound like I was excusing the disparity of women elected to our highest statewide offices.

          Nothing can really excuse the past–wrong candidate at the wrong time in a few cases, I guess–but I think that there are a lot of women who have a bright future as statewide candidates for Governor or US Senate in the coming years.

          Morgan Carroll and Cary Kennedy immediately come to mind as candidates for Governor in 2014–that might be a crazy primary, actually, given the fervor over Romanoff and Bennet. I would actually be quite surprised if the candidate for Governor from the Dems in 2014 wasn’t a woman.

          As far as US Senate, it might be a while depending on who wins this year. If Bennet or Romanoff beat Norton or whoever the Republicans run, they’ll be there for 6 years, and Udall will most likely decide to run for re-election in 2014–but you never know.

          There are also a lot of female legislators who are going to be term-limited soon, and I don’t think all of them will immediately return to private life. The Dem bench is full of qualified women for office–most of whom are better candidates than lots of other male pols with aspirations at higher office.

    1. See my post above. Blogs, Wikis, and other new media are great for sharing ideas, but they aren’t going to just replace journalism.

      Wikipedia is great for encyclopedic information, so it’s not that surprising that the paper in Nature came to the conclusion it did. However, that’s more of an argument for replacing that 26 volume Encyclopedia Brittanica than the Post.

      Also, have you read the comment sections in the Post online articles? You really want those people to be able to decide what goes in a news article?

        1. I think there are some good reporters, and some not so good reporters. I think that I’d rather be a one lukewarm paper town than a no paper town though.

          1. Although I haven’t subscribed in years, when I do pick one up it just strikes me as a not very professional paper–one that is dedicated more to advertising than any semblance of news reporting.  The copy editing drives me crazy–it is truly second-rate overall.  

      1. And yes that means it will be biased by the people that devote a lot of time to ranking. But my guess is it won’t be any worse than what we have with the Post today – just different.

        The big question is where do we get the original reporting. I think that will come from individuals with the demise of the Post. Nature abhors a vacuum and so people will step up to provide content once they know there is a large readership for it.

  3. As of this morning, the Post still has not posted a correction on its website for the rather egregious factual error. Other than the stealth correction in the online version, why no acknowledgement to readers of the print edition that an error was made, and has been corrected?

    1. Addressed to three comments that made the same point as was made here:

      Don, Tom and Sandy: You are correct. We have elected plenty of women to statewide office including our current treasurer and Lt. Gov. I know that. I meant to say we’ve “never elected a female to Senate or as governor,” but, unfortunately, that’s not what came out of the keyboard. My apology for the mistake. The column was updated earlier today with the correct information. – Dan

      Dan Haley | 7:25 PM on Sunday Jan 3


      Interestingly, this appears to be Haley’s first ever comment at the Denver Post online — he apparently created a comment profile just minutes before posting it.

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