We have finished permissioning the accounts for our two new front page guest editors, Middle of the Road and Danny the Red (hair). It’s a great privilege to live in a blog where governments can transition without intrigue and bloodshed, kind of like America itself.
Oh wait, that’s right, we did have a little bit of intrigue this time, didn’t we? It didn’t affect the outcome, though, and we’re very pleased with the choices our community made. Thanks again to our retiring front page guest editors, ClubTwitty and ThillyWabbit–and special guest BarronX–for their excellent contributions over the past six months, and welcome to our new editors.
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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and all that…
I’d like to see some pre-emptive, foraward looking pieces.
Realizing in advance that “finance is easy” I’d like to see DtR(h) provide some commentary on whatinhell Dodd/Frank are really hoping to get passed.
You know- Glass Steagall primer, FIRREA, what really happened at Continental Bank (I was there the day they locked up early and shut off the phones), LTCM, why the local, mutual S&L’s and other retail services mostly went away, why insurance and investment banking are interrelated, why all those investment bankers insist on still living in NY and CT even though they are two of the highest high tax states, how Greenspan could get it so wrong, why Summers and not Sitglitz, why Christina not David (Romer), whether Greenberg could have saved AIG when he realized what was happening if they had let him, how to regulate and manage counterparty risk for 3rd party bettors, why save Bear but not Lehman, and so forth
And deficit reduction.
Iraq, AfPak, Iran,
Energy independence (and when do I get my flying car)
Immigration reform
Oh, and if someone can fix the I70 corridor for weekends in the mountains, rail to the airport and Boulder, and a hi-speed mag lev super train Den>NM>Disneyland>Santa Monica, and peace in the middle east – all good.
can solve all those issues. But they might need all 6 months in which to do it.
but I’ll try to fit this in as well.
I did not know that beauty queen endeavors were amongst your copious basket of talent. How will you ever find time to practice your wave?
I can’t simultaneously hope for world peace, practice my fake wave at a crowd and bash homosexuals at the same time.
Although I heard on Click and Clack today that the boys are big fans of mono-tasking so maybe I’ll make that my New Year’s resolution instead–no more multitasking. I’ll just do one thing at once and do it badly, at that.
Get a boob job with someone else’s money and all will be forgiven.
Oh wait, that would require multi-tasking…
See? I’ll never be as good as Carrie.
“Never as good.” Maybe “Never the same.”
But if you get a boob job, make sure you let all of us know.
we entered a float in the Palisade Peach Festival parade. We all did our Queen Elizabeth wave in unison all along the parade route. Cracked the judges up and our jug of wine float won first place. So practice, you never know when it may come in “handy”.
Twitty and Thilly, with assist from Barron, will be a tough act to follow but confident that the new team will not disappoint. Happy New Year.
You put in a lot of swell effort. Too bad your amateur hour ballot box stuffing attempt took about two seconds to trace back to your campaign and your candidate. Way to represent!
But in all fairness, I heard triguardian was shown the door at RFC after that little stunt. Anybody in Camp Romanoff able to confirm that? It would help your credibility to dissociate from his highly unethical actions.
Don’t post his name here, though! triguardian’s twitter account and many other identifying details, have been deleted – the twitter account has already been taken over by somebody unrelated.
They’re awfully quick to ask for a correction about the campaign manager’s (former) lobbying gig, but silence on trying to steal an election and manipulate the Pols front page.
That’s why they called this a “peaceful transfer of power” as opposed to the “messy Honduran-style coup” that was narrowly averted.
but I just don’t recall that many good conservative diaries here that deserved to be promoted.
If you write one, email one of these 2 front-pagers and ask them to promote. While MotR isn’t (middle of the road,) she does like a good fight and seems fair, if biased. And Danny is actually a conservative in some ways, but don’t let that get out or his rep is shot.
If it’s well written, I’m promoting it and I don’t care which wing of which party it’s coming from. I give you my word on that one, Barron.
There was a time when Middle, Voyageur and I almost formed our own third party. The Publicrats could have ruled the world.
hint, hint
The Kings are Dead, long live the Queen and King.
Same as the Old Boss
Congrats to the new regime, I think we have an excellent team.
And kudos to Club Twitty, ThillyWabbit, and my conservative friend and fellow anti war protester BarronX for a job well done.
New Year, new guest editors, and a new sig for me. Let’s all have a good one.