“The principal act of courage is to endure and withstand dangers doggedly rather than to attack them.”
–Thomas Aquinas
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
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IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
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It isn’t “economic anxiety”, it’s racism. Any doubts, I’ll tell about my brother.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Either way, it's fear of change. And rebellion against what they see as the shifting of social mores to liberal ideals of tolerance, diversity, community-mindedness over private profit.
It isn't "economic anxiety" or "racism." It is a loss of whatever privilege they care about — economy, race, religion, heterosexual marriage privilege, patriarchy, property, even climate positions.
Intersectionality of guarding one another's preferred "gotta have it."
It's worse than that, JiD. It's jealousy; not envy, but jealousy. "If you get the same as I have, that devalues mine.”
Cook: I gotta call at least partial, and polite, b.s. on that jealousy comment. I got mine by hard work; if someone else gets same or similar by hard work, why would I care? Good for them. And their success doesn't devalue what I got.
Aren't envy and jealousy basically the same thing?
Not quite, C.H.B. Envy is wanting yours. Jealousy is fear of losing mine. In this case, "mine" is the privilege given to people just for being male or white or Christian or whatever makes me think I'm superior.
If someone else gets a leg up because they're female, or a person of color or LGBT, the male, white Christian, etc., seems to believe that their standing has been devalued.
It never occurs to him that that boost given to the other guy might be trying to make up for Mr. Privilege stepping over those people to get where he is.
My American Heritage Dictionary disagrees with you. But not a big deal regardless.
Everybody works, CHB. Some harder and for less gain and more pain than others, necessitating things like grudging government payments for food , subsistence housing, and medical care.
Cue the “free stuff!” complaining chorus.
Sounds some class warfare here; "Mr. Privilege stepping over those people……." Old adage: "be nice to people on your way up as they will be nice to you on your way down."
As for MJ, you forget that my primary working career was in social services, including the "seamy underside" of society. Let me tell you about the client who had it in his head that he would go to heaven if he was a eunuch……. Or maybe I won't.
Sooo…you don't think class warfare is what is going on here? What makes you believe that?
Re-read my comment Duke. I adjusted it to make it more clear for you.
I grant that there are nutcases and people who abuse the system, CHB. I've seen that, too. But the overwhelming majority of people who receive "free stuff", i.e. food , housing, health care, and cash aid are the working poor. and a majority of those are working class white folks.
You know that as well as I do. And no, I didn't forget that you were a social worker. I don't forget much, except maybe where I left my phone or car keys.
In my current summer gig, I'm teaching English to (non-white) legal refugees and immigrants. These people work HARD. Slicing meat up, cleaning businesses, repetitive assembly work.
And they get injured in their work. And then they need services to treat injuries, or they can't work. And they need food and housing help because wages are still too low to feed and house a family, and people exploit refugees and pay them less, even though that's illegal.
Yet your party consistently votes to cut the safety net, for the same working class white folks who voted for Trump, and for the non-white working class folks who didn't or couldn't. It makes no sense.
As I remember my various caseloads, I had a solid percentage of minorities, perhaps more than 50%. Those caseloads were here in Colorado and in a midwestern state. I'd be cautious in talking about an "overwhelming majority." I didn't see that.
What doesn't make sense to me is why those lower class white folks keep voting against their own interests and for the guy who screws them every time he gets the chance, in favor of his fellow billionaires and Putin.
We all know Democrats are always in “disarray”, but Cory seemingly in the middle of a Trump v. Koch/Republican shitstorm.
Cory is going to be shifting some money around, I think. Koch network apparently is going to limit their support of Republican Senators — VOX this morning had this:
Seems to me that will make West Virginia, Indiana, Nevada and Arizona more likely to stay or go Democrat. Cory may join Mike Bennet as being Senate campaign leaders who lose seats in their cycle of leadership of the party's Senate campaign efforts.
The Koch ménage à trois failed to meet its expectations? After all Donnie and Cory did to get the pipeline in place for the boys you'd think they'd show the party a little more love? It's poetic the birth of today's Tea Party was a direct result of Koch dollars; now they've grown into a gaggle of horny teenagers unable to govern and they just don't know what to do with their spawn.
Some parental tough love is in order.
Does this mean Cory is no longer bound by his signature on 'The Pledge"?
Did I mention that Trump stinks?
Great God Almighty, Trump Stinks.
Turn state's evidence, Manafort.
It’s the only way you can get upwind.
According to Stephen Colbert: "Rudy Giuliani will be the first lawyer in history that will have to treat himself as a hostile witness."
I try to avoid watching him but yesterday morning I couldn't resist. Was he on something? He really has become unhinged
You mean Rudy. Right? When was the last time he was "hinged"?
Touche. Probably before he started boinking Judith Nathan circa mid 1990's. But he was always something of a drama queen (to wit: the broadcast perp walks when he was US Attorney).
Some of my favorite Rudy stories are:
1. The time the divorce court judge awarded temporary use and occupancy of Gracie Mansion (mayor's residence) to Donna Hanover (ex-wife # 2) because he was too busy banging Judith (ex-wife # 3).
2. The time the divorce court judge issued an injunction prohibiting him from bringing Judith to Gracie Mansion as his companion for official functions because ex-wife # 2 and children with ex-wife # 2 still lived there.
3. The dueling press conferences when he announced his plans to divorce ex-wife # 2 without telling her first. A friend alerted her to his press conference and within minutes, she had the media on her doorstep giving her own tearful press conference.
4. The time he did drag.
5. The time he was a house guest of that gay couple in NYC after he was evicted from Gracie Mansion.
Never, ever avoid watching Rudy G. when you get the chance. He is the "gift that just keeps on giving."
I really think he is trying to out-do his client in the theatrics department.
You mean like today: ‘Never happened’: Giuliani walks back confusing claim of secret Trump Tower meeting
Especially when you have Stephen Colbert to parse his words.
What boggles the mind for me though:
1. who would hire him as their lawyer at this point if he's just going to be all over the place like this? This just underscores how much of an idiot Benedict Donald is.
2. A bit of a stretch, in a relatively normal situation, wouldn't an attorney get disbarred for that kind of behavior?
Who else is The Yam gonna get? No lawyer who cares a fig for their reputation will touch him with a ten-foot pole. Rudy's rep is already shot to hell, but if Yammy-pie keeps him on retainer, he can retire comfortably and pop up for occasional Fox News gigs and maybe "write" a book about the whole, sordid mess.
Trump, once a hero in China, is now seen as erratic and unreliable
The slippery slope of protectionism. From Politico
But even that won't make our economy whole since the accompanying recession and permanently lost markets will be a drag on the GDP and personal income for years. Much less the ever greater debt burden in an era of rising interest rates.
Sorry for all those companies and farmers needing handouts. Get in line. The country needs $25 billion first to build Trump's wall so he won't shut the government down.
Well as they teach in Nutter's Prosperity Jesus Bible class, "If you aren't stealing the financial security from your parent's retirement and your kids' future, you just aren't thinking hard enough!"
Meanwhile in Kentucky, after 30 years of elected office, the Blue Grass state maintains it's #1 position: the lowest median income in the US. That means someone is winning, right?
PS: Please Baby Prosperity Jesus have your loyal servant announce the unilateral tax cut just before mid-terms…
It's all about priorities man!
…and with the demographic shift towards states that are the economic engine of our Republic, those are the people that will be ruling 'Merika by 2040. A good read by Bob Seay.
When, again, will Spacesport be operational?
Definitely time to split up California and grant statehood to Puerto Rico! (BTW, the first link "demographic shift" comes up blank for me)
Should have taken you here. Hard working Americans supporting Hillary. Who'd have thunk?
Wow! That is a stunning realization:
No wonder Red states tend to receive more tax dollars than they contribute.
There's a nice graph here 'Red State Rip Off' that has been deemed 'mostly true' by PolitiFact. The #Bluexit idea has some allure, but in our case does that mean we're stuck with Nutter, or will he trot off to a red state and become a Duck Dynasty cultist?
This is a good read, too. (I say this as a rural person who still believes it doesn't have to be this way but probably will be for the balance of my lifetime).
Thanks for that great article. It does pose a knotty problem that has no quick or easy solution:
It's flipped now but I remember the grumbling from Denver about the way the Legislature regarded it as a red-headed step-child. I grew up watching Bev Bledsoe run the leg to serve the farmers and ranchers and leaving the city (Denver was really the only large city) to solve its own problems.
Because a trillion dollar deficit isn't enough — Trump & co. want indexing of capital gains, taking an annual deficit to around $1.2 trillion.
Congress had some discussion before the House break on the tax cut 2.0 plan, including "making the individual tax cuts permanent" at a cost of "about $600 billion." Other parts of their ideas (which could be turned into plans, which would then turn into legislation) would further cut tax revenue.
This has got to be a major relief for Trump to discover:
Oh wait!