(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Unlike other Republican leaders in Colorado, U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) has basically said he doesn’t want to campaign with Trump–though he’s left the door slightly open to it.
Back in January, Coffman told Buzzfeed that it “probably wouldn’t be helpful” for him to host Trump in his Aurora district.
But moments after making those comments, Coffman caught up to Buzzfeed and clarified that “six months from now” it might be helpful to have Trump in Colorado, because “I don’t know what the future is going to be,” said Coffman.
Six months have gone by, and it doesn’t look like Coffman is jumping up and down to campaign with Trump.
That’s in keeping with what Coffman’s spokesman, Tyler Sandberg, told Politico in later January:
Coffman Campaign Spokesman Sandberg: “I don’t think the president would come out to campaign for him. I don’t think we’d ask him.”
Meanwhile, Walker Stapleton, the Republican candidate for governor, and the head honcho of the Republican Party in Colorado are both excited about having Trump here to campaign for Republicans.
Stapleton has “already been in touch with the White House” and been told that the “President will come to Colorado, schedule permitting.”
Colorado Republican Party Chair Jeff Hays told a conservative talk radio host yesterday that Trump would “draw thousands of people” because “we know he’s going to get things done for the benefit of Coloradans.”
Hays told KNUS 710-AM host Steffan Tubbs July 19:
Tubbs: “Are you guys in talks right now to make that [welcoming Trump to campaign with Walker] happen?”
Jeff Hays: Yes. And for a year-and-a-half, I’ve been totally open to the President coming out. I think that, hey, he’s got the bully pulpit. We’d have thousands of people who would want to see him, just like they did during his election. And I think it’s because we know more about him, now. We know that he’s going to get things done for the benefit of Coloradans. So, you know, the campaign and the Party are certainly in conversation about how to strategically map that out. So, yeah! I would love to get on the president’s calendar.
Tubbs: Let’s hope that can happen.
Hays: You know, he’s got to win Colorado in 2020!
Tubbs: Yeah. No doubt.
Other leading Republican candidates, like U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, in Colorado have yet to voice their views on whether they want Trump here.
In 2014, Obama made a campaign stop in Denver in support of Gov. John Hickenlooper, who was running for his second term at the time.
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Coffman doesn't want to be seen with Russian Asset Benedict Donald?
Walker Stapleton and Jeff Hays want to be seen with Russian Asset Benedict Donald?
Come on, it's not like Benedict Donald is any more toxic than the REAL Presidents that preceded him. Or any more in a hostile foreign power's pocket.
Maybe he can get Sean Spicer, he's touring the book
Or Manafort – if he's pardoned by then.
Or those guys in … Oregon that just got pardoned
Corey Lewondowski
Hell- just throw down and get Putin.
Coffman has no principles. If the polls say do it, he'll do it.
Coffman has to lose this year. There will never be a better shot to send this hypocrite packing!
C'mon, Charlie Brown!
You're really going to kick it this time
Why? What's different that translates to the W?
Two years of absolute Republican rule with Coffman doing nada. Let him be smug and assume he will win "because".
Yes We Can!
Today's Denver Post editorial board wrote one of their own editorials (usually, they just reprint another paper's editorial because this paper is but a shell of its former self) commending Gardner, Buck and Coffman for standing up to Trump. They praised Coffman because of this: "Coffman said, 'President Trump…should give greater consideration to US intelligence agencies over the Kremlin's rhetoric.'"
Mercy me! I've got the vapors! Did Coffman really say that?!?
They go on to say, "Standing up to the popular leader of your political party when he does wrong is important but never easy — even when that leader is Trump."
Yeah, it's a real profile in courage to ask for "greater consideration" of your own intelligence agencies over Putin. Is Chuck Plunkett back at the Denver Post?
When they say "popular" do they mean popular with Republicans or popular in general?
If they mean the latter, can I get some of what they're smoking?
Also, praising Gardner? NYT says Gardner's "condemnation" was among the weakest of the Republican Senators' responses.
I would think the Post getting a new editorial board would go a long way towards restoring faith in Colorado's paper of record. They sound painfully out of touch.
It's no longer "they". Megan Schrader, back from maternity leave after the great purge, is now the Editor of the Editorial Pages, and as far as I know the only "editor" in that department. Maybe someone else is helping with handling the letters to the editor.
In prior editorials, she seemed to be a teensy bit liberal, but yeah, today's editorial strained to be generously supportive of the wimps on the Right. Alden and Digital Media are surely watching very closely.
I read that Coffman is boldly standing up to the Republican leadership by pushing a net neutrality bill and signing a discharge petition for it.
538's Tracking Congress still has him as 95.4% pure in voting with Trump. That puts him out as the Republican who is 5th most out of step with his district, trailing only Valadao, Comstock, Paulsen, and Royce.
Was that 95.4% pure or vile?
Stay the course , Congressman! Someday they will thank you!
Didn’t Moddy infer just last week that Mark Udall lost because he didn’t campaign with Obama? Grab that red phone and right his course!!