“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”
–Norman Schwarzkopf
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BY: DavidThi808
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
IN: Thursday Open Thread
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: QuBase
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Trump stinks.
Manafort could go to jail today.
Let the singing begin.
The long arm of the law is closing in on Trump.
Stay upwind, America.
If we're lucky, Cohen will also be arrested today.
Captain Bone Spurs has a (not-so-subtle) message for Merika:
And failure to applaud Trump's every word is treason…
"I wanna to be a dictator when I grow up!” Well, he's halfway there.
I’m not sure about the “tater” part.
Lol Cookie!
Oh, silly me! …Screaming Yam. People do call sweet taters yams, even if they're not really.
So he really is a dick-tater.
It is official …
Judge sends Paul Manafort to jail, pending trial
I agree with all the sentiments expressed above. But, another thing…
I have a little heartburn about UAF voting in our primary. It is not a good long term solution to a problem that exists. I'd like to suggest that UAF have their very own primary. Let them collect signatures to get on ballot and select their candidate. We'd probably end up with a 3 way every election so let's have an instant run off.
If the numbers put out so far as to the number of indies participating in either party's primary is any indication, you need not worry about them effecting the outcome.
I never expected this massive influx of unaffiliated voters participating in the primaries. Some may be unaffiliated as a matter of principle (i.e., both parties are rotten).
But most indies are apathetic. While they complain about the wretched choices they have in November, they cannot be bothered getting involved in the process earlier in the year.
"Some may be unaffiliated as a matter of" a desire to choose which primary to participate in.
"Some may be unaffiliated as a matter of" a desire to [ineffectively] reduce the amount of political crap (phone calls, junk mail) they receive.
So Dave, now that you could theoretically turn in either primary ballot (depending on how much ratfucking you want to do), do you receive twice as much political mail?
Just curious.
True, dat.
Why do you think unaffiliated are not going to effect the outcome? As of June 14, the illustrious Secretary of State reports 234,065 ballots turned in — 49,661 unaffiliated. That's 21% of all ballots, a number that certainly can impact primary, multi-candidate races.
That's an increase from the number which was posted last week when it was much smaller even as a percentage. So I stand corrected. In a close race, they could make a difference.
Manafort to await trial in Graybar Hotel. Good news is– no more ankle monitors! (he had two).
Trump going down. He will go down swinging and doing as much damage to our Democracy as possible. He will not finish out his term, but Democrats do no one any good by waiting until November in some kind of strategic electoral move. The fact that Colorado’s Democratic congressional delegation is woefully silent as this goes down in real time, and that CPols doesn’t seem to have any thought of prodding those representatives, is a sign of cowardice and impotence that must change.
As opposed to the fact that some of them have been speaking out or outright protesting the separation of immigrant children from their parents. I am seeing more and more of that from Dems in and out of Colorado.
Don 't you think the inaction of Colorado Democrats is Chris Cillizza's fault, Zappy?
Why blame Cillizza when he can blame SFL Bennet?
Beca use Bennet is just a Cillizza puppet, that's why.
Yeesh. Do I have do all the heavy lifting around here?
And they're both shilling for Jason Bane. I think we've covered Zappy's unholy trinity.
I’ll be clear: Bennet is a fucking coward for any number of reasons: 1) he values bipartisanship over every other principle of governance. This is a dodge. 2) He only endorses the safest policy choices on his own. 3) He would obviously be a Republican but for their antidiluvian social beliefs.
All of this points to someone playing it safe who will retire an 80-year-old senator who hasn’t done anything of significance his entire career. And CPOLS will sponsor a Gofundme for his statue.
Using your definition, pretty much everyone is, at some point, a fucking coward.
He would obviously be a Republican but for their antediluvian beliefs….
So would I. What is your point?
That would be idiotic. How could you jump to such a conclusion? … oh, wait.
The reason I criticize Jason and Alva’s reliance on Cillizza is that he is one of the most superficial, and WRONG, pundits who had a large investment in the Bullshit email story that helped elect our current president, and every time they quote him they encourage his incompetence.
I'm continually confused by your stance, Zappatero.
What would you have Democrats DO? Why do you see them (us?) as "waiting until November"?
What would be a satisfactory statement that would have you stop bemoaning, claiming our Congressional delegation are "woefully silent as this goes down in real time" ?? A few (non-Colorado) Democrats have actually introduced the initial resolution calling for an impeachment investigation — which got voted down. Most others (including the Colorado delegation) have sponsored or co-sponsored resolutions protecting the Special Counsel as he conducts his investigation — which have been voted down. All of the Colorado delegation have objected to various aspects of the Trump Sad!-ministration, using their positions on committees and their communication options to rouse a response on particular issues.
And while I'm at it, care to divulge which candidate is adequate to draw your support? I'm particularly curious about the present governor's race, but if you prefer to share some other commitment, I'd be happy to read that, too.
What would you have Democrats DO?
Set their hair on fire, jump up and down, and nominate a bunch of Bolsheviks to run in competitive districts.
Oh, and scream FREE STUFF at the top of their lungs.
That's the one, R&R. Zappy would be happy with nothing less than a reanimated Che Guevara. I'd argue with him directly, but he's just become tiresome.
Check and Mate.
Have a nice day, all!
You can't checkmate yourself when all you play is checkers.
Zap – acknowledge the Master Baiters, but don't respond to the bait. You're all fellow members of the Democratic circular firing squad, plinking away at anyone attempting real world change, while reserving your own activism for snarky comments and writing the occasional check.
It's a fair question about what you want Dems to do…..support impeachment, support single payer health care, support ____ policy, what?
I've been critical of Bennet for his loyalty to the financial services industry, which got us into the PERA hole we're still digging out of. But he's also become a worthy spokesman for public lands, hemp, public health, and other issues.
I don't read Chris Cilliza. I have no idea why you are so critical of Jason (Bane, Salzman, or both?) They're competent journalists and provide us with a forum here.
Exclusive: Democrats, anticipating heated primary, set earlier 2020 convention date
I vote for Birmingham. That'd make the rest of Sessions' hair fall out.
Rob Rogers, a 25-year veteran political cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, lost his job when he published the following cartoon:
The Post Gazette was acquired by Block Communications, which is owned by the family of Paul Block, an ardent Trump supporter: The Gazette did publish a racist cartoon, but is refusing to run Rob Roger's anti-Trump work (19 of his cartoons were killed this year) – Columbia Journalism Review
As with our Denver Post, Block, following the Alden / Digital First Media model fired all the union people when the contract expired, and outsourced the printing.
What you can do: continue to work for independent media. Follow Rob Rogers on Twitter – that's his only forum now.
It's pretty fair to assume that when Rob Rogers was first hired, "cultural fit" wasn't the most important thing in hiring decisions.
Trump Wants to Bail Out Coal and Nuclear Power. Here’s Why That Will Be Hard.
Dreamers* and allies held vigil outside Gardner's Yuma home tonight. The Senator was down in Durango meeting with people about the wildfire down there. His wife was at home, but escorted out.
The demonstration was very peaceful – chanting, singing, music, poetry, stories. But they made their point- Gardner needs to quit pretending to care about immigration reform, quit waffling and talking out of both sides of his mouth, and actually work to get a humane policy passed.
*”Dreamers” are young people brought to the USA as children, but who grew up here and are seeking to become citizens.