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June 14, 2018 12:51 PM UTC

GOP Challenger Touts Health While Opponent Recovers from Back Surgery

  • by: Erik Maulbetsch

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

An Otero County Republican candidate forum got personal last week when primary challenger Don Bendell touted his health and pain tolerance at an event incumbent State Rep. Judy Reyher (R-Swink) was forced to miss while recovering from spinal surgery. 

Reyher is recovering from a May 22 spinal surgery for severe disc disintegration and was unable to attend. She sent a long letter explaining her absence, listing her legislative accomplishments and offering her priorities for her the upcoming year. It started with an extensive explanation of her recent surgery and the challenges that prevented her from attending the debate.

“When [the surgeons] got in there it was worse than they thought with the actual membrane surrounding the nerve being impaired.  I believed I could just drive La Junta for the forum today and and drive back tomorrow for my first post-op visit. My body put a full halt to that notion this morning as I was getting ready to make the trip. My body just has a lot of healing to do.”

Her opponent, Don Bendell, began his remarks by asking for prayers for Reyher’s recovery.

“I came here to debate. I really feel bad for my opponent, I’m sorry she couldn’t be here and I ask for you to join me in prayer for her quick recovery. I certainly can sympathize, since I started running I’ve had two 9mm kidney stones… It’s not fun dealing with pain but I’ve dealt with it my entire life. I had a broken back too, in 2011 and my prayers certainly go out to my opponent. I’m not here to say anything bad about my opponent but I am here to talk about her record.”

He then launched into a stump speech before taking questions from the audience. The first question was, “What do you have to offer Otero County?”

Here was his answer:


“Well for one thing, my enthusiasm. I’m the same age as Judy Reyher. And I’m also a disabled Vietnam veteran. But I work out every morning. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs. And I’m not suggesting she does, please don’t misread what I’m saying. I’m very healthy. And I’ve had plenty of health issues. But I don’t ever let health issues stop me. I don’t let pain stop me. When I had those kidney stones, I took extra strength Tylenol. When I broke my back in 2011, I took extra strength Tylenol.”

Reached for comment Rep. Reyher said,

“There is no response to that. I have no further comment.”

Asked to elaborate on his reasoning for raising the issue of health and pain tolerance, Bendell reiterated that he sympathized with her, having endured his own health challenges with kidney stones. He went on to say that he also raised it because he’s heard complaints that since entering office, Reyher has largely remained in Denver.

“The reason I said that is that a lot of the constituents complained that she got elected to Denver and stayed there and that she didn’t come back to the district. She got an apartment in Denver and stayed there.”

In her letter to the event, Reyher addressed her decision to remain in Denver (at least post-surgery) as part of the recovery process. Bendell acknowledged that before returning to the theme of pain tolerance.

“Everybody has different levels [of pain tolerance]. I was a Green Beret, she wasn’t. I don’t expect her to have the same pain tolerance as me. I certainly don’t. However long she takes to recuperate that’s between her and her doctors. That’s none of my business.”

He also noted that he had experienced a migraine headache before last night’s forum in Pueblo, but that he didn’t tell anyone but his wife and the organizer.

“I don’t let pain control me. I don’t let pain define me. But that’s me. I don’t expect Judy or  anyone else to be me. But I was also making a point. If there’s a blizzard and I’m in Denver serving the constituents of HD47 and God forbid I’ve broken both legs, I’ll get on some crutches or drag myself and I’ll do it because that’s what I said I’ll do and a man is only as good as his word.”

The video of the entire forum is available on the Otero County GOP Facebook page. It begins with the reading of Reyher’s letter. Bendell’s speech begins at approximately 48 minutes. His answer to the question from the audience begins at 52 minutes. This story was first published on the Colorado Times Recorder.


14 thoughts on “GOP Challenger Touts Health While Opponent Recovers from Back Surgery

  1. Otero County GOP races to the bottom…. oh wait, they're already there.

    Don Bendell, you know what would be a good way to differentiate yourself from your opponent? Tell your prospective constituents that you will not be a racist, that you will not post memes  comparing Michelle Obama to a gorilla, or any of the other nasty stuff Reyher has posted.

    A sweet little grandma she's not. It's too bad about Ms. Reyher's back, but Mr. Bendell,  if you want Clarice Navarro's old job representing HD47, show that you are a better human being. Or Bri Buontello will.

    Isn't that right, Moddy?

    1. Just hating the Masons causes me chronic back pain.  And that's mandatory.  The U.S. once had an AntiMasonic Party.  It later merged with the American (Know Nothing) Party and what was left of my beloved Whig Party to form the Republican Party.

      Hey, Nutlid!  Where do you stand on the Masons?


  2. I would say that he crossed a line (several actually), but considering his opponent is one who has spent a good deal of time erasing lines of decency….  well….meh….

      1. Maybe an Old West-style dual (special spelling for Nutters) with a contemporary flair: a couple of AR-15s with taser lights? Winning gun gets auctioned off at the next GOP fundraiser (with a full clip and dinner with Moddy)?

        Definitely more civilized than the bull-calf exercise. 

  3. Ah, another person who believes that getting sick is a personal failing. I guess Reyher didn't believe in fairies enough, or clap her hands in the right rhythm and pitch.

    Nice to know Bendell can beat his pain with good ol' Tylenol, and doesn't need no steenkin' opioids.

    He just has to watch his liver…

    1. Thanks for the link, Lucy. My wife can't use anything but acetaminophen due to a history of caustic ulcers. I didn't know about the cumulative overdose effect.

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