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May 31, 2018 06:22 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.”



34 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

    1. Once again, as he has done repeatedly in the past, he will show his complete lack of courage and run from this debate.

      His reward for doing so?  A win in the primary and a win in the general election. 

      His constituents are getting the congressional representation they deserve.

      A short story about his first (and one of his last) Congressional debates:

      When he ran the first time in 2006, he had five opponents in the primary.  El Pomar sponsored a debate among the six Republicans and just to show they were being non-partisan, they invited the one Democrat in that respective primary, Jay Fawcett, to also participate.  As it would turn out, they had the six Republicans seated, with Lamborn last, and at the end of them they had Jay.  So with every question, Lamborn had to either prep his answer in knowing that Jay would be next, or he had to respond directly after Jay said something.

      He came across looking terrible.  He couldn't, at all, adequately respond to Jay's different responses and many times stumbled over himself because he was so flustered by opinions that were different than his.

      After the debate, I went around and asked people in attendance, not who they thought won, but who they thought did the worst.  With the exception of a few of his loyal supporters, the universal response was that Lamborn came in dead last – even many of the Republicans there thought Jay came across much better.

      It's no wonder that his handlers have ever since steered him away from debates – he just comes across terrible in them.  It also might be a reason why he is so ineffective in Congress: he cannot adequately convey his ideas and he is totally incapable of discussing issues with people who he disagrees with.



      1. Maybe we should hope that Lintballs wins the primary then, so that he comes up against Rev. Dr. Spaulding, who is a professional communicator. Of course, he'd probably refuse to debate her, too….

      1. You guys always rag on Zap to talk about a different subject, and when he does, you inevitably do that….

        C'mon…set an example…engage his subject…

        take a chance☺

          1. Maybe if he clarifies what he is talking about. Is it a grand jury indictment for armed robbery in Idaho or white collar fraud in Arkansas?

  1. "Trade wars are easy to win!"

    Trump is set to impose 25% tariffs on steel & aluminum from Europe, Mexico & Canada.

    The result will sow dimension with our allies, and the actions will benefit Russia and China. Prices will rise for any US products that use steel or aluminum.

    China has responded: they no longer accept US recycling, and are no longer buying US soybeans.

    Europe has filed to add tariffs to US Bourbon and Harley Davidson, products specific to Mitch McConnel's & Paul Ryan's districts.

    Let's turn Kentucky blue. Also, the big soybean producing states across the midwest.

    1. Sow dissension, not "dimension", right, Parkhill? Damn autocorrect.

      That’s going to suck if China isn’t accepting our waste plastics anymore. Into the landfill they go? Or is our homegrown recycling industry coming back?

      I know some farmers around here that are not going to be happy about the soybean rejection. I don’t know how they reconcile it with making America great again…

              1. Samantha Bee has built a career in comedy on the premise that there is something really hilarious about a woman shouting the C-word. Now, we'll see if her advertisers have the last laugh.

                    1. Exactly, MADCO. Context is everything. Lenny Bruce and George Carlin and Richard Pryor did time and suffered career setbacks to be able to push the boundaries of satire and say the "7 forbidden words".

                      So now we allow those words in the context of adult comedy. We don't allow them in political discourse. We don't allow them in teaching. We do allow them in art, literature, drama, poetry, for adult audiences.

                      Samantha Bee committed her offense  in the correct context. She should not have to lose her show, or anything more than some viewers, possibly advertisers.

                      Rosanne Barr mistook the context. She thought she was her character, and could espouse  her character's beliefs, in real life as herself on the public stage. She found out differently, quickly and harshly.

                      Had her character, Roseanne, in the context of the show, made some racist remarks, it would have been a dramatic conflict, resolved by her character being shown to be bigoted and wrong.

                      If you're old enough to remember "All in the Family", Carroll O'Connor was a master at that. His character, Archie Bunker, was an unrepentant bigot who said some pretty unforgiveable things. 

                      He always came up against reality; his black neighbors humanity, his own self interest as a working man, etc.  The premise of the hit show was that bigots can be wrong headed but loveable, and that we as a country need to be able to talk about and deal with difficult issues.

                      I never watched the new "Roseanne", so I don't know if that was the same premise, or if it was just, "We need to understand Trump voters better".  At any rate, Roseanne was no Carroll O'Connor.  The premise of the show, whatever that was, exploded when she revealed that she truly is a racist. Then it wasn't funny anymore.

                      We have a "leader" who doesn't know if he's on TV or not half the time, and says stuff completely inappropriate for a leader to say. We're stuck with him for the time being. But let's hope his show gets cancelled, too.

                  1. Of course, I checked out the Samantha Bee "Full Frontal" episode in which she had said the dreaded "C" word.

                    Here's what I noticed:

                    1.There is a parental advisory before anyone tunes in to comedy central. It says This show is rated

                    'TV-MA for mature audiences  – Viewer discretion advised."

                    So people tuning in had a clue that they might hear something kind of inappropriate for kiddie's ears.

                    2. The comment was made in connection with something truly obscene – ripping children away from their parents because they have the temerity to approach the borders of the US seeking asylum, while being at the same time poor, and brown.

                    Bee found it obscene that Ivanka Trump was showing off her own child in a tweet while it was accepted and advertised US policy to take children away from other mothers. 1500 kids are "missing" – no one knows if they are still at a military base, with foster parents, family friends, being trafficked for sex or labor, or ????

                    I like the Popsugar commentators' take on this (with the bleeped out Bee bit)


                    We have always had these magic 7 dirty words you can't say on television. Lenny Bruce and George Carlin paid a price to be able to say those words in public. Stephen Colbert got grief, maybe had to pay a fine for saying what people say on this blog every day about Putin and Trump's (presumed) sexual relationship.

                    Maybe what's so shocking (or not) about Bee's saying the C word is that she is a woman, talking about her own and Ivanka's shared anatomy, and women are just not supposed to do that.

                    1. So you're cool with calling the president's daughter a c—.  Would you be so supportive if Rudy Guiliani used the same insult attacking Nancy Pelosi?

                      Somehow, I doubt it.

                    2. I’d pay to watch a Giuliani smackdown by Pelosi. My money would be on Grandma Nancy.

                      In the words of Betty White: (you’ll have to Google it).


  2. Fracktastic Weld County still in the news.

    In Colorado, Fracking Is Back, and So Are the Battle Lines

    In Weld County — the center of the state’s oil and gas activity and home to more than 23,000 active wells — that tension has converged at a school called Bella Romero Academy. Just behind the school, workers are laying the foundation for a 24-well project that will pull oil and gas from the earth as students race across the playground.

    The project has the support of state regulators and the county commission. But it is opposed by the school board, the superintendent and many parents, some of whom say they support fossil fuel development but are alarmed by such a large operation so close to their school.

    Well heads will sit 828 feet from the edge of Bella Romero property.

    Dulce et decorum est pro petroleum industria mori

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