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May 18, 2018 09:38 AM UTC

It's Thoughts and Prayers Time Again

  • by: Colorado Pols

Add Santa Fe, Texas to a long, sad list of places where kids died for your freedom.


38 thoughts on “It’s Thoughts and Prayers Time Again

            1. It's happened as you predicted  Michael. Abbott is now saying that the problem is not guns but hearts turned away from Jesus.     

              More thoughts, more prayers please.

              1. Hearts turning away from Jesus…is he talking about the Freedumb Caucus wanting to gut SNAP? Billionaire tax giveaways? A healthcare system in collapse?  His cry for prayer to end gun violence is probably going to turn out exactly like their prayer for rain in the last drought (hint: the drought intensified).

                I'm all for prayer…whatever form you choose to partake.  But the little baby Jesus gave us an effing brain with the expectation that we use it.  

                A fish rots from its head…and it's getting pretty stinky around here.  To quote V:  stay upwind, Merika.  


                1. No surprise really, I read yesterday that it was the Lt. Genius Pastor Governor Patrick from the Christian Republic of Texas who, after the slaughter of teh gayz in Florida, tweeted his heartfelt christian condolences,  “Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” 

                  . . . Not sure who the Sante Fe schoolchildren thought they were trying to fool?

              2. Insufficiently jesus schoolchildren gotta’ die . . . 

                . . . Hey Governor Fucking Fuckingehead, please splain’ to the folks why the only country in this world that this continues to happen to such an extent is christian Amurika???  And, why christian Texass is the state where it happens more than most???

  1. President Trump commented on the shooting in a tweet on Friday.

    “Early reports not looking good,” he said. “God bless all!”

    Well, I guess that takes care of that, now.  Who’s ready for a round at my golf resort? Full price, you can put it on your agency expense account . . . 


  2. And the shooter is only 17 years old……

    Does everyone know what that means? Because juveniles cannot be subject to the death penalty, this kid will, if found guilty, be sent to the Texas department of corrections for the rest of his natural life. (If found NGRI, he will be sent to a mental hospital for the rest of his life.)

    Now life expectancies in prison are not what they are in the outside world. However, if this kid lives for another 50 years, that will cost the taxpayers of the Lone Star State approximately $1,700,000 ($34,000 per year times 50 years). That presumes no increase in the cost of incarceration over the next half century which, of course, is not realistic.

    Let's hear it for the ammosexuals calling for personal responsibility and holding accountable those who commit violent crimes with a firearm.

    Where is Negev at a time like this??? Deep in prayer and mediation, I would think.

    1. Oh I'm here. Kinda pathetic analysis at this moment but since you have your abacus out do the math on a buyback/confiscation program. If your concern is the economic expense you will find your equation much more cost effective.


    2. Fo r what it's worth, RandR, life imprisonment is a bargain compared to the death penalty.  Florida spent about $8 million to execute Ted Bundy.  The cost mostly goes into expensive legal appeals.  I am not opposed to the death penalty but please don't think it saves money.  It doesn't.

      1. I know the economics of capital cases versus non-capital and you are correct, V.

        But Texas being Texas – where justice is defined as a fair trial followed by a fine hanging – the gut reaction of most Texans was probably, "Give em the death penalty!" That's consistent with both the personal responsibility mantra ss well as the Old Testament's criminal justice code.

  3. Update I just read — 10 dead, 10 injured, 1 arrested and 1 more "detained."

    And we've got an update on "thoughts and prayers." Our illustrious *resident says "We grieve for the terrible loss of life and send our support to everyone affected by this absolutely horrific attack." I wonder if grief and support will do anything for the wounded and the families and friends of the dead?

  4. I always discuss current events with students. Not today. Just couldn't. I think I'm getting numb to it. Just another school shooting, another mentally ill or unstable kid, another day when ten students or teachers happy for upcoming summer break or graduation are suddenly….ended.

    It's time for finals and graduation – a high stress time for all. Now a whole town gets to have PTSD and deep grief on top of that. But by golly, their second amendment right to go out and create mayhem and tragedy has not been infringed.

  5. Since it's too early to talk about Santa Fe without it being in a political context, can we now talk about solutions to gun violence regarding the Parkland shooting?

    I know a solution. Vote the gun nut Tim Neville's out of office for starters.  Like Climate Science rejectionists, vote them out of power.  Now.  This cycle.  Get them off the stage.

    1. What is the Parkland shooting? Don't you realize that the average attention span of most folks in the US is about 15 minutes. On a good day.

  6. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming in, folks…….

    Another shooting tonight at Mount Zion High School in Jonesboro, Georgia. One dead, one injured. Graduation night.

  7. Just another numb feeling in the soul.  What are the answers?

    Background checks?

    He didn't buy a gun, he took his dad's weapons.

    Ban assault rifles.

    He used a shotgun.  While an AR-15 is designed solely to kill people, shotguns are mainstream, to hunt pheasants, geese, ducks, doves and clay pigeons.  Banning them really does infringe on the rights of millions of sportsmen. The ducks would probably support the idea, but they can't vote.

    Raise gun-buying age to 21.

    He was 17 and didn't buy them anyway.

    Thoughts and prayers.

    Yeah, that always works.

    So, do what we can, save who we can but face the fact that we can never stop the carnage, only dial it back a bit.

    1. Dial it back.  No one’s thinking or even pretending (except for the disingenuous Negevs of the world, trying to stretch any sane reduction into absolute ad infinitum absurdism) that man’s unending ingenuity for slaughtering his fellow man is going to ever be eliminated.  Let’s maybe just not make it so fucking easy, huh?

      And, safe storage requirements for maybe households with minors?  And a requirement that gun owners have some minimum liability coverage or personally face the full cintributory cost of any mishaps.  (Fuxsakes, if the invisible fist of the insurance market is societally acceptable for homeowners and vehicle owners why isn’t it for ammosexuals?)

      Fuck yes, dial it back.  I can’t handle any more “more guns” mean a safet society, or a more polite society, or any of those other ridiculousisms.

      How Congress Has Dithered as the Innocent Get Shot

      Remember when “four dead in Ohio” was enough to spark some action??????

      Dial it back!  (Heyzuess, to whom isn’t that obvious?! It isn’t like there’s not a majority of sane non-shithole countries on this planet that haven’t figured this one out)

      1. And, safe storage requirements for maybe households with minors?  And a requirement that gun owners have some minimum liability coverage or personally face the full cintributory cost of any mishaps.


        I'd suggest, along with the insurance requirement, imposing absolute liability (strict liability + no affirmative defenses) on owners. Some jackoff gets hold of your firearm and kills someone with it? You're jointly and severally liable with the shooter for the wrongful death. Period.

        You took all reasonable steps to secure the weapon, but the killer got it anyway? Tough titty. You're still liable. 

        The victim provoked the shooting? Too bad, so sad. You're still liable.

        The victim was a 30-year-old neurosurgeon with a dependent spouse and three minor children? Here's hoping you bought lots and lots of that insurance, cuz not only are you absolutely liable but the recovery caps applicable to injury/death cases generally wouldn't apply either.

  8. The cynic will no doubt say something along the lines of "Nothing fails like prayer," but that simply isn't true. After the last incident of this sort I petitioned the Lord with prayer, asking that He please intercede and stop the next gun-toting shitball bent on slaughtering children in their school. The Lord answered, but the answer was "Go fuck your momma."

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