(Great, now the whole damn country knows – promoted by Colorado Pols)
FRIDAY POLS UPDATE: The Denver Post editorial board Tweets back:
DenverPost_EdBoard @Sen_Schultheis: Don’t think we buy your claim you didn’t mean to equate the president with terrorists. No one is buying it.
DenverPost_EdBoard @Sen_Schultheis: We’re tired of the Birther culture you’re appealing to. Attack Obama on the merits of his agenda, but recognize Obama is sincere.
DenverPost_EdBoard @Sen_Schultheis: To believe that the American people elected a president intent on destroying the U.S. is hateful and absurd. Such debate is debasing.
DenverPost_EdBoard @Colorado_GOP: Demand that Sen. Schultheis apologize. Insist that your party keep its criticisms meaningful. The president isn’t a Manchurian destructor…
Original post follows.
Keith Olbermann went on a tear tonight!
Recently, Sen. Dave Schultheis (R-Colorado Springs) said this to his followers on Twitter: “Don’t for a second, think Obama wants what is best for U.S. He is flying the U.S. Plane right into the ground at full speed. Let’s Roll.”
As reported in today’s Denver Post, Ed Kowalski, a director for the New York-based 9/11 Families for a Secure America, said Schultheis was “clearly” referring to United Flight 93, the plane that hijackers flew into the ground on 9/11. (Denver Post 11/12/09). “Let’s roll” reportedly were the last words from one of the passengers just before they attempted to storm the cockpit.
Schultheis claims in the Post article that he wasn’t referring to Flight 93 and comparing President Obama to Al Qeada terrorists. But that’s baloney, and we all know it.
Tell Dave Schultheis what you think.
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Now we’ll have the other right-win douchebags competing to say something even more heinous. Being called out by Olberman is a badge of honor to these twerps.
Dave Schultheis will top this. My timeline? He will be tasting his feet (and will get national coverage for it) within 6 months.
Remember, the scorpion will ALWAYS sting the frog…
The Twit by our state’s chief twit (and he has lots of competition!) was bad enough.
But then Schultheis pees on our legs and tries to tell us it’s raining, when he lamely claims that he wasn’t referring to Flight 93.
Your constituents are plenty dumb – they’ve voted for YOU, after all – but they aren’t THAT dumb.
Watch him get re-elected.
I thought I heard that he was out of the 2010 race for that district. Don’t worry, down there, even he’s not the bottom of the barrel.
His AIDS babies comments also earned him a slot in the worst people in the world segment.
usually its reserved for national figures like Michelle Bachman. To think one of our own ranks with that nutcase is quite a superlative.
The danger is that Schultheis will change his mind and decide to run again, and set up a website and the radical right wing will send him money.
The Republican brand is spiraling in the drain.
I already stated the obvious that this was embarrassing and stupid, but who exactly is the Denver Post Editorial Board to tell any politician what to think?
They share, you know….opinions.
But weren’t they tweeting to hum directly?
I’m not into the twitter so much so maybe I’m misunderstanding the context.
The editorial board doesn’t have a Twitter account. It was a satirical device — same as an opinion piece might be simulated letter or faux transcript.
I withdraw my criticism.
you gotta admit, it was at least a little funny.
see http://www.dcgop.org/
They have creams for that, and ointments.
Space limits do wonders for the clarity and precision of editorial reasoning.
Q. “How do you know when a liberal is really dead?”
A. “When he stops calling you a racist.”
Big supporters of Schultheis are conservative tea-party operatives Jeff and Christa Huff of Castle Rock. They tweet back and forth regularly (or they did until I couldn’t stomach the ugliness anymore and had to stop reading).
I wonder what his thoughts are.. Just sayin.