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September 09, 2015 02:22 PM UTC

Robert Blaha (and His Checkbook) Will Run for U.S. Senate

  • by: Colorado Pols
Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

Robert Blaha is drawing a line in the sand…in October.

John Frank of the Denver Post caught up with the Colorado Springs Republican on Tuesday, and Blaha let it be known that he is planning to run for U.S. Senate in 2016:

In an interview Tuesday, the Republican said he would formally announce his bid for the GOP nomination in early October.

Before Bennet’s announcement Friday that he would back the Obama administration’s negotiated agreement, Blaha pledged to make the issue his deciding factor. A yes vote, he would enter. A no vote, he would stand down.

“I drew a line in the sand and I said this is something that is bad for Colorado, it’s bad for America and it’s very bad for Israel,” he said…

…Blaha’s ability to put significant cash into his own bid is putting him on the GOP map, given that the announced candidates so far have raised little money to challenge Bennet. [Pols emphasis]

That last sentence is the key here. Blaha is President of something called Human Capital Associates, which kind of sounds like something George Costanza might have invented but nevertheless has helped make Blaha a very wealthy man. Blaha has no qualms about using his personal wealth to fund his political dreams, so his presence as a Republican Senate candidate must be taken seriously to some degree.

State Sen. Tim Neville
State Sen. Tim Neville

Back in 2012, Blaha spent nearly $800,000 of his own money in a losing effort to unseat Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO5) in a Republican Primary. If he was willing to write such a big personal check for a Congressional seat, you’d have to imagine that Blaha is willing to spend even more if it gets him closer to the U.S. Senate. While there is always the chance that Blaha will ultimately decide not to run for Senate before he makes an announcement in October, it seems likely that he will be a full-fledged candidate; Blaha’s campaign is being handled by infamous Republican consultant Patrick Davis, who largely only works with candidates who have the ability to self-fund a campaign.

Republicans have been searching for months for a candidate to run against incumbent Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet in 2016, most recently attempting to convince Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler to jump into the race. Now, all of a sudden, Republicans have two capable Senate candidates in the self-funding Blaha and Jefferson County State Senator Tim Neville.

Can Blaha or Neville pose a significant threat to Bennet’s re-election? Perhaps. But at long last, we seem to have finally found a serious GOP field of candidates willing to mix it up in 2016.


7 thoughts on “Robert Blaha (and His Checkbook) Will Run for U.S. Senate

    1. Hear that Blaha?  Random Internet Guy says you're nobody.

      My problem with the guy is that his name reminds me of a character from an early 2000s show called Greg the Bunny– Count Blah.  The count would punctuate sentences blah with this onomatopoeic utterance blah.  Thus, the name blah.  I keep wanting to say "blah" while reading these diaries.  Blah.

  1. Blah may be a nobody, Moddy, but he is a rich nobody.  And money will buy you a lot of advertising and organization, as Polis proved against the better known Joan Fitzpatrick in their Congressional primary.  Put him in the ring one-on-one with Bennet, I wouldn't rule him out.  On the other hand, Blaha will have to answer for the fact that he put slavish adherence to Bini Netanyahu's orders above the best interests of the people of the United States.  "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran" works better as a 50s Rock song than a foreign policy for the 21st Century.

    1. Sorry. The name matters. Voters are soooo low info. I personally know someone with a nice northern European name who decided to file for a city council seat election in the burbs just because no one else had. Then someone else did whose politics matched the area and who really wanted it. Nice Name guy never bothered to really campaign. The other guy with an Asian name did. Guess who won by a landslide? Over 70% hardly lifting a finger?

    2. That's the difference between Moddy and Blaha — Moddy's a less-than-rich nobody (who also wants to bomb Iran).

      You may have thought this oozing need to bootlick every corrupt pocket-of-change would have yielded a little more respect for his betters?

    3. That's right…….Moddy needs to keep in mind that money equals speech thanks to his friends on the U.S. Supreme Court. So Blaha becomes a someone because he is rich.

  2. Sad for him, but I had to google Blaha to refresh my memory. He's the guy who primaried Lamebrain. Yes, I know, everyone else remembered who he was. But the fact that I didn't quite and I pay attention, is bad news for his campaign. 

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