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August 01, 2017 06:05 AM UTC

Colorado Day Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Nil Sine Numine, y’all.


38 thoughts on “Colorado Day Open Thread

  1. I was chatting with my lady this morning and she was expressing her dismay that we, taxpayers, are paying our taxes to support a completely dysfunctional White House. That translates into a marginally productive government. Hundreds of millions of dollars are flushing down a golden toilet every day this abomination called the Trump administration persists. We were discussing the notion of a class action law suit to recover damages. Any of our counselors know if we can do that?

    The president is a liar and a thief. It was apparent to most of America from the beginning. For whatever personal reasons voters were convinced this sick man could govern a nation, it simply shows you the power of the media in enabling "the suspension of disbelief". Did you really believe he was the financial wizard he claimed to be? Or was it the raw hatred that he personally unleashed that captured you?

     He has delivered nothing. He has failed you. Mitch McConnell gave a right wing nut job the Supreme court justice seat you so cherish…Trump was told who to pick and did so. Any Republican president would have done so. PP still has no list of right wing wonderfulness he can credit his idol with actually doing. Almost everything that been accomplished by the federal government was in place or in the works before he took office. His bold claims of personal credit for deals with Carrier and other "job creating" actions are specious at best.

    Every person who voted for this fool has a responsibility to do something about it, but you are running out of time. Call your party leadership and tell them to resist. Throw him out of the party.

    A sitting president has never changed party affiliation, to my knowledge….but why not? Trump just tweeted that he thought the insurance companies should have to suffer, too."……….That will surely endear him even more to the  #failing Republican party. 

    1. Speaking of Republican resistance to Trump: Jeff Flake's "My Party is in Denial About Donald Trump" is worth the read.

      I'm seeing plenty of R's distancing themselves from the Trump circus, the buffoon-in-chief. But I have seen exactly zero movement on policy – the Republicans, with a few exceptions, would still like to be reverse Robin Hood heroes by providing tax cuts for millionaires at the expense of health care for poor people.

      People like Ken Buck and Cory Gardner are rejecting the surface reality show, while absolutely endorsing the meaningful policy initiatives.

      Which one will cost them in the next elections – the kill-the-people policies, or the insane clown show?

  2. Of course you can sue the government. I encourage you to do so. Tap into your 401K and let it rip. 

    1. Neal Gorsuch 2. Illegal immigration down 70% 3. Stock market record 4. VA reform 5. EPA reform 6. Regulation reform 7. Soon a special prosecutor to lock up Hillary, still looking for the North Star. And I would have been pleased with just one.

    Please continue the resistance, you are just not putting out enough effort, we need a little more out of you. Your KOOK friends are counting on YOU!

    Maybe you can channel your version of Jesus and MJ can pray to the 4 points of the compass and maybe conjure up a hex on Trump. V can continue his stink campaign. Truly there is no end to the things you can imagine to be more effective.

  3. 1..a gimmee from Mitch.

    2. That was already happening …Obama was the deporter in chief

    3. The stock market record. Sure …good for all of us who own no stock.

    4. VA reform…certainly not Trumps’ doing.

    5. Corporate welfare at the publics' expense.

    6. More corporate welfare at the expense of public health.

    7. Hasn't happened and isn't likely.

    You seem to be getting angrier and angrier by the day, PP. Haven't heard you boast about winning as much as I used to….what gives? The Yam is kicking ass..

    ..his own. Now he has demonstrated clear evidence of obstruction of justice..against himself. When he wrote lil' Donnies' alibi…he wrote his own political obituary.

    Enjoy the show….


    PS……Donald Trump #failing Republican Party… is not “the government”…just the president.

      1. Interesting that someone who wrote so eloquently when a tragic shooting took place can't write anything better than bragging about laughing at people without addressing how silly he/she/it appears to be to take credit (less immigration) for something that was already in decline.  In the meantime these bogus claims get shredded with 'facts' and the only answer is hollow laughter.  Sad.

        1. Or Blinky the Clown and Blinky's Fun Club. He died recently, at 91 years old.

          People I know who were on the show said that Blinky smelled like he'd been hitting the sauce a bit. When he'd breathe out that "Happy birthday" they could feel it!

          I think he was still around when my kids were young, which was the Sesame St era.

          Somehow this ended up further up the thread – it was meant to be in reply to Neon and GG’s nostalgia comments.

  4. 1. True – but has a price. Gorsuch seat stolen from Obama in Senate "coup" which will bite them in the butt next time there is a change in leadership.

    2.Partly true – illegal immigration declined by a million /year under Obama. It has downticked more as a result of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric – and the consequence is that farmers can't get their crops harvested. Farmers want at least a guestworker program.  What do you think are the chances of that under this Congress?

    3. True – Wall St likes Trump policies – deregulation, corporate lawlessness. How's that "draining the Swamp" thing working out for y'all? However,  it is highly volatile, like our President, and the speculation may be leading to another bubble and recession, as it seems to do under every Republican administration. Then a Democrat picks up the pieces and builds the economy back up again.

    4. VA reform is an illusion. The CHOICE program, which allows vets to access non-VA private care, was implemented under Obama. All Trump has done was to extend the program for 6 months. Meanwhile, he is cutting financial support for elderly and disabled vets. It's a cynical ploy to look like he's supporting the troops while he stabs them in the back and robs their security in their old age.

    That KOOK organization, the American Legion, has called this a "stealth privatization attempt".

    5. EPA reform – I guess you could call destroying American access to decades of paid-for scientific data on climate change and the effects of pollution "reform" – if you were a total ignorant dipshit who thinks facts are just someone's opinion, and  failed all his science classes (Hi PP!).

    6. Regulation reform – do you like green chicken and moldy ham? Oh yes, PP likes them, with some spam.

    7. Your special prosecutor to lock up Hillary will remain a lullaby to rock you to sleep, clutching your binky. Meanwhile, the grownups are investigating and fighting back against the Russian takeover of our government.

    1. MJ,

      Your link on #6 is a regulation in the UK. If you don't like chicken from China, don't buy it.

      The American Legion is a fine organization but doesn't have a corner on how Vets feel about the VA. You want to demonize it because it has that terrifying word, privatization.

      EPA reform, yes love the idea. There is not a single department in the Federal Government that doesn't need to be called to account for their overreach. 

      Wall Street, are you going to complain about how your investment have increased in your retirement accounts?

      Spineless Republicans will allow a guest worker program. Caving to the farm lobby and Chambers of Commerce. Keeping wages down so you can enjoy avocados and lettuce.

      Guess you didn't hear of the "Biden Rule" when the former Vice President was in the Senate. Nothing was stollen, just good politics that Biden himself had expressed. 

      1. The Chinese chicken links are a warning of things to come. US will ship chicken to cina for processing, they process it and ship it back here, and they don't need to label country of origin. Thanks, Trump FDA for deregulation.

        I'm not "demonizing" the American Legion. But they do have legitimate (unanswered) questions about the Trump plans to privatize the VA. Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America is also skeptical. ( https://iava.org/press-release/post-911-veterans-react-to-trump-budget-proposal/ ) Per JiD's link, VA Secretary Shulkin himself says that the CHOICE program will run out of money mid – August :

        VA's approvals to veterans to use Choice have grown under Trump, but they haven't nearly doubled. Shulkin wrote in a USA Today editorial this week that outside care programs for the first half of the year increased 26 percent over the same period last year.

        Trump also glossed over Choice's financial woes.

        The VA had assured Congress that the program's money would last until early next year. But Shulkin last month admitted that Choice suddenly faced a shortfall and would run out of money by mid-August. He cited "excessive authorizations and poor budget planning."

        Guess that's a risk when your CIC governs by whim and by tweet.

        Notice that you didn't answer any of the questions I asked.

        But I guess you'll still be wearing your MAGA hat when Trump's admin cuts your VA benefits, hollows out your 401K and demands a bailout, pollutes your water and air, and sells your democracy to the Russian oligarchs.

        Little reality lesson for you: If farmers can't harvest crops that need to be hand-picked, due to shortage of immigrant laborers, prices go up.

        1. Don't have a 401k, invested in a business that provides good pay for 6 great employees.

          Why can't farmers pay more in wages for labor? Are the stingy and mean or will you not buy the avocados and lettuce.

          You are getting hysterical again with the Russian, dirty air, dirty water line. Sorry if I missed a question, what was it again?

  5. I must tip my hat to Pear. Since Putin expelled all those US diplomats and cut funding for Internet trolls, Pear has had to do all the right wing shilling on here alone.

     Pro Bono wing nuttery is under appreciated!

    1. My pay hasn't been cut. Heck I would do it just for the fun. The Pols really don't want us to go. Generates many more clicks, ad revenue you know. Soooooooo…boring with just a bunch of KOOKs talking about if only we could have what Venezuela or Cuba has.

  6. Damn straight.  Moddy is an idiot, and an intermittent one at that.  Carnholio is a lying, dishonorable shill who claims Hillary Clinton is a mass murderer.  And he doesn't even have the guts to show up during buffoon week, which is every week in this administration.

    Pear is the real thing.  Yes, wrong on virtually everything, but he keeps us in our toes.  Without him, our only dissenter would be zappy!

  7. Among other atrocities, my idiotic spell checker automatically changed Carnholio to Catholic.  My apologies, I intended no disrespect to my mackerel-snapping friends.

  8. Testing  Moddy Carnholio damn 

    I seem to have turn the damn thing off. For fellow Fire users, you access spellcheck by holding down the space bar.

  9. McConnell admits the obvious:

    “It’s pretty obvious that our problem on health care was not the Democrats," McConnell told reporters. "We didn’t have 50 Republicans."

    But not learning from that experience, is going to try the same end run for tax reform because:

    “We will need to use reconciliation” for taxes in the wake of Democrats’ statement that they are “not interested in addressing” Republican priorities, McConnell said.

    And what, pray tell are those priorities?

    "Which of our three principles don't you agree with?" Schumer asked McConnell. "Do you not agree that tax cuts shouldn't go to the very wealthy? Do you not agree that we should work in a bipartisan way? Do you not agree that we should not increase the deficit?"

    Deficits don't matter again — let the good times roll!  They never do to a Republican when there is a GOP President (just ask Reagan and the Bushes).  

    There are plenty of poor families to starve, let suffer and die to fund the tax cuts for the very wealthy! It's called Win-Win in GOP vernacular.  And what the GOP can't squeeze out of the poor, they'll make up with a return to trillion dollar deficits to help our beleaguered defense industry.

    1. Actually, Daddy Bush was somewhat cognizant of deficits…..

      He was the one who – correctly – coined the term "Voodoo economics" when he was running against Reagan in '80. Once he was selected for VP, that – and his deeply-held belief in reproductive rights – went out the window.

      And who can forget how much he pissed off his base – all ginned up by his "Read-My-Lips" speech in 1988 – when he signed a tax increase into law in 1990 which started the reduction on the deficits.

      1. Well sorta, maybe, not so sure.  Check out the raw dollars that the deficit increased with Daddy Bush vs. St. Reagan:

        George H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54 percent increase from the $2.8 trillion debt at the end of Reagan's last budget, FY 1989.

        • FY 1993 – $347 billion.
        • FY 1992 – $399 billion.
        • FY 1991 – $432 billion.
        • FY 1990 – $376 billion.

        Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981. See Did Reaganomics Work?

        • FY 1989 – $255 billion.
        • FY 1988 – $252 billion.
        • FY 1987 – $225 billion.
        • FY 1986 – $297 billion.
        • FY 1985 – $256 billion.
        • FY 1984 – $195 billion.
        • FY 1983 – $235 billion.
        • FY 1982 – $144 billion.
    1. I remember Romper Room and the magic mirror.  That was the first reality TV for me.  Kids getting to sit with Miss Genie and eat the ice cream.  Who didn't want to be on Romper Room for their birthday?

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