With President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in the books, local Republicans are hoping to put their positive spin on what is generally agreed to be an historically unproductive start to Trump’s administration–here’s Sen. Ray Scott of Grand Junction putting his best face on Trump for the Colorado Springs Gazette:
For a new president who never enjoyed the traditional “honeymoon” but instead had to swim upstream from Day One against a relentless tide of negativity, naysaying and tantrum-tossing from an embittered opposition, the media and from a Washington establishment that refuses to change, I think Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office have been nothing short of a triumph. [Pols emphasis]
While his predecessor enjoyed the longest “honeymoon” in presidential history, at eight years and counting, the hate-a-thon that greeted Trump makes his early accomplishments all the more impressive.
Trump is the first president in decades to put out a federal budget that includes actual cuts, rather than reductions in projected spending increases, which is how Washington traditionally defined a “cut.” His budget concedes the need to make choices, by paying for increases for one department by making cuts in another. That’s a major improvement over the customary practice of upping funding for virtually everything, making no trade-offs, then using printing presses to pay for the resulting deficits and debt…
Trump has been good for Colorado. He not only called a halt to the war on coal, which is good for Colorado’s coal communities and energy consumers, but he’s backing the Jordan Cove project, a major potential jobs-generator for the Western Slope that appeared doomed during the Obama years. He lifted another cloud hanging over Colorado by shelving Obama’s heavy-handed and constitutionally dubious Clean Power Plan, which smacked of the Washington-knows-best arrogance Americans are tired of.
Scott concludes:
No one can argue that Trump hasn’t fulfilled the mandate he had to shake things up. And the courage and conviction he has shown, in doing what he said he would do, is a welcome change for Americans accustomed to seeing candidates promptly abandon promises once elected, as they get swallowed by the swamp.
And there you have it, folks–the defense of a President with the lowest approval rating in history after 100 days in office. Scott’s central issue as a lawmaker is support for energy development, and that’s obvious from his effusive praise for Trump on energy issues.
Even factoring that, you can see the “reality gap” between Trump’s supporters and the rest of the nation is very, very large.
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Colorado Pols lives by the superficial and trivial attacks on Republicans, while Colorado's Democrats die at the polls because they don't stand for anything and CPols/Jason/Whoever never holds our side to any but the most minimum of principles.
That minimum principle so revered here at Colorado Pols is having a (D) behind your name.
And if it's good enough for Jason (who has bills to pay, too!), then it's good enough for anyone bold enough to put that (D) on the ballot and behind their name, and therefore it's good enough for all the Liberals and Progressives, Democrats and Citizens in CO.
And you should just happily let them ignore any bad policy choices made by their own side because it's far more important, and easy, to make fun of Republicans.
Colorado Pols: Same As It Ever Was
Hey, aren't you at least a little happy about the bipartisan federal funding bill that omits money for the wall, continues paying insurance company subsidies for the Affordable Care Act, and increases funding for medical research at NIH?
See what can happen when Dems and Repubs try to work together! Michael Bennet may yet get that convivial dinner with Mitch McConnell.
I wouldn't want to live in the far left, socialist, "paradise" envisioned by Zappatero. Sounds like present-day Venezuela.
Except that the women in Venezuela son muy bonitas!
Sorry those meanies at Pols make you spend all day every day here. Seems rude.
At least AC gets paid for it. What's zappy's excuse. (No fair claiming he's a crotchety old man with nothing better to do. That excuse is taken
Colorado Pols was founded as a political blog to discuss political issues, and that hasn't changed. We have never entered into discussions about policy issues here. You may not like this, but we've never pretended to be anything other than a political blog.
Interesting premise, that politics has nothing to do with policy. Sadly, that seems truer every day.
I enjoyed the historical rewrite about the past eight years. Trump has persevered in doing nothing with an economy given to him that was brought back from the brink in Obama's first 100 days and Scott is ecstatic about it. I have family members that show the same kind of amnesia about the past eight years or what happened between 2000-2008. It shows how inadequate it is to try and communicate with Trump cultists. When you have no baseline for reality there isn't much you can do to bridge the gap.
Trump's approval rating is up to 42%. Liberals have thrown the kitchen sink at Trump and he's still standing!
You have a good point. He has yet to reach George W. Bush levels. Give it time.
BTW, Fluffy, what did you think of his mental masturbation about the U.S. Civil War and why it wasn't avoided?
Trump also quoted in the last day saying the Constitution is "archaic." That's got to be joyful news for the religious right talibaners who want to impose biblical sharia on the country.
How's he feel about that electoral college thingee?
A whopping 42%, which simply confirms that his lunkheaded supporters are still lunkheads. Like you, Moddy
Math isn't Moddy's best subject. He missed the one day they taught the generally-accepted mathematical principle that 42 isn't bigger than 58 and that everything needs to add up to 100.
Which of the following is true?
1. 42 > 58
2. 42 < 58
Alternative facts lead to alternative mathematical computations. How else do you think his tax reform is going to lead to a balanced budget?
You mean something like 42% = the most popular president of all time?
What?!? The Laffer Curve isn't a 'thing'?!?
Or as George H.W. Bush once said, Voodoo economics.
In fairness, it is up to 42%. That's only worse than every other president since Truman. The really great news is his disapproval rating. He's by far got the highest (he's 16 points above Clinton, his nearest competition). #winning
Wohoo!! 42%!!! That's incredible Moldy!!! NOT!!!! You smell of desperation.
Waiting for my ACA article. Still.
What's remarkable about the 42% approval is that it is with all of the economic data in Trump's favor. Unemployment is low (I believe that it is as low as it has been for 10 years), the stock market is up (approximately 5% since Trump took office), inflation is low, and gas prices are low. Trump no more deserves the credit for any of this than would he deserve the blame if the numbers were bad. He simply has not been in office long enough to adopt any policies that significantly affect any of these numbers.
But, absent something really remarkable, all of these economic numbers will get worse. When they do, Trump's numbers, already at historic lows, will get worse. Despite what Sen. Scott says, Trump is enjoying a honeymoon period. It is the afterglow of the economy that Obama left for him. His numbers will get worse. That is when his trigger finger will get itchy. My prediction: As soon as he is sub 40% approval for more than 30 days, we are going to war.
Trump has a majority in the House and Senate and he still can't get it done.
If you have a majority in the House, a majority in the Senate and a president with a brain, you can get a lot done. How's that two out of three thing working out for Trump?
Ray Scott is the Western Slope's biggest embarrassment, and the competition is incredibly stiff.
Doesn't Ray Scott represent the same district (more or less – adjusted at redistricting time) that Tillie Bishop and then Josh Penry represented?
My, how they've been in a steep decline for the last 20 years or so.
It's called regression toward the mean, RandR
In other news, it doesn't appear that Congress gives two schitts about Drumpf, Beauregard or Moldy's flawed opinions on cannabis. Vlad, can you spare some rubles for enforcement?
I saw the details on the C.R. today, Michael, and I immediately thought how happy it would make you. Now if they can just get that banking bill done… With over half of the states permitting medical, if not recreational, they have to be getting closer.
We're about there! Now if we can get the banking bill over the finish line and industrial hemp descheduled we'll call it a '
hathemp trick'Of the listed uses, for which is hemp actually the preferred raw material?
Ray Scott, Gessler's got your back.