“‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ a proven policy that has served the military and the nation well since 1993.”
–Mike Coffman
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IN: “Law And Order” Gabe Evans Cops Out After Trump’s Blanket January 6th Pardons
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Yeah, that one really pissed me off since Obama pretty much had it sewn up and it was going to be fodder for the general. I was always Obama but several of my friends, all political activists, who started out Clinton felt much better about switching to Obama because the ad pissed them off too. Almost seemed like the Clintons wanted o take him down with her so she wouldn't have to wait eight years to run again. I always thought that when Obama did win and picked her as SOS instead of the more qualified Kerry it was a keep your friends close and your enemies closer sort of thing. At least at first.
Guess who else thinks HRC is the most qualified candidate in the race? After the Aleppo and the you mean you can't name even one foreign leader implosions it makes sense but with a running mate like this, who needs opponents? The Johnson campaign is officially the comic relief campaign. Except for the fact that some Bernie or Buster nitwits thinks he's the next best thing.
I think it would be better not to have a favorite foreign leader than to pick a nut case like Merkel, except it plays to the female card.
Her opening up the borders of Europe to all comers was not exactly a success story.
Better to be silent and let half the people think you are stupid than opening up your mouth when you are stupid and making clear to all that you are stupid.
Good advice, PissAnt…..you should take it….
He had the whole world to choose from and had that same "Aleppo" deer in the headlights look because he couldn't call even one name to mind.
How can someone who has obviously not paid any attention to international affairs and crises for the past decade at least seriously ask voters to make him not only our President but Commander in Chief and Leader of the Free World?
It's ludicrous. Especially since, while in the domestic sphere the legislative and judicial branches together wield more power, an American President's most potent power is wielded in the arena of international affairs, especially where questions of military intervention and diplomacy are concerned.
The White House is no place for a Libertarian so isolationist as to be completely ignorant of anything going on beyond our shores. Johnson's "gaffes" are not like failing to keep your 'stans and their dictators name's straight. The guy appears to know pretty much nothing about the larger world. Even his VP says Clinton is more qualified. Heck. I know lots of people more qualified.
He really ought to resign. He also ought to thank his lucky stars he never qualified for the debates where he would have made such a complete fool of himself even Trump would have looked somewhat smart by comparison.
He'd be good for comic relief if it wasn't for the segment of Bernie or Busters who see him as a next best to Bernie alternative just because they're both outsiders and even though, other than that, they have opposite views on 99% of the issues. They have apparently done as much homework on the issues as Johnson has done on international affairs.
Have to throw some respect to Wm. Weld. After stating that GJ is a "deep" thinker he said HRC is the best qualified
For me, the easy pick is QE2.
She has done a great job for over 60 years.
Unless you a rapid British anti-monarchist.
Best foreign leader: Pope Francis, by a mile!
ooooo… I like it!
Good choice.
And, safe.
Isn't that the whole point of the answer to the question?
You're in trouble with your boss, Carwreck. Trump yesterday cited merkle as a leader he admires. Life is hard as a shill for such an erratic overlord!
I know there are some, but I don't think there are as many Bernie-busters as people worry about. I worry more about the Kkklansters that Trump has emboldened.
Agree but in a close one "some" idiots count. Hope it's not that close.
Someone needs to explain to me why an incident with an intern nearly 20 years ago, with a different president, qualifies as something relevant today. Said relevance seems, to me, to exist only in some far out, wet dream, fantasy land, of the type peddled by far right wing paid entertainers like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, etc.
New one for all: Trump is the anti-Christ, per Matthew 24:24.
Some one will have to explain that one to me. The New Testament wasn't included in my religious ed.
Matthew 24:24New International Version (NIV)
24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
SNL 09:26:16 :
Thanks, ex.
The idea that Hillary Clinton is the antichrist is also popular in certain fringe religious groups. Seems Obama got pushed out of the antichrist position, and now the presidential candidates are competing for the title.
Former voted-out legislator and dismissed Navy Chaplain Klingenschmitt thinks that HRC is merely "possessed by a demonic spirit".
Ag Secretary Vilsack gave a great keynote to a full house tonight at the JeffCo Dems Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner after warm-up speeches from Bennet, Polis and Perlmutter.
We have a team to be proud of.
Yes we do.
And I woke up this morning to the NYT revealing why LaDonalda paid no taxes for a couple of decades: he turned a $14 million loan from his daddy into a $916 million loss in 1995. He went to his Saturday rally 80 minutes late and said (ranted) that a bout of walking pneumonia disqualified Hillary from being president.
I've been hoping (and praying, sorry, BC) that Herr Drumpf would take his ball, leave the game and go home. This kind of humiliation might push him into it. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!
His incoherent rant in that article makes Caribou Barbie look sane by comparison.
There! I was right. He doesn't have nearly the money he claims and he's a lousy "businessman". I'd be ashamed to release my taxes, too, If I was that bad at the only thing I claimed to be good at.
I've got nothing against praying. In fact tonight is the the beginning of the High Holidays, The Days of Awe, a sin atoning extravaganza starting with Rosh Hashana and culminating in the always fun total fast (not even water) 24+ hours of Yom Kippur. If you sincerely repent your sins you get to start off the new cycle with a clean slate. Kind of like a yearly tribe wide confession.
You want praying? Try 9:30 AM to 1:30 pm in a Conservative synagogue on the High Holidays. Shorter but still very lengthy in Reform and my family's choice, Reconstructionist. Not that I attend every year anymore. But, whether or not, I still do the fast. And as per the ritual I hereby ask forgiveness of everyone here I've hurt, wronged or offended and forgive everyone who may have done the same to me.
It's just the New Testament that's not my cultural thing although I do know major stuff about Christianity from living in a majority Christian culture. It just isn't something we studied in Hebrew School.
Wishing you all a Shana Tova…. a Happy New Year.
A combination between Days of Awe and the Beatitudes…would be cool
A couple of His High Comb Overness's surrogates are saying what a genius he is, because the rest of us losers never even had a billion dollars to waste the way he did. Genius!
Happy New Year to you too, BC.
Was just checking e-mail and my fave sites before checking out for Rosh Hashana dinner etc. Found this, a distinguished Chicago Trib subscriber's best guess for what must be the explanation for that strange (and in some ways reminiscent of the Denver Post's strange 2004 endorsement of Bush) endorsement of Gary Johnson. Again, Happy New Year. Enjoy. And please, pot heads, don't get all insulted. It's humor. I'll just go ahead and ask for forgiveness from you in advance.
That was priceless, B.C. Have a good holiday. We all get on each other's nerves now and then but it's all in fun.
Ah, well –
Chelsea's first "misspeak" in her political career.
Sounds less like misspeaking than repeating stuff she heard somewhere. Apparently not a fan of weed. But no biggie.
I really don't think Chelsea is a factor in this election. I don't think most younger voters see her as someone with whom they connect in the first place if that's what the campaign is trying to use her for.
If she stopped participating at all in the campaign I doubt it would make any difference one way or the other. You have to have influence in order to damage it. I don't see her having enough influence to worry about "misspeaks". She's just kind of there.