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August 03, 2016 09:02 AM UTC

Holy Shit: Trump Asks Why We Can't Use Nuclear Weapons

  • by: Colorado Pols
Umm, this is why?
Umm, this is why?

If you were somehow of the opinion that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump was just a silly sideshow in American politics, this story from CNBC should sober you up real fast:

Donald Trump asked a foreign policy expert advising him why the U.S. can’t use nuclear weapons, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said on the air Wednesday, citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee.

“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them,” Scarborough said on his “Morning Joe” program. [Pols emphasis]

What The Trump? If this story is even remotely true, this is about as scary as it gets. Say what you will about Hillary Clinton, but we’re pretty confident that she understands why it isn’t a good idea to use nuclear weapons. Ever.


36 thoughts on “Holy Shit: Trump Asks Why We Can’t Use Nuclear Weapons

  1. So what was President Obama saying about when will enough be enough, now? The GOP still isn't there yet? Seriously? 

    Hope they're looking forward to every news day from now on being just like the following single news day  One day. All these stories in one day. This was before the nukes thing broke. That one does kind of take the cake. What could possibly be next?


    1. The N.Y. Times had a story a few months back when there was speculation about the mental stability of a couple of GOP presidential candidates.

      After the 1964 election – when the Johnson campaign got some mental health professionals to question Barry Goldwater's psychological fitness – the American Psychological Association put out professional guidelines about the impropriety of psychologists opining about the stability of people they had not examined, and in particular, public figures.

      I imagine that's why no one of any credibility has conducted a Bill Frist-type exam (remember the Senator's examination of Terri Schivo via video camera) of the Donald and given an opinion that he's nuts. 

  2. The Dumpsta won't even rule out nuking Europe.  That's gonna make him really popular with our *cough*cough-allies-cough*cough*. He needs to take his ball in his tiny fingers and leave the game now before he completely messes over Amurica the KindaGreat.

    1. I used to think that, too, because it made sense. From a rational point of view why not just get everything he can out of a run and enjoy the extended fame and fortune without the the hassle of actually being the President, a job in which he must know he wouldn't have a clue.  But that was before it became so apparent that he really does have serious mental disorders that divorce him from reality. Now I think he does want to be President and that he believes he's doing a great job "winning" the contest. 

      Just look at his convention's ratings, he says. Never mind that for the first time in the history of conventions, viewers were less likely to vote for him as a direct result of viewing it by double digits. But it got good ratings so there's "something going on" with the polls. All of them

      You know what would be interesting? To see if, after the first medical deferment for bone spurs or whatever, he was at some point  permanently disqualified (as he was) due to failing psych standards.

    2. Duke, I've been saying this for weeks. He doesn't really want to be President. He just doesn't quite know how to get out of the high-level disaster he's created AND preserve the illusion of his business success.

      We should start a thread – where will the Donald be two years from now: Handing out carts at a Walmart? Creating a new Miss Universe contest only this will be Miss TeaParty of Western Kansas? I dunno.

      1. where will the Donald be two years from now


        um…Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary would be good. He is almost certainly guilty of income tax evasion….

        LOCK HIM UP!!!! cheeky

  3. Maybe it's the level of indoctrination we've all had, or maybe we should just call it a stronger ethical and moral base, but it boggles my mind that anyone in this country could be so unlettered as to not understand the consequences of using a nuclear weapon.

    1. Since there are 90+ days until the election, I suspect your mind is going to get a lot more boggled.  Just when you think the Dumpsta can't sink any lower. . . .

      Trump, unlettered and alas, unfettered.  I want a bumper sticker that reads:  A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Putin.

    2. Read the transcripts of some of his interviews The limited vocabulary and lousy grammar are quite stunning. He uses the same few simple words over and over. One can't help wondering if he paid to have someone write his papers and take his tests during his college years. He says things like…. the New York Times isn't good. They don't write good about me.

      It never gets  much more sophisticated than that. You don't even need 6th grade reading level to read his part the transcripts. No wonder he has no idea what's gong on in the world or in recent history and either can't or won't make any effort to learn. I'm leaning "can't".

        1. Nope. If his kids aren't idiots, they already know that he is, and they're just in it — foisting Dad upon the country — for the money also . . . 

          If his kids are idiots, then they don't know they are, and they're just as blissfully ignorant and dangerous as Papa Fuckface . . . 

          Save your feeling sorry for the people who have been unfortunate enough to have crossed paths with these real-life Toms and Daisys!

          They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.


  4. Fox News, the Republican Party organ, has a new poll out today showing HRC leading Drumpf by 10% (49% to 39%). The poll was in the field between 7/31 and 8/2 so it caught much of his train-wreck with the Khan family but it didn't include fallout from his going nuclear with Joe Scarborough.

        1. Well, the GOP has written off Colorado both as a potential win for Trump and as a chance to take down a Dem Senator who not so long ago was on the most vulnerable list. 

          You know Bill got lucky with Perot to win Colorado, a highly unusual feat for a Dem at the time that wasn't repeated when he ran for his second term without Perot, and the election back in '92. Now HRC, who may well win with historically high unfavorables, seems to be getting luckier every day, every tweet, every interview, with Trump. 

          Something for the Moral Majority/Focus on the Family/Holier than thou/"real" American crowd might want to contemplate…. Maybe your God just really loves the Clintons!surprise

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