As the Colorado Statesman’s Ernest Luning reports and we noted in today’s Get More Smarter roundup, GOP state Sen. Laura Waters Woods of Arvada has ditched any pretense when it comes to supporting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump–a notable shift from her cagier early position:
“I am not considering running way from him,” Woods said. “He is the people’s candidate. The people have spoken across this country — 14 million voters. I heard the other day that 86 percent of Republicans say they will vote for Donald Trump. That doesn’t say to me I should run away from him. Why would I do that?”
Woods said she’s seen recent polling that shows Trump ahead in Jefferson County, and that’s borne out by her discussions with voters.
“I know from the door knocking I have been doing this summer there is a lot of Trump support in my district,” she said. “It’s the blue collar workers, it’s the Hispanic women, it’s the union members. It’s a diverse group of people and reasons for supporting him, but I’ve bumped into quite a few Trump supporters in my district.”
It’s the same kind of diversity she saw at the Denver rally, where she and her husband stood among Trump supporters about 30 feet from the podium.
“The crowd was huge and diverse and energetic,” Woods said. “What I really loved was seeing lots and lots of millennials in the crowd. I was standing with Hispanics and I was standing with blacks and I was standing with all the ethnic groups. The diversity of support Trump has in Colorado was encouraging.” [Pols emphasis]
And there you have it, folks–in the most competitive state senate race of 2016, the Republican incumbent is fully embracing Donald Trump, and indeed says there is “lots of support” for Trump in her battleground district. While it’s likely there is support for Trump among the Republican doors Woods in knocking on, we’d be much less confident about that talking to a broader cross-section of SD-19 voters.
Especially with so much time left for Trump to offend one’s sense of middle-class suburban decency.
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You do know that this is how half the country feels about Hillary.
Too bad Woods isn't running for Senator of America.
Do you really think Arvada is so different from anyplace else?
Weren't you that same boob who just last week derided Arvada as "white bread" . . .
. . . or was that another ignorant Moderatus boob, perhaps?
Modster, Even though you pasted this comment 3 times on three different threads, it really makes no sense at all…
Do you mean that half the country feels "for Hillary" the way Laura
WatersWoods feels about Donald Trump?:"The people have spoken". [she] has huge, diverse, energetic crowds"…..If that’s what you meant, you might, finally, be correct about something.Nah. He just fucked up with his copy and paste function . . .
. . . Occam's razor, and all.