“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.”
–John Wooden
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BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
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Colorado Pols — so wrong
"(R) Ryan Frazier* (10%)
Can Frazier be anything more than a spoiler for someone else?
(R) Jon Keyser* (-5%)↓
We’ve never listed a candidate with a negative percentage before."
Baby Jon did much better than Ryan.
Sarah Palin endorsed and hosted an interview with Darryl Glenn on Mama Grizzly radio.
Glenn just repeated the usual right wing talking points:
*Hillary should be in an orange jumpsuit, not a pantsuit.
*He’s going to enjoy debating Bennet about the Iran nuclear deal.
*Orlando: go after Islamic jihad, not after the guns.
Here in Denver, it looks like the Bernie revolution has berned out with only one of the local contingent, Jack Kroll for CU Regent, winning their primary. Damn shame, too. Was rooting for Bennet (who I actually got to vote for) and Biggerstaff.
OF, what exactly was the "local contingent" for Bernie, and on what do you base your contention that "The Bernie Revolution has berned out"?
I'm on Sanders' mailing list, but doubt that you are. I got no email or hardcopy mail endorsing any local pols, including Kroll. If you are contemptuous and mocking all progressive poltiicians to the left of Michael Bennet or John Hickenlooper, that's a giant field – a lot of mocking to do.
Why would it be a "damn shame" that Kroll won? From his Facebook post:
What exactly are you disagreeing with in Kroll's positions?
Wow, ok, you seem to have taken my post the wrong way.
There was a slate of candidates (Chuck Norris, Erin Bennett, Jon Biggerstaff, Jeff Hart, Elet Valentine, Aaron Goldhamer and Jack Kroll) in Denver, while not officially endorsed by Sanders, that ran on his momentum and message in a "picking up the baton" sort of way. All except Kroll lost, and they lost badly. I voted for Kroll and Erin Bennett. I wish Biggerstaff had beaten Angela Williams. Hart and Valentine I really didn't know much about (and frankly we're all better off that Goldhamer didn't win).
What's a damn shame is that Sanders' momentum from the caucus here did not carry over into the primary for local races. 1 win in 7 races – yeah, I call that a bernout. Oh, and I'm on the Bernie mailing list, too. Don't be too quick to assume.
Sorry, OF. But the local Bernistas seem to have missed an opportunity to get some progressive candidates on those very down ballot races. The only "downballot endorsement / contribute /help volunteer" plea I got from berniesanders.com was to help Zephyr Teachout in New York. She did win her primary. But if we were supposed to be helping progressive candidates in Colorado, nobody told us.
Bernie did nothing to help down ballot races in the "RevLOLution"? I am shocked, shocked I tell you!
Hey, here's a fun one: Know that youth vote that came out for Bernie in Colorado? The one Hillary will have to pander to in order to get them to vote?
18-24 was 2% of the total votes cast. 2%!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT, THAT IS FUCKING TERRIBLE.
You have to show up, younguns. You don't get to talk about revolution until you show the fuck up.
Didn't think we had to be told to help progressive candidates, no matter how “very down ballot” they are -_-
The problem is that people who have never voted before, who were sucked in by the cult of personality and 20,000 person rallies that made up the Bernie Sanders campaign, *do* need to be told to vote down ticket.
I've been encouraging people for months that, even if Bernie loses, you've still got to vote down ballot. And for my help, I had "BERNIEEEEEEEE" and "REVOLUTIONNNNNN!" shouted in my face.
Everyone here gets that local politics isn't sexy or particularly fun, but it IS important. It seems like fewer and fewer outside of this place understand those things.
Importance of voting in local Colorado elections: 2 reasons………..
1) Jefferson County school board
2, and more important) hijacking of the grassroots Republican party by the religious right.
Only Kroll won his primary.
Kroll's position on the stadium vs. financial aid issue WAS blatantly pandering and dishonest. He is truly an intellectual heir to Bernie.
Nothing dishonest about Kroll's position on CU's "Football uber alles" position.
Jack admitted, as his opponent claimed, that the funds raised and earmarked for football couldn't be switched to student aid. But the question is WHY CU pimps endlessly for football while my kids, between them, owe $300,000 in student debt.
Until we get leadership that prefers scholarship and student aid over hip flasks, raccoon coats and rah-rah for being an NFL farm team, CU will be mired in mediocrity.
Leadership counts. Football doesn't.
And his plan for fixing that? Baloney.
And what, pray tell, would Lucky Vidmar have done about CU's Jock Sniffing obsession? Lucky was a good man, btw, but Jack is better. He is only one voice in 9, but it will be a voice in favor of making college affordable and putting learning over football. And that is something.
As reported by Daily Kos. Not good news for Darryl.
"Senate: The conservative group Senate Leadership Fund, which is close to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has announced about $40 million in fall TV reservations. New Hampshire is getting the most cash, with $15.8 million going to boost Sen. Kelly Ayotte. As Andrea Drusch points out, the Koch brothers have refused to help Ayotte, so SLF is likely trying to fill the void.
The group has also announced that they've reserved $8.1 million in Ohio, $6 million in Nevada (the only Democratic-held seat on the list), $6.2 million in Pennsylvania, and $2.5 million in Missouri. While Florida was not included, SLF says they'll be spending heavily to help GOP incumbent Marco Rubio."
Darryl has stridently said he opposes retaining Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. Why would the SFL support Darryl?
They wouldn't. It's part of an internecine high level GOP superPAC feud, between the GOP corporatists (McConnell's wing), and the social conservative true believers (now Glenn's wing).
Senate Conservatives Fund didn't think that McConnell was socially conservative enough. SCF split into Senate Conservatives Action, which put up $338K to defeat McConnell, and Senate Conservatives Fund, which supports Darryl Glenn.
Senate Leadership Fund was never part of either of the "Conservative" groups. It's McConnel's own superPAC, with plenty of energy and financial sector donors. The casinos like him, too.
I don't know how Bennet can take advantage of this split, being pretty much part of the corporatist wing himself – probably, like McConnell, he'll have to highlight and mock the extreme socially conservative stances of Glenn.
Ah, the ongoing feud between McConnell and former Sen. Jim DeMint.
I voted for kroll , mostly to protest the absurd overemphasis on football at
my alma mater.
Everyone here is going to think I'm nuts (again) but… I think Donald Trump could win. And that it will be a very very close election.
First a caveat. This depends on what Donald does going forward. His instincts are to be a narcissistic bully and to react without thinking. And he's very thin skinned. If he stays in that mode he'll go down to major defeat.
But if he flips over to campaigning intelligently going forward, and many other politicians have radically changed their approach to win, then he's very competitive.
Here's the fundamental reason why. The vast majority of the voters know the system is set up to screw them. They know it's built to pour even more of our wealth to the 0.01%, the large corporations, and Wall St. And they know that Hillary Clinton is as establishment as it gets and therefore will continue to do that.
If Donald looks like he might be reasonably competent (he can sell that), people do see that he might take on the groups that own the government while they know Hillary never will. And with that, it becomes a very competitive race.
This is why I hope Hillary taps Elizabeth Warren as her V.P. That gives people a prayer that she might take on the groups that own the government. If she takes on another establishment hack like Tim Kaine then that's a very clear message that she'll remain an instrument of those running the system.
And if I was Michael Bennet, I'd worry that the widespread dislike of establishment tools will impact his race because he also is so clearly in the pocket of Wall St and the other that fund his campaigns.
Still think you're nuts, David, because of your premise that LaDonalda can pull off faking being normal enough to have his finger on the button to launch nuclear holocaust. I still think and I hope I'm right that Donnie is going to start pouting and leave the basketball game, taking his ball(s) with him so the other kids can't play.
Not nuts, just very far off base, especially if you are expecting Trump to be able change.
He's plummeting, HRC is rising. His party continues to splinter, all but a few Bernie or Busters are already switching to HRC. He's not as rich as he says and is having trouble raising money, HRC has tons. The same goes for Bennet who is already runnning a brilliant ad campaign defining himself to low info, meaning the vast majority of, voters in a way that Glenn will never have the resources to counter.
Neither will, however, run as if they've got it in the bag. Both of them and all Dems running for Senate in competitive states or the House in competitive districts will be running full on guns blazing campaigns because they smell blood in the water and want to make sure they take full advantage and don't let this chance pass them by.
Of course in the sense that anything's possible.. yes Trump could win. I just wouldn't bet on it.
PS. Obama's RCP approval average is +6.1, the highest in years by far. The longer Trump's around the higher it gets. Not bad for HRC since the GOP's biggest thing, besides hoping for an indictment, is tying her to Obama.
"as if they've got it in the bag……….." Bennet certainly won't take anything for granted, not after seeing what happened to Udall in 2012.
His campaign so far is 180 degrees from Team Udall's
Exactly my implied point.
I don't think you are nuts, David. In fact, your argument is very persuasive.
Now, your taste in music?? That is another matter…
"might be reasonably competent (he can sell that)………." He can certainly sell how to make use of the country's bankruptcy laws. If some of the small business owners that Trump has screwed over, by not paying for services, come forward, he'll be in an even bigger world of hurt.
Why local control may not be a substitute for increased mandatory setbacks.
Weld County approves huge gas development; commissioners blister critics
But, hey:
You must have missed the other story on this today, Pseudo. It seems some plans are too much even for Frackistan:
Hey, Alva what gives? I've had to prove I'm not a spambot twice in a row.
Instead of talking about voting "down the ballot," we all should be encouraging the theme the League of Women Voters is using this year: Vote up the ballot.
Start at the bottom and vote up.