(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Colorado State Rep. JoAnn Windholz, who called Planned Parenthood officials the “real culprits” in last year’s clinic massacre in Colorado Springs, took to Facebook yesterday to condemn the Supreme Court’s decision affirming a women’s right to choose.
“The liberal leaning US Supreme Court once again protected the made up right of abortion,” Windholz wrote on Facebook, adding that that it “isn’t enough that the child is killed, now the mother is in danger as well.”
“So who cares about women more?” she asked in the post.
In fact, the Supreme Court based its decision on the fact that the Texas abortion restrictions, which, among other things, required that abortion clinics be equipped like complete surgical units, were not medically necessary.
Windholz: Who could find fault with a law that improves health and safety standards in order to protect women inside abortion clinics? You would think that the pro-abortion side would want to have additional safety measures in place for women. That is not the case. The liberal leaning US Supreme Court once again protected the made up right of abortion in a 5-3 decision (against 2013 Texas law) to not make it a necessary for abortion doctors to have admitting privilege at a local hospital. Why – because it would mean something went seriously wrong with an abortion. It isn’t enough that the child is killed, now the mother is in danger as well. So who cares about women more?
The court found that real intent of the Texas legislature was, in fact, to unconstitutionally limit a women’s right to an abortion by requiring clinic doctors to have, for example, admitting privileges, when the health benefit of such privileges is minimal.
Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote in the majority opinion, “Nationwide, childbirth is 14 times more likely than abortion to result in death… but Texas law allows a midwife to oversee childbirth in the patient’s own home.”
It’s unclear what Windholz means when she wrote, “So who cares about women more?”
And Windholz did not immediately return a call seeking an explanation.
But it appears Windholz does not believe that people or even Supreme Court Justices care about women if they support a women’s right to choose.
Shortly after the shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs last year, Windholz wrote on Facebook, as first reported by The Colorado Independent:
Windholz: Violence is never the answer, but we must start pointing out who is the real culprit. The true instigator of this violence and all violence at any Planned Parenthood facility is Planned Parenthood themselves. Violence begets violence. So Planned Parenthood: YOU STOP THE VIOLENCE INSIDE YOUR WALLS.”
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I wish the media would stop giving this "we're doing it for the women!" argument the time of day.
The basic truth of the matter is: the groups pushing for abortion restrictions are all anti-abortion groups. They have no motive other than attempting to stop abortions from being performed. There is no "Doctors For Safer Abortions" movement out there (aside from the care that doctors take in their daily practice, research, and teaching to find the safest and most effective procedures).
The National Abortion Federation (NAF) would qualify as such, setting standards to which members must adhere if they seek certification as same, but not your point really.
The lawyer representing Texas was asked if he could give an example of an instance when this restriction would have saved a woman's life. He couldn't. You can bet he'd have found one if there were any in preparation selling this to the Supreme Court.It's like the GOP arguments that voter restrictions are all about protecting our sacred vote because, even though they can't come up with examples it's possible it could happen. This argument evaporates when the subject is preventing gun fatalities. No matter how many three year olds kill themselves' or someone else with mommy's gun… that's just the price you pay for freedom. Stuff happens.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has openly admitted, since the SCOTUS decision, that the purpose of the Texas law was to restrict access to abortion. Windholz needs to do some basic homework rather than spouting the latest line from entities like the Family Research Council.
Windholz is a typical CINO (Conservative in Name Only).
By today's standards, I'm afraid that would be you, CHB.
Rare is the politician with a closed Facebook page. RMGO is open to all, but quick with the ban hammer if one inserts facts into their toxic stew.
This is phony so many levels. But, obviously, it is not necessary for an abortion doctor to have "admitting privileges" at a hospital. If an abortion patient needs to be sent to a hospital, am ambulance is called and she is transferred to the hospital. The status of a patient's doctor is simply not a factor in the admission. If memory serves, Daft Punk is a doctor and he can probably explain it better.
What a load of tripe. God forbid that these nut jobs be bothered at looking at statistics that contradict their erroneous notions Surgical abortion is safer than having your wisdom teeth removed….and orthodontists are not required to have admitting privileges at hospitals.