CNN, not really news at this point but the math is settled:
Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Monday, according to CNN’s delegate and superdelegate count, and will become the first woman in the 240-year history of the United States to lead the presidential ticket of a major political party.
A strong showing in Puerto Rico’s Democratic primary on Sunday and additional support from superdelegates put Clinton, 68, over the top to become the presumptive nominee. She has secured 1,812 pledged delegates and 572 superdelegates for a total of 2,384 delegates — one more than needed for the nomination.
Clinton’s delegate count will grow Tuesday when six states, including delegate-rich California and New Jersey, hold contests. Speaking in Long Beach, California, on Monday, Clinton said she was still focused on the states where voters head to the polls Tuesday.
Hillary Clinton’s erstwhile Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders, who waged a spirited grassroots campaign that veered a little off the rails as their fleeting chance at victory withered away some number of states ago, has vowed to campaign all the way to the Democratic National Convention. Whether or not that promise survives the reality of Clinton’s inevitable nomination–especially if she performs well in today’s primaries–remains to be seen.
But at this point, Sanders and the considerable grassroots movement he built needs to shift gears away from statements and behavior that helps Donald Trump. Their ability to do that, or not, will define the Democratic Party’s internal struggle well beyond the present election. It will also prove the Sanders movement’s ability to stay engaged–or whether it will spin off into another self-absorbed sideshow like others that preceded it.
And it’s Clinton vs. Trump in November, folks. Let the battle royale begin.
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Won fair and square.
Congratulations to the first female presidential nominee of a major US political party!!
As Winston Churchill said, this is not the beginning of the end of the race for the presidency. But when the votes from the six states voting today are tallied, it will be the end of the begining. I only wish my dauntless mother and grandmother, who never accepted the notion that their sex made them second class citizens, could have lived to see this historic day.
I wish my grandmother was still with us to see it, too, V. She would have liked it. She saw President Obama elected but was gone by his inauguration. She lived all but her last 10 of her 94 years in the Deep South and was pleased with the way it had changed. There's a lot more to do but it's a far cry from what she grew up with.
Crook vs. kook.
What a choice.
Although the proclamation is premature — Clinton hasn't "clinched" the nomination, this is just projection by the establishment mainstream media. Neverthless, unless the Democrats come to their senses and nominate a genuine progresive, Sen. Sanders, then it will be time to give Jill Stein and/or Gary Johnson some serious consideration.
Gary Johnson, generally well respected former two term governor of New Mexico. May get my vote.
Jill Stein?? Possibly a nice person, but no more qualified to be president than is Donald Trump.
Not voting for Clinton may very well lead to a Trump presidency. Don't forget that Sarah Palin got 46% of the vote in 2008. Why would you (Inde and Conserv) wish a Trump presidency on America?
Since CHB would normally vote for a Republican, his choice not to vote for Trump is the best we're going to get from him and one less vote for the R.
I took an online poll over the Memorial Day weekend that compared the five candidates over a broad range of issues. I lined up with Gary Johnson on 84% of my responses (don't forget what a Libertarian actually is) and lined up with Hillary on 76% of issues. The Bern and Stein trailed badly and Trump was dead last by a wide margin; that is, if one can actually figure out what Trump stands for. He is a master flip-flopper.
As for "Palin getting 46% of the vote" in 2008, I believe that John McCain was the candidate.
More like McCain got 46% of the vote even with Palin on the ticket.
Cheers CHB. As long as you don't vote for Trump you're doing Dems a favor. Of course those who would have voted for Bernie and refuse to vote for HRC are doing Trump a favor. So I'll take you over the bitter end Or Busters any day. Pretty sure you both represent pretty tiny demos in any case.