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May 05, 2016 01:56 PM UTC

Stay Classy, Colorado Senate Majority Office

  • by: Colorado Pols
Senate President Bill Cadman.
Senate President Bill Cadman.

This just in, Karen Middleton at NARAL Pro Choice Colorado is calling for accountability from Colorado Senate President Bill Cadman after an offensive post on social media from Senate Communications Director Sean Paige:

Today on social media, Senate Republican caucus spokesman Sean Paige used a sexual slur to refer to former Secretary of State and Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton. NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado Executive Director Karen Middleton issued the following statement in response.

“Hostility to women takes two forms – words and actions. Today we had both. Colorado State Senate Republicans killed a contraceptive access bill, and their spokesman used an ugly sexual slur to publicly refer to Hillary Clinton.

Colorado women deserve better. We’re calling on Senate President Bill Cadman and every Republican State Senator to denounce what Sean Paige said and to apologize to Colorado women. A government official attacking any woman on the taxpayer dime is unacceptable, and this crosses a line.”

Here’s the Facebook post from Sean Paige that’s causing the ruckus:


Now, Webster’s Dictionary defines a “cucquean” as “a woman whose husband is unfaithful to her”–an obvious reference to the investigations into former President Bill Clinton’s personal life during the 1990s, a years-long “witch hunt” inquiry that eventually did reveal an extramarital affair. Just about every voter in America is familiar with the story, and it’s something everyone is free to have their own opinion of.

But folks, how do Bill Clinton’s affairs make Hillary Clinton less qualified to be President? That’s the clear implication of Paige’s statement, since Hillary’s status as a “cucquean” is the only thing he’s citing to declare her something other than “the cream of the crop.” Did Hillary deserve to be a “cucquean” then? Why is that, Mr. Communications Director? Is there a less outrageous interpretation of this we haven’t figured out yet?

Yeah, sure, free speech. But that doesn’t mean you should.


33 thoughts on “Stay Classy, Colorado Senate Majority Office

  1. Paige must run in the same crowds of tea partiers who have started using "cuckold" as their go-to insult which is just a weird insult. I'm guessing most of them use it cuz either it sounds like an insult that was used 100 years ago and they have no fucking clue what it means or they think it's just a more clever way to be a chauvinist asshole.

  2. But folks, how do Bill Clinton’s affairs make Hillary Clinton less qualified to be President? 

    It doesn't any more than the Donald's cad-like behavior and serial philandering make Melanoma any less qualified to be a hot super model.

  3. I believe that's "Melania" Trump.  Melanoma is a horrible disease; a form of cancer.

    How does anyone really care what Sean Paige; a low brow, self-important doofus, and poor excuse for a conservative, thinks? His appeal is strictly to low informed Republicans, like those who rely on Rush Limbaugh to form their opinions for them because they can't do it themselves. 

    1. Because he is the official spokesperson for the Colorado Senate Republicans in the middle of the State Legislative session. He is an official voice for Republicans in Colorado. 

        1. That too. He's not just somebody's annoying uncle. In his position if he wants to forward offensive crap like this he's got to expect and accept that he's going to be held accountable for it and so will his party's leadership and all caucus members as long as he serves as the GOP caucus spokesperson. 

          Who cares about it is irrelavent. Anyone who still isn't aware that they're going to be called on this kind of stuff  is an idiot. I'd say his real offense is being an idiot who has no business being anybody's professional spokesperson and, forget "political correctness" or anything else you want to call this kind of slur, should be fired for being too stupid for the job.

              1. It's weird. It always highlights initials, like HRC, and sometimes finds the first misspelled word. After that, it lets everything else go. If I type lookng instead of looking it doesn't catch it and tells me everything is just fine. But, yeah, having it is still better than nothing. And the ticking time bomb the old edit featured is gone. No minutes ticking away. I can take all the time I want. Good thing. Since it's pretty unhelpful I need that time to find my own mistakes. 

  4. Bernie ain't no Commie either, but Paige was, and is, an excellent liar as he proved many times at the Gazette and since. By using Donald's description of Bernie, he counts on voters falling for the red scare and a press scared to have to explain this stuff.

    And many Hate Radio regulars have been calling NY Mayor DiBlasio a "commie" since he got elected.

    1. Bernie was a member of the Socialist Workers Party, founded by Leon Trotsky.  He was an Swp elector in 1980 in vt.  While SWP was not partbof the CPUSA, it is not a stretch to say a party founded by Lenin's right hand man was communist.  Trotsky was actually to the left of Stalin in that he pushed for world revolution as opposed to Stalin's socialism in one country policy.

      1. Trotsky was actually to the left of Stalin in that he pushed for world revolution as opposed to Stalin's socialism in one country policy. 

        But they both promised people free stuff, right?

      2. Sanders' SWP  membership in 1980 was part of his evolution as a leftist political animal. I wouldn't hold it against him anymore than I hold Hillary Clinton's being a "Goldwater Girl" in 1964.

        People affiliate and then leave political parties when the parties disappoint or are revealed as not being about the ideas they claim. That certainly happened to me; I was vigorously recruited by the Socialist Workers Party in high school, and the SWP was a place to start,if not a place to finish. The "Trots" were and are liars and opportunists, as well, and I would guess that Bernie figured that out early on.

        1. Bernie in college was apparently part of the Young People's Socialist League, which was Democratic socialist.  So he would have veered left to SWP.   I would assume it was his time as mayor that brought him back to the democratic left — it;s hard to be in the vanguard of the working class and keep the potholes filled,   As to "holding it against him," it depends what you mean.  If Bernie does somehow get the nomination, the Republicans will throw a storm of "Bernie the Red" stuff at him based on this undeniable past.  The honey moon in the Soviet Union will translate into those parades in Red Square hauling missiles with Jane and Bernie photoshopped next to Brezhnev in the reviewing stand.   That's why it;s so naive comparing polls of Hillary– hammered by the right for 30 years — against 

          trump with polls of Bernie — handled with kid gloves — against him.   The kid glove treatment would end the second Bernie got the nomination and by November they'd have him leaving on the Soviet Ark with EmmaGoldman.

          1. You're right there. The Rs have been training their fire on each other and on HRC.  A good chunk of those who poll in favor of Bernie now know little more about him than that he's for the little guy getting living wages and healthcare and against big money in politics. In an alternate universe where Bernie got the nomination the Rs would be happy to educate those low info supporters with ads that would be exactly as you say. It's a good thing he's not going to be the Dem candidate for the general in this universe.

            1. For older Americans and boomers, we'd much rather see a Democratic socialist than a National Socialist in the White House.

              That's a true statement but also a false choice. Hillary provides us with a candidate which is neither national socialist nor democratic socialist.

      3. Bottom line, V, you’re being pissy about this and I’m pretty sure you know it. 1980 was a pretty long time ago. Characterizing Bernie as a Communist now is not accurate. 

        1. Maybe not accurate, but do you really think the far right PACs care about "accuracy?"  Fortunately, Sanders won't be the nominee. But he is starting to slip into the category of "sore loser."


          1. No I don't think PACs care about accuracy and I've said that V is right about the kind of ads that would immediately follow a Sanders nomination, to me a moot point since he's not going to get nominated.

        2. I don't say Bernie is a communist, what I say is what you just said — that the Rs would hammer him with the SWP connection.  Bernie was 40 in 1980, this is no youthful fling.  And while younger voters may not care, older ones do — and we vote in much greater numbers.  Bernie will be spared those attacks because he won't be nominated.  But that doesnn't mean there isn't a ton of stuff to hit him with if the right had any incentive to do it.

          1. I agree older ones do. I agree Bernie can never be a viable presidential candidate and that his greatest value lies in leading his movement as an outsider which he absolutely is.  He has himself admitted that, whatever he is, he joined the Democratic party only to run as a serious candidate. It's not a natural fit for him. Being an indie who caucuses with Dems is. 

  5. Paradoxically, the main reason I think Bernie was never a Communist is that at one point he was at least associated with the far left, i.e., the Socialist Workers Party.  The Communists , by which I mean CPUSA, weren't a political force by 1980.  They were a museum piece.   The only true Communist I talked too in that period was Dorothy Healey, very much a reformist opposed to William Z. Foster and Gus Hall.

    When the courts ruled the Communists could appear openly on the ballot, Art Buchwald wrote a brilliant column predicting that their candidate for President would be J. Edgar Hoover.  The fact was the party was so riddled by FBI informants that FBI dues and FBI volunteers were the lifeblood of the party.   I remember the late professor Don Mcclurg walking me through a Communist cell whose heart was a little old lady whose tireless bake sales kept the group afloat.  She was, of course, an FBI informant.  It got to the point where many FBI informants were informing on other FBI informants because the real reds had given up the fight.

    As far as the Yipsuhls — Young People's Socialist League — they were pretty much my crowd in Boulder in the 60s, where I was a regular at "Red Square," the corner of the UMC grill where lefties congregated.  Far from being Communist, YPSLs bordered on red-baiters.   Their hero was Walter Reuther who led the fight to purge the UAW of red influence led by what Reuther, in a famous ditty, mocked as "No one else but the gruesome gruesome twosome, George F. Addes and (Nick) Frankenstein.  Real Democratic socialists like Reuther and their allies Hubert Humphrey hated the Communists, who infallibly put Moscow's interest ahead of those of the workers the union was trying to organize.

    Bernie was a college YPSL and his alliance with the SWP stands as an aberration in a record generally devoted to democratic socialism.

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