Happy World Mosquito Day–is that really something you wish on people? It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols! If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).
► GOP presidential candidate Jeb! Bush is headed to Denver next Tuesday for a public town hall on “veterans issues.” Liberal group ProgressNow Colorado is asking their members to attend and ask such pertinent questions as:
Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs is swamped with injured veterans of wars started by Jeb’s brother, former President George W. Bush. Will Jeb Bush continue to involve the United States in reckless wars, and if so, how will he take responsibility for the thousands of new injured veterans who will need care?
What about fellow Republican Mike Coffman’s failure to oversee the Aurora VA hospital project as chairman of the VA’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee?
Massive cost overruns for military weapons programs barely make the news these days, while a VA hospital running over budget is a nationwide headline. As President, would Jeb Bush continue to sink billions of dollars into unnecessary and expensive weapons, or will he direct that money to ensure veterans have the care they need?
Needless to say, getting Jeb’s answer on any of those would be newsworthy.
► Also, Jeb! says “anchor babies” is not an offensive term. Trump it up, Jeb!
In other Colorado presidential news, GOP operative Josh Penry will front Marco Rubio’s Colorado campaign, while Democrat Brad Komar will head up Colorado organizing efforts for Hillary Clinton.
► A new study from Stanford University, not exactly a liberal bastion, says that the real swing votes are unregistered, unlisted Americans who would vote Democratic if they cared to vote at all. Food for thought next time you hear the words “silent majority.”
Get even more smarter after the jump…
► The EPA announced yesterday that water quality in the San Juan River, of which Colorado’s Animas River is a tributary, has returned to pre-spill levels–even as the EPA deals with more bad press over rejected water shipments to the Navajo Nation.
► None of which excuses ridiculous conspiracy theories about the spill coming out of the Utah state legislature.
► Marijuana is legal in Colorado, which means the old school “Reefer Madness” style arguments against kids using it are in need of some updating. Colorado is rolling out a new approach called the “What’s Next” campaign.
► Lower energy prices are really starting to take a chunk out of Colorado’s oil and gas industry. Meanwhile, the town of Erie is tightening up fracking protections within their boundaries over protest from the industry.
► Sure, it’s legal for Chick-Fil-A’s upper management to hate on gays and lesbians, but that doesn’t mean Denver has to let them set up shop in our publicly-owned airport.
► Looks like the ACLU’s campaign to hold Greeley accountable on excessive panhandling restrictions is bearing fruit, with the city promising to work with them on changes.
► Did you apply to be the next Denver sheriff? Because some twenty-five people did.
► Fort Carson 1st Lt. Shaye Haver is one of the first two women to successfully complete the U.S. Army’s daunting Ranger training school. We salute her best-of-the-best badassery.
► The corpse flower at the Denver Botanic Gardens is apparently not as corpse-y smelling as some tourists would prefer. We ourselves are cool.
► Castle Rock is fighting off the U.N. like Patrick Swayze fought the Russkies in Red Dawn. Or more likely they’re just being silly.
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Of course Jeb would start more wars. The Bushes wage war. It's what they do.
Unless you're Prescott, then you just finance a war.
Judge says Hillary Clinton's private emails violated policy
Then so did Colin Powell's. Condi Rice's, and John Kerry's.
So what's your point, little dimwit?
Policy and law are two quite different things.Policy violations are not crimes.
Mod, That Judge is part of the vast right wing conspiracy against the Clintons.
He was appointed by Bill.
You know AC, you might get more respect around here if you didn't behave like such a major dick.
You breathlessly posted all you're right wing Benghazi cartoons and claimed that Obama would not get re-elected because of all the "facts". How did that end up for you?
Then there were the fact free posts about the ACA. You claimed it was fatally flawed. It has been upheld twice now by the Supreme Court ( conservative leaning ). And current polls show it's approval rating better than those that disapprove and growing.
Then you just had to post the AP story about the Iranian treaty, only to have AP detract most of the content and having them and you look like major fools.
Now this thing with Hillary and the server. Since you have never been right in the past, you might want to wait for some actual facts before getting all hysterical and posting more of your stupidity. Judging from past behavior you probably won't because apparently you don't mnd looking foolish and wrong on a constant basis.
Respect for A/C? I think that ship has already sailed. I think A/C burned that bridge (to risk mixing metaphors) with his tasteless photos of beheadings and his racist depictions of President Obama.
Yes, those should also be added to the list. Any normal human being would be embarrassed by being proven wrong so often and no quality individual would ever post those photos that he finds so entertaining.
AC's not paid to be right, only to provoke and distract. Everybody has to earn a living, even immoral scumbags,
Josh (Duggar, not the other one) isn't getttin' more smarter…you couldn't make this stuff up.
Isn't Josh Duggar the one who had sex with his sister? I'm guessing he didn't hook up with her through Ashley Madison. I'm somewhat amazed that he is so high tech, 21st century in his sexual hookups. I figured he simply trolled around at family reunions.
Has Huckabee come out and said that Josh doesn't need judgment or condemnation but our prayers?
According to reports in the Guardian, he wanted someone with natural breasts, good hygiene and 'well groomed' (yes, in quotes). Just like our Lord would have commanded in Leviticus, lest his lover be considered an abomination by his fellow Christian adulterers.
An added bonus: his credit card bills were sent to his grandmother. To quote TweedleDum: "sick and inappropriate"?
I can't wait for the Huckabee /Tony Perkins to issue a statement.
(edit function missing)