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August 17, 2015 06:29 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”

–Albert Einstein


26 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Et tu, MSNBC?

    "It's extraordinary," Woodward said. "Again, it's the volume: 60,000 emails and Hillary Clinton has said 30,000 of them, half, were personal and they were deleted. Who decided that? What's on those emails? I would love to have all 60,000, read them. It would be a character study about her personal life and also what she did as secretary of state. And step back for a moment. The big question about Hillary Clinton is, who is she? Is she this secretive hidden person or is she this valiant public servant? Look at those 60,000 emails and you're going to get some answers."

    Woodward added, "This has to go on a long long time; the answers are probably not going to be pretty."

    1. Weird, huh? A news reporter and network interested in the truth, regardless of political fallout or affiliation. Imagine what that would be like.

    2. Yes, AC. That's because MSNBC does actual news, complete with fact checking, instead of single party propaganda. It's not et tu. It's just not Fox. If you had ever read the back and forth on this blog instead of just stopping by to leave your spin machine talking points, like so many burning bags of poop, this would be completely unsurprising to you. 

  2. I sure didn't get that impression of MSNBC from listening to their coverage of "hands up, don't shoot" Missouri.  Seems more often to be Pravda.  Perhaps its more a matter of even a blind squirrel gets an acorn every now and then.

    1. Please provide instances where MSNBC  purposely reported falsehoods concerning the "hands up, don't shoot" movement.  Here's the latest of many purposeful false report on Fox:

      Earlier this morning, Fox broadcast the results of a USA Today/Gallup poll on whether Americans believe their states should take away collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

      USA Today Gallup Poll

      As you can see from the chart on the right, the poll showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose union-busting, with 61% against taking away collective bargaining rights and only 33% in favor.

      But that's not what Fox told their audience. In fact, Fox claimed the poll showed Americans supported union-busting. To accomplish this, they simply reversed the numbers. As you can see in the screenshot at the top of the post, they claimed 61% supported taking away collective bargaining rights and just 33% supported it. That, of course, is a mirror image of the truth.

      This wasn't just some simple Chyron slip, an example of fat-fingering on a live broadcast. Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade also used the fake numbers as evidence to take the side of union-busters, claiming most Americans sided with Walker's position, not against him


        1. MSNBC reported that a witness made that claim. Guess what? A witness made that claim.  Investigation later found that much of what was claimed by various parties didn't hold up, was disproved by forensic evidence and witnesses accounts didn't match . MSNBC reported the claims as claims. They didn't report any of the claims as established fact.  The fact that this particular case fell apart doesn't negate the many cases in which  unarmed blacked men have been murdered by police, including those in which prosecutors found enough evidence to bring charges. It doesn't negate the fact that the Ferguson was stopping black residents disproportionately for no reason to issue citations for the purpose of raising revenue.

          Your turn. Please address the instances of Fox lies I have produced, including but not limited to the flipped stats about support for taking away union bargaining rights as I was courteous enough to address yours. Pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for reciprocity 

        2. As BC wrote, MSNBC reported all of the contradictory witness accounts as witness accounts. The contradictions in the case, such as why Michael Brown, obviously running away in fear of his life, since he died 30 feet away from Wilson's squad car, after running 180' away from it, per the DOJ report). I read most of the accounts, wrote about it, consider myself pretty informed.

          "Hands up, don't shoot," became four words symbolic to the movement against excessive police force.

          Now, "Black Lives Matter," is the slogan of that continuing movement.

          Slogans and images define political movements in few words. Kind of like, "Don't tread on Me," which nobody ever said either. Ben Franklin, the liberal blogger of his day, used it in a satiric piece about how the rattlesnake would be a better symbol of the 13 colonies than the American eagle.

  3. The "early this morning"and the rest should have been separated from my introductory comment in a quote box. It wasn't early this morning. Just check link for full story.

  4. It comes down to a matter of trust.

    Who do you trust to do the right thing – MSNBC…or Fox?

    Hillary Clinton…or the 'Benghazi!' chorus?

    Bernie…or anyone from the Republican side?

    AC/Moderatus…or most of the people on ColoradoPols?


    -Sam (not a Kool-Aid drinker…)

    1. We all trust Hillary "I did not send or receive any classified information" Clinton.

      "The State Department on Monday alerted a federal court that more than 300 of Hillary Clinton’s emails have now been marked for potential secret information while she was secretary of state during the Obama administration, the Washington Times reported.

      So far, analysts have reviewed about 20 percent of the 30,000 emails the presidential hopeful turned over to the department, resulting in more than 1,500 classified emails if the current rate of potentially secret information remains steady, the paper stated."

  5. Just a few examples of Fox lies and false reporting:




    An old fave documented by bustle:

    2. They identify disgraced Republicans as Democrats

    When Republican Congressman Mark Foley was caught trying to seduce underaged male staffers, Fox aired footage of of the congressman with text identifying him as “Mark Foley (D-FL),” indicating that he was a Democrat. Years later, when Republican Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina went missing for a week in order to cheat on his wife in South America, Foxidentified him as “SC Gov Mark Sanford (D).”

    Fox producer claimed that the Foley incident was “an honest mistake,” yet they never aired correction. The producer, David Tabacoff, said that this was because “everyone knows” Foley is a Republican — everyone except, of course, people who rely on Fox News for this sort of information.





  6. Grand Junction polsters – Hey, the Feds say your airport is OK, move along, nothing to see here! At least, they are closing the investigation "due to numerous reports about [it]."

    So…. they're closing the investigation because there's been too much reporting about it???

    1. Mama, the feds news release said it was announcing the end of the investigation because of the public interest generated by reporting on it, not that it was ending it because of the reporting. The feds rarely announce an end to an investigation because they announce so few beginnings of one, and rarely will even confirm that there is one. The Sentinel's reporting was not exactly clear, which is not a new thing.

      At the GJ airport, fingers should be pointed at the current board, which has diddled and dawdled its way to ignoring the white elephant of a building began by the previous board but abandoned mid-project by the current board.

      The current board was hoping the feds would find bad things on their predecessors, and thereby bail out the current gang. The feds did not, thereby ending their involvement.




      1. Isn't the G.J. airport the second employer of last resort for former republican pols in Mesa County? (right after Harvard of the Colorado western slope, Mesa State)

        1. The airport doesn't employ these otherwise-unoccupied GOP stalwarts. Either the city council or county commission appoints them to the airport board, apparently for the prestige'' of it. No salary, no stipend. Wasn't it Lincoln who said something about being ridden out of town on a rail that he'd decline if it weren't for the honor of it all?


        1. You heard straight from AC. They're only coming because their countries are worse. Not be because America is so great. If he were a Dem pol he would be demanding an apology from himself for dissing America.wink

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