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July 27, 2015 11:09 AM UTC

Is Michael Bennet Re-Electable?

  • by: madmike

I don’t know where ColoradoPols gets its numbers for “The Big Line -2016,” but I have a feeling that somebody is way off the mark when it comes to Sen. Michael Bennet’s chances of getting re-elected in 2016.  The most recent Quinnipiac poll showed voters say 40-32 percent that he does not deserve reelection in 2016.  If you go to his Facebook page and read his posts you may note that he spends a lot of time trying to work with Republicans.  There he is out in a wheat field with his pal, Koch-Republican Corey Gardner, touting  “bipartisanship the Colorado way.”  A little further down he proudly proclaims how he’s working with Voucher King, Orrin Hatch, to adopt successful educational programs and “invest in what works for kids,” a Republican code word for giving taxpayer money to for-profit corporations and charter schools.   Just read the comments that Colorado citizens write in response to Sen. Bennet’s posts.  People are angry.  And they’re fed up with being told that as a purple state in a center-right nation, it’s necessary for Democrats like Sen. Bennet to reach out to Republicans in order to get elected and, then reelected.  That’s nonsense.

The folks who publish this website spend a lot of time and energy telling us what we already know – that Republicans in Colorado are out to destroy public education, marginalize women minorities, and feed the rich at the expense of everybody else.  But I rarely see you take a fellow Democrat to task.  And if anybody deserves it, it’s Michael Bennet.  Just this year he has voted for a bill to build the Keystone XL pipeline and to override the President’s veto of that bill.  He has voted to fast-track the Trans-Pacific Partnership bill.  And he has joined Senate Republicans to stifle the Obama administration’s efforts to secure a deal that would stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  I won’t be a bit surprised if he votes with Republicans again to kill the deal altogether.

Somebody needs to tell Sen. Bennet that he needs to start acting and sounding like a Democrat if he wants to get re-elected in 2016.  And I’m calling on the editors at ColoradoPols to do more, much more, to push him in that direction.  Colorado has already lost one Democratic senator.  We can’t afford to lose another.  But that is exactly what is going to happen unless Sen. Bennet changes his ways.  One can only hope it’s not too late.



21 thoughts on “Is Michael Bennet Re-Electable?

  1. My, my. What have we here? Another feeding frenzy directed at Michael Bennet, and based on a poll by an outfit that definitely trends right in its results. Lots of vague buzz-phrases in there. So Bennet trying to work with Republicans means that he's out to "marginalize women minorities?"  For real? And he then commits the faux pax of touring the state with Cory Gardner. I like the idea of our two senators working together for the benefit of all Coloradans. And Gardner isn't completely in the hip-pocket of the Kochs. Few months ago, he was the only Western Republican Senator to vote against the Murkowski amendment requiring the feds to turn over vast tracts of federal land to the states (just what the Kochs really want to happen).

    "voted to fast-track the Trans Pacific Partnership bill"  And how is that a crime? TPP isn't perfect. But it was either pass TPP or cede economic dominance in the western Pacific to China.

    "I'm calling on the editors at Colorado Pols to do more…….."  How about if we call on madmike to calm down and take a fresh look at things. Bennet is doing real good, in my opinion, and I’m not seeing anyone in my party who could do a better job (yes, I’m definitely a voter who will cross party lines). He's a great supporter of our public lands & Colorado's big money outdoor recreation economy. Bennet is a strong supporter of womens' rights, which appeals very strongly to my libertarian-oriented, non-theist, conservatism (let people make their own personal life decisions, including a woman making a tough decision to get an abortion, without interference from big government or big religion).


    Conservative Head Banger   (AC/DC Rules !!)

  2. Senator Bennet is fortunate in not having any credible opposition.

    CHB, I agree that Bennet is not all bad, but "I suck less than the GOP candidate" isn't something I want to vote for indefinitely.

    Bennet's votes on the Keystone XL, the TPP, the Iran deal, his mealy-mouthed letter to the Dept of Interior in support of the Colowyo mine (he wanted to seem to support coal mining, so he can't be that much of a conservationist)- all of these make it harder to darken that little arrow next to his name one more time.

    Stand up on your hind legs and act like a Democrat, dammit!

    1. Once again, it's a mystery why your attitude towards Obama is nothing like your attitude toward Bennet since he doesn't "act"  significantly different than Bennet by any objective measure. On almost every issue they are in complete sync.  It would be hard to find another Dem more consistently on the same page as Obama than Bennet. Their degree of agreement can't be much less than 99%.  Yet I don't see you calling on Obama to stand up on his hind legs.  

      The disparity makes no sense.  It's not at all like, for instance, being a big supporter of Bernie Sanders and disparaging both Obama and Bennet in comparison. That would make perfect sense since Obama and Bennet are both so similar to each other and different from Sanders in so many concrete ways. If I live to be a thousand I will never get this business of viewing these peas in a pod in such a different way.

      1. It will just have to remain a mystery…angelsome of the differences are in the offices the two men hold. The President just has more scope for real change…so there are the supreme court appointments, most of his cabinet picks, and the whole long list of Obama's accomplishments, which you've probably seen. A Senator doesn't have that power.

        Some of the difference is tone and personality and style…superficial, but important in a leader.I can't think of one inspiring or moving Bennet speech, but I can think of several Obama speeches that have changed how people think and behave in this country.

        1. OK but you do realize that Bennet has supported those Obama accomplishments with his votes? With remarkably few exceptions, the issues over which I'm displeased with Bennet are exactly the same as those over which I'm displeased with Obama because their stands on those issues are exactly the same. 

          It makes sense to prefer one over the other on the matters of personality, tone and style that you cite and in fact I do prefer Obama on those grounds but not to the extent of considering one terrific and the other terrible despite such close agreement on substantive policy matters. That just doesn't make sense and I have a strong need for my evaluations to make some.  But that's just me.wink

      2. I don't disagree with anything you said about Bennet and Obama.  The big difference is that Obama isn't running for re-election and Bennet is.  Had I known how little Obama was going to do to curb the influence of Wall Street, rein in the big banks, and sell American workers down the river with his trade deals, I don't think I would have voted for him either.

  3. Leave it to a conservative to come to Bennet's defense.  Thanks, CHB.  You just reinforced my point.  Bennet will get "Udalled" in 2016.

    1. Actually I "reinforced" nothing. As for Bennet getting "Udalled," let us all recall that Udall's staff ran a very poor campaign; lots of anger while Gardner just kept on smiling, like him or not. I doubt Bennet will make that same sort of mistake; and at this juncture, who's running against him with a chance of winning?  Darryl Glenn anyone? 

      Talk is cheap 16 months prior to the election. Check back in around next March.

    2. Bennet will have more money than God and the Rs are so far coming up with nobody much to run against him. Bennet is also not going to run an all lady parts campaign. I wouldn't count on his getting udalled.

        1. I did not declare you to be delusional.

          I said x and y and z the the delusional like x, y and z.

          In this model- you are "z."  I did not say z is delusional, rather that for Bennet to be electable you and others would have to sit out the 2016 Senate election.


          Just in case there is any ambiguity – I have no information from which I would conclude you are delusional. However, there are delusional voters who, like you, expect too much liberal from a Colorado D candidate.

          1. Um, OK. I don't understand, but being z is usually cool. Like Zorro. It sounds as if you're saying that Colorado only elects moderate Dems for statewide offices.

            1. Yes. Colorado does only elect moderate/centrist Dems statewide. Kind of like Obama would never have been elected statewide in enough states, including Colorado, to win the election had he not been such a centrist. Black and lefty would never have worked. Unfortunately it doesn't work the other way. Colorado does sometimes elect very conservative Republicans statewide. But not very lefty Dems. 

  4. I'm still waiting to hear a reasonable explanation about where this website gets its numbers for "The Big Line – 2016."  I mean "Hillary Clinton – 70%, Michael Bennet – 85%?"  Where does that come from?

    1. I've heard rumors that there is a rubber chicken involved. And some old truck tires. And copious adult beverages. The polls are mixed  together into fragrant Poll Stew, and sprinkled with Koch-infused campaign cash. Right wing talk radio blares nonstop from concealed speakers overhead.

      In the background, frustrated Polsters pound on the door and slip pathetic little notes underneath. Why not my candidate? they cry. You left out the most important one!  Who the hell is ____?  Who do you have to blow to get in the Big Line?

      And at the appointed time, the feast is served.

      That's what I hear, anyway.



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