“Stupidity, outrage, vanity, cruelty, iniquity, bad faith, falsehood–we fail to see the whole array when it is facing in the same direction as we.”
–Jean Rostand
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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At least it's a higher percentage by many magnitudes than voter fraud. Speaking of:
So can we all stop pretending any of this state legislation is about anything but humiliating people, suppressing the black vote and pandering to the racist bigot base?
BC, you should read the original AZ story.
It strikes me that the "drug test" is actually more of an IQ test:
So, not everybody is required to take the test, nor is it a random drug test. No, it's an opt-in drug test. Oy vey.
Six other states experiences were similar. Hundreds of thousands of poor people tested, millions spent, hardly any positives, no money saved. Average percent of welfare recipients using drugs: less than 1%. Average state citizen using drugs: about 9%.
And Scott Walker, Republican presidential front-runner, wants to mandate this for any Wisconsin citizen needing unemployment or food stamps as a result of Walker's disastrous policies.
So even more of a meaningless waste of money.
Censored news: Friday, July 24, 2015
Dine Native people protesting the proposed Saddle Butte pipeline, in downtown Denver Friday, July 24. The group talked with Wayne Swafford, VP of engineering for Saddle Butte Pipeline company. Swafford had nothing to say about the probability of contaminating scarce groundwater in the region, nor of seismic disturbances and road traffic disturbing the ancient ruins there.
I can't post the picture of the protest for some reason having to do with the page format.
Here's a picture of the threatened Chaco Canyon ruins:
The Protect Oak Flat Act , cosponsored by Raul Grijalva and Jared Polis, repeals the Defense budget amendment language, and protects the 2000 some acre parcel as a Historic site.
Just got push polled by a firm claiming to be interested in surveying views about clean air but really was interested in pushing the economic costs of environmental regs. I answered most of her questions with questions. (As usual, they gave binary choices to questions with a range of responses.)
I usually just hang up on these folk, but this time I thought I'd have some fun. On the Koch's dime……
What firm? Were they 'polling' on the EPA carbon regs?
I forgot the name of the firm. They were not polling about the carbon regs by name, but they talked about regs and air quality. Some of it was goofy (like regulating emissions in national parks).
One of my favorite questions: should environmental regs be at the federal or state level? When I told the caller that our planet's atmosphere crosses state lines and therefore, regulations should be at the federal (actually, at the international) level, she seemed taken back and flustered.
Centrist Dems just can't:
The leaders at the national level, one of them being our own Michael Bennet, gave Democratic campaigns the flexibility to ignore their party's successes and pretend their president didn't exist. And they lost. Will no one give Harry Truman credit for his acidic truths?
Former Senator Mark Udall would still disagree. And I fear he'll never get credit for running such a poor, yet winnable campaign against the esteemed Cory Gardner. He certainly doesn't want it.
Besides being bad politics and a resoundingly horrible and consistently losing strategy, the Republican-Lite, Corporate Dem way also neglects something they need in order to re-win those off-color seats – voters:
They win the empathy/honesty contest. Can the win the smarts/strategy contest in 2016?
Zap – the shift is clear. Running right-wing/center right politicians as Democrats has been a proven failure (look at the years that they lost), however, when progressives issues came forward in 2014, they won. Why? It's clear that the voters are ready to shift to the left after drifting to the right for the last 40 years to try to compete with something that's already a skeleton. Time to push the reset button and go back to the left and get our voters back, and show progressive candidates instead of tired old Third Way (which is what Bennet is) and ready to primary Bennet out as he needs a primary – and since Republicans is actually offering no real challenge from the right, I think it's safe to try an real primary against Bennet from the LEFT.
Not Romanoff. I thought Carroll would provide a decent challenge, but she is running and will win over Coffinman. We need a REAL progressive candidate. Do we know of anyone, even an unknown?
I love un-rehabilitated liberals like Zapp. Wasn't it Yogi Berra who talked about "deja vu" all over again? Let's see; George McGovern in 1972; Walter Mondale in 1984; Bernie Sanders in 2016? Wow, Bernie drew 11,000 attendees in a state with 6.7 million people. Be still, my beating heart. Or maybe it's "my poll can beat up your poll."
Bernie's a decent guy. But that old fashioned liberalism; actually Bernie is an independent socialist; just doesn't play well in the broad based political world anymore. Wasn't it Churchill (Winston, not Ward) who said something like: if you're not a liberal in your 20s, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative in your 40s, you have no brain.
Speaking of "rehab," you folks better hope that H.R.C. gets an image makeover in the months ahead. Her political baggage just keeps growing. Either that, or hope that the Donald runs as a 3rd party candidate.
CHB, you also left out President Dukakis in '88 and President Kerry in '04 but your point is well taken.
Zapp is an idealist who keeps tilting at windmills but he's harmless. Dustpuppy, on the other hand, is delusional. If I recall correctly, DP was predicting a Democratic sweep last November which would have kept the Senate in Dem hands and retaken the House!
I know I should worry more about Citibank and Goldman Sachs and whether someone has insulted their Genius CEO's. Also, too, those poor, old oil companies are in such dire straits that they might see their raw material disappear unless we allow them to drill everywhere. Then where are they going to earn $10 Billion a quarter?
I know I should accept Bennet's lies and media manipulation without complaining. He's a (D) and all (D) good, says Mongo.
But I just can't…….
Oh, and if we can't advance a few more progressive policies now, with the CO and national Republican parties in the shape they're in, then you should aim your insults at our party "leaders", not me.
Zap may be lacking in terms of balancing the ideal with the practical in politics but liberals are not the ones whose basic world view and economic theory demonstrates a need for rehab. Conservatives are the ones who clearly need to check into some sort of detox facility. The entire framework of all conservative economic theory and ideology has been so decisively proved completely and utterly wrong, discredited by decades of hard, facts on the ground, objective reality evidence to the point where conservatism now more closely resembles theology, taken on faith, than ideology or anything that should be dignified by the word "theory". I suggest you go rehab yourself. It's never too late.
Thanks, BC, for translating my charged language into something more palatable.
Now I know The Bern is a longshot, and admitting to that "socialist" stuff may have killed his campaign before it started, and that his bluntness in explaining his ideas can take away from the fact that they are in the mainstream of American political thought, but comparing Sanders to Trump has to be the height of daftness and should embarrass a Million-dollar newsreader such as Chuck Todd:
See poll numbers I posted below. These are not the numbers of someone seen as a totally out there extremist.
Well these are kind of interesting numbers for someone who's suppose to be so fringe:
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders CNN/Opinion Research Bush 48, Sanders 47 Bush +1
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders CNN/Opinion Research Sanders 59, Trump 38 Sanders +21
General Election: Walker vs. Sanders CNN/Opinion Research Sanders 48, Walker 43 Sanders +5
he's from Brooklyn, too, so's we know he can fight.