“If some great catastrophe is not announced every morning, we feel a certain void. Nothing in the paper today, we sigh.”
–Lord Acton
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BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: unnamed
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JeffcoBlue
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
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Republican cowards will still not take responsibility for the racism they promote, protect, project all in the name of maintaining the votes of those who can't accept that the Civil War was traitorous and ignited in the name of wealthy slave owners who wanted to protect their "free" slave labor (now that's a Free Market!) AT ALL COSTS. Slavery helped propel this nation to the forefront of industrialized nations during the 19th century. It helped make America's first millionaires and billionaires (of those who hadn’t already been born into it), and was the fundamental tool that created some of America's most wealthy families, as plantation owners, slave traders, ship builders, etc.) who possess that wealth today.
You do not take responsibility that the Dems are the party of slavery. That the slave owners were mostly Dems and that the Dems were the party that promoted slavery. As I seem to remember the civil rights laws of the 60's had more Republican support than Dem support.
you're an idiot, PissAnt…nobody cares what you think….
Now, now, Duke. Gibberish isn't meant to be understood, it's only meant to be written.
Of course, you totally ignore what has happened during the past 50 years when the two parties did a total role reversal of civil rights. Selective amnesia, AC?
Next you'll point to Teddy Roosevelt as recent evidence that Republicans like to protect the environment.
Yeah Zapp! I'm with AC! Since the Democratic Party had a bunch of racists in it 50 years ago and over 100 years ago it is perfectly acceptable for today's Republicans to sidestep the issue of racism for fear of alienating the extreme nut-jobs in their base who are racist to protect their votes.
Wait a minute… no I don't. That's fucking stupid!
You, AC, must mean the Dem party that hasn't existed since the racist wing left en masse to join the Republican Party in the wake of civil rights, the Republican Party being the one that's been so cozy with the racist Citizen's Councils for all the decades ever since right up until the Citizen's Councils' biggest fan committed a racist massacre as an act of terrorism in hopes of inspiring a race war. What a stupid putz you are to expect anyone to buy that old garbage. Neither Lincoln nor TR nor Eisenhower would be a Republican today. The Republicans wouldn't have them even if they wanted to.
After being surprised by the results of last November's elections I decided I need to listen to more opposing views. I needed to see why Hickenlooper barely won and why Gardner seemed to win so easily. I fear becoming a true believer idiot who only views the world from an echo chamber. So I started subscribing to conservative blogs and I created a Twitter list of all people who talk about Colorado politics (liberals, conservatives, libertarians, nut-jobs, reporters, activists, politicians, etc.).
However I am struggling with the amount of widespread hate I read from these "conservative" sources. They hate anyone who believes the free-market should be anything more than anarchy and currency. They hate unions and I'm pretty sure most of them don't even know why. They seem downright giddy whenever there's even the perception of a failure by a Democrat or RINO. Actually they see any perception of a failure as absolute failure as long as it's committed by someone they hate. I just don't get the ease at which they hate. It's just hard to read, but I'll keep reading anyway.
Does anyone have a conservative blog they follow that isn't full of hate?
CH – Like you, I want to understand what the opposition is thinking. Forget Colorado Peak Politics, unless you want to see what the latest talking points and distortions are. Advancing Colorado will let you know what the Koch priorities are, and what the strategy is to reach millenials. Complete Colorado tries to be the "Huff Post" of conservative politics; as such, they aggregate from many different sources. Occasionally, they post some original commentary that can be illuminating.
Redstate crushes dissent, so you won't ever be able to post honestly there, but it does have some video programs that are interesting and not hateful. Aaron Gardner, who used to post here, is managing editor at redstate.com. They do a weekly briefing that is a conservative discussion/think tank program, called the weekly briefing. The latest iteration is the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Friends".
Since they think that they're only talking to themselves, they tend to be less hateful and more honest. It's heavy on the white guys – don't think they are very concerned about diversity – but FWIW, you can at least find out what the rightie thinkers are thinking.
If you want moderate, middle of the road to right-center thinking that's still pretty good journalism, read The Colorado Statesman.
I'm ok with uninformed blogs, but the amount of misinformation and hatred from Colorado Peak Politics blows me away. I'd like to read as little of that as possible but I don't want to shut out opposing views. Thanks to you I found that Complete Colorado has a feed just for their original content (http://completecolorado.com/pagetwo/) so I subscribed to that and the Advancing Colorado blog.
Thanks a ton!
While some on this site are seeking reasonably rational conservative discussion, Julie Hayden on "Wake up with Chuck and Julie" this morning repeatedly urged listeners not to read any liberal blogs, especially this one. They seemed to know something I didn't (that's a low bar), namely that Eli Stokols was writing these Coffman pieces. Was that a mispeak?
Eli Stokols has a full time job with Politico. Doubtful that he's still concerning himself with in-House GOP stuff.
It's funny/sad that Hayden, et al, are urging people not to read Pols. The cure for Republicans reading Pols is for Republicans to start sharing information with their info-starved volunteers and party regulars.
Here's a freebie from publicly available information on Facebook: The GOP Executive Committee wants to meet Monday, but Mr. House is rumored to not be cooperating with them.
I have not seen one, Chickenheed. I do not have an exhaustive knowledge of such sites, but have seen my share, and they are all pretty much engaged in the practice of being a sounding board for those monied interests who use hate, envy, greed, and fear to motivate those people who are too intellectually lazy to think for themselves, namely, low information voters and consumers. I want to include consumers in this conversation because it is the consumers who drive our reality as much as any other factor.
Across this country, somewhere near 70% of the consumers in this nation believe that natural gas is a "clean" fuel. ANGA (Americas' Natural Gas Alliance) goes so far, in a currently running TV commercial, as to infer that electricity produced by solar panels and that produced by natural gas were interchangeably clean…that is factually not true, but that commercial has run for months on practically every network…yes, including MSNBC…without a single person calling them on what is a demonstrably false statement.
The key word in your above statement:
It is easy to hate…we come by it naturally. That is particularly true of those who are so intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually lazy they choose to believe lies and remain in willful ignorance, happily exercising the suspension of disbelief in order to feel justified in their fear driven perception.
You cannot spread out their ideology on a matrix of reason and compassion, or love and truth, and make any sense of the result….
This is where sites like this (and the people who post on them) hurt my brain. I know there are pure capitalist Republicans who worship nothing but the Almighty Dollar, but so many modern Republicans claim to be "born-again Christians”. How can one call oneself a Christian and steep in such venom toward their fellow human beings? Wasn't the first and most important thing their Teacher taught them to love everyone and hate none? And they wonder why religious affiliation is dropping like a rock among young people.
You're reading the wrong parts of the book, Nota. You need to focus on the parts that tell wives to be submissive to their husbands,men not to lay with other men, and only buying slaves from certain neighboring nations.
If you'd focus on these parts more and less so on the parts about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and housing the homeless, it will all make sense.
So, that's my problem! I had it in my head that the Teacher told people not to pay much mind to those old rules. The new rules were: love him, love her, love it, love God, and don't forget to love yourself. I thought that's all there was to it silly pagan that I am.
That’s Commie Jesus. Obviously, as pointed out by others, you’re reading the wrong parts of the book. You should focus only on Capitalist Jesus.
Chickenheed, can't help you on conservative blogs that aren't full of hate. I commend you for trying to listen. But perhaps you are listening too much and "learning" some of the falsehoods they teach. You write "…need to see why Hickenlooper barely won and why Gardner seemed to win so easily." Actually, Hick won by over 3% and Gardner by less than 2%. But the media narrative–which you repeated–was the opposite.
RMoney has apparently given up on ever being elected to any Republican office. Credit where credit is due…(the responses on his feed are predictable; you can almost hear the banjo music in the background)
If the RNC is counting on taking SC in 2016…that didn't help. I’m sure they wish he would just STFU.
Mittens' act of decency is not going to put South Carolina into play for the Dems. It was bequeath to the GOP in perpetuity by the late Strom Thurmond in his last will & testament.
You are correct though that many in his party will say that he should STFU.
Sorry to vent about South Carolina but I'm having to visit that hell hole next month. I usually schedule my visits in the winter when the weather is not too bad. But because of a family reunion, I will have to experience to Palmetto State in the middle of the summer.
My sympathies….
Pack your salt tablets and carry a water bottle. I've done Alabama in July and the Carolinas are even worse. I, too extend my sympathies.
That is the empathetic Romney who provided affordable health care to Massachusetts residents. Too bad for him that the RNC made him run away from that man. Good for the country, though.
…and committed Massachusetts to the regional greenhouse gas emissions trading program for the northeast states (RGGI).
On a cheerful note, Bernie is in town for his town hall meeting, already over 7,000 (his largest rally to date) has signed up.
I don't think Hillary Clinton can gather that much – because Bernie speaks for all of us. Not just the Establishment/Third Way (like Bennet/Udall) thinking.
Thanks for the leads/links to the Colorado Statesman, etc. I like to hear what both sides are saying, but it needs to be a rational conversation.
I just signed up for Reddit's 'Colorado4Sanders' page. I've seen Reddit before, but now I'll find out what they're really like!
In other new, now-former mouthpiece Lisa Pinto goes full martyr, with an op-ed for ColoradoStatesman published on the last day she technically was still working for Jeffco Schools. Hopefully she didn't write all 900 words on the district's time.
Yeah and Pinto continues to show how completely how misinformed she is.
In related Jeffco Schools news, I wonder how much WNW got from AFP (That's Americans for Prosperity, not American Freedom Party, BTW) after Jeffco increased funding for charter schools. AFP seems pretty happy about it!
Bernie's crowd, just before the town hall meeting… A-fucking-mazing.
Credit goes to fizzgig @ DU
Happy Father's Day to all of the dads and grandfathers out there! Have an excellent, well-deserved, restful day. This includes those of you who have no children of the body, but parent and nurture other people's children as teachers, counselors, and leaders.
Thanks, mama…
Best new Father's Day meme: the Dad Bod.
Behold its glory (as epitomized by me)!!
Thanks, MamaJ! I ended up with three 'keepers'…life is good.
and from the national news…this…
Jason Chaffetz strips Meadows of subcommittee chairmanship
The House Republican crackdown on bucking the leadership reaches new levels of severity.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/chaffetz-strips-meadows-of-subcommittee-chairmanship-119252.html#ixzz3dlHmNctB