“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”
–Arthur Miller
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Gee, it's like industry was purposefully inflating its jobs and benefit, and the state and media just went along for the ride. Or something.
http://www.eenews.net/energywire/2015/06/18/stories/1060020433 (subscription required)
Colorado did the same thing, and Hick's office broadcast the inflated figures. Hick was an oil and gas man before he was a bar owner, before he was a mayor, before he was Governor, and that's still where his loyalties lie.
Hick recently melted down on CPR, stating that the ColoWyo mine had "nothing to do with climate change", even though climate change impacts (new EPA regs) are exactly one of the reasons that coal is becoming too expensive to mine.
His office claimed 220,000 oil and gas jobs would be affected by a fracking ban, which nobody was proposing at that point. The real figures, even in the O&G boom were much lower. The 2012 Leeds study (table 10, pg 12) showed only 26,000 direct drilling and extraction jobs in Colorado. To get to that 220,000 figure, they had to include anyone who said "gas" in the course of a day's work, as in "How much gas would you like to buy?" "That's a gas range, not an electric one". "Some people say that too much tofu gives you gas."
Bottom line: We can't trust former industry pros to give us real data, or even tell the truth, about oil and gas jobs and the environment.
"Bottom line: We can't trust former industry pros to give us real data, or even tell the truth, about oil and gas jobs and the environment"
Seriously? I'll bet every major environmental group in the country employs "former industry pros". I'd even go further and say that it's dumb not to. They're the ones that know where the bodies are, so to speak.
And taken in their entirely, Hick's comments are probably accurate: "…he says the way to reduce the amount of coal burned is by lowering demand, through renewable energy mandates and more use of natural gas, steps Colorado is already taking." Personally, I'd add a carbon tax to that, which would also lower demand. The point is that it's probably more effective to achieve this goal by tweaking market forces rather than through the court orders.
I love what you do MJ, but I disagree on this point.
Points taken, ajb.
There are plenty of former O&G industry pros who do great work in the environmental field. In my opinion, Hick just isn't one of those. But I shouldn't have generalized to all former O&G experts.
Same thing with the CPR article. I read the headline, skimmed, got lazy, didn't include the entire context. Still don't trust Hickenlooper to do the right thing with the Colowyo mine – he's too busy covering his ass so people don't blame him for "losing jobs".
Working on something else. Thanks for your corrections.
Personally, I think you have to look at Hick as an engineer, as in:
The pessimist sees the glass half empty.
The optimist see the glass half full.
The engineer sees a glass twice as big as it needs to be.
While the renewable energy advocate says:
"That glass can be refilled!"
It looks like the U.S. House is set to vote on repealing Obamacare. Any guesses on how this one will go?
Shouldn't the Fossilonians be spending their time today on ginning up their outrage machine over Laudato Si?
Well, they won't talk about their in-House problems, so it would be a way to divert attention.
The Fossilonians do not speak Spanish.
They speak the same language as Jesus: 'merikun
The non-stop racism and hatred spewed by right wingers, most notably the kind repeated over Public Owned Airwaves nearly 24/7, and on multiple radio stations in almost every market, has its desired consequences:
I'm guessing he's a Mark Levin/Rush Limbaugh listener. Maybe a fan of Donald Trump for President.
Levin station: http://tunein.com/radio/1250-WTMA-s23196/
Limbaugh: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/stations/south_carolina
Levin was gushing over Trump yesterday….
9 people killed, including the pastor, who was also a State Senator.
Who knows what he listened to, his FB profile picture shows him in a jacket with Apartheid-era white government flags, and he is reported to have said "you rape our women and you take over our country and you have to go".
Nope – not racist. It must be something else.
The gun was a gift from his uncle for his birthday back in April. No word on the uncle's thoughts on race, or his thinking in giving a gun to a young man with drug problems and a recent criminal history.
The racism could run in the family, or he could have picked it up in prison, or any number of other places.
I hope you're not saying the non-stop vitriol and lies and racism aimed at Obama, and African-Americans and Hispanics and Muslims has no effect. I know it does: my own brother has been filled with rage fueled by these guys and their lies and very little real world evidence – yet he can repeat the dogma as if on cue.
Just imagine if Gunny Bob was on the air still.
You can relieve them of the responsibility for the lies they repeat many times a day……I won't.
I'm saying that hate radio may not have had effect on this person. Radio is certainly not the only place you can hear racist violent speech, and we are wiser for avoiding the thought that we'll eliminate the problem by eliminating free if disgusting speech in a single broadcast medium.
Sure it's everywhere. But it's most prevalent on Conservative talk radio. Who do KKK members listen to? More likely Savage than Hartmann.
I'm sure our ammosexual friends would say that guns do not kill people, people kill people.
He's not a racist…..he's just defending traditional values in the red state which has given us the likes of John C. Calhoun, Fort Sumter, Strom Thurmond, and Lee Atwater.
What our ammosexual friends don't say is that a great number of those people who kill people kill those people with guns.
The raging talkers are kind of scared of boycotts. So far, that's been the only tactic that has been somewhat effective against Rush Limbaugh. I don't know if anyone's organizing a boycott of Levin's advertisers.
The S. Carolina church shooting is tragic. It just puts my heart on the ground. The shooter was apparently a big fan of apartheid.
Charles Pierce:
Only the fire is not underground. It's in the air, literally. It travels many miles and lands directly within earshot of many millions. It might be fanned by words meant to misconstrue, meant to confuse. But those who are susceptible to the message hear it loud and clear. And when they act, the act is clear in the message it sends. Unless you pretend it doesn't……….
Just being reported: shooting at another black church in Memphis. Shots were apparently fired at the building, no-one hurt. Different MO than last night's attack, though in theory it could be the same guy – just within the realm of possibility if he was able to drive without detours.
The SC suspect has been caught.
Let me guess….. the trunk of his car was full of Donald Trump yard signs?
So that's what Trump's headpiece looked like before it developed its own warped intelligence!
President Obama pointed out the really obvious today in commenting about Charleston: Things like this do not happen in other countries. How long before one of the right wing morons (my guess is Sarah Palin or the Donald) cites this observation to question his patriotism?
Northern Ireland, Israel and the Balkans strongly disagree with the President's statement.
Northern Ireland, if you must know, has been largely free of The Troubles since 2007. Its murder rate per capita is about half of that of the US if you count them as a separate country (they're officially still part of the UK, which has a murder rate 1/4 that of the US).
The problems in Israel are largely due to the occupation and international relations and, if the truth be told, Israel is most like the US in its attitudes toward guns and violence as a solution to problems.
The Balkans are still recovering from the 1990's. I wouldn't count them as stable.