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April 22, 2015 12:01 PM UTC

Doug "Mr. TABOR" Bruce Strikes Again--Literally

  • by: Colorado Pols

Doug Bruce.

Former Republican Rep. Doug Bruce, author of the 1992 Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, has been in the news a great deal lately as allegations of shady real-estate deals and unmaintained rental properties pile up around himself and his associates. Bruce’s handoff of property for which he owes the city of Colorado Springs thousands of dollars in a court judgment to city councilwoman Helen Collins has caused a significant scandal, recently compounded by revelations about blighted apartment buildings in Kansas City owned by Collins and “managed” by Bruce.

Earlier this month, Bruce was in court for multiple alleged probation violations stemming in part from the above-described events. “Mr. TABOR” was convicted in 2011 of felony tax evasion, and among other offenses his business dealings with Helen Collins may well constitute violations of the terms of his release. Bruce has his next court hearing in June to face those allegations.

But as the Denver Post’s Jesse Paul reports, Bruce’s court visit on April 10th has netted him fresh legal troubles of a different kind:

An arrest warrant for assault has been issued in Denver for Douglas Bruce, the author of Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, after an incident following a court appearance earlier this month.

The warrant was signed by a judge and issued out of the county’s court on Sunday, records show. The court clerk’s office says the warrant is for a municipal assault offense.

Bruce is accused of assault at the Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse on April 10 where a video shows him grabbing a cell phone out of the hands of Dede Laugesen, executive director of Colorado Springs Government Watch. Bruce was leaving the courthouse following a hearing in which prosecutors accused him of violating his probation in his 2012 tax evasion conviction.

During Bruce’s brief tenure as the representative of Colorado House District 15 back in 2008, he was given a rare censure by the House after kicking a Rocky Mountain News reporter on the opening day of the legislative session. That incident was a major factor in the later GOP primary against Bruce won by Rep. Mark Waller.

As we’ve said on a number of occasions, Doug Bruce is not a nice man.

In a perfect world, the ongoing legal problems faced by the author of the Colorado GOP’s most treasured constitutional amendment, TABOR–especially his felony conviction for the highly ironic crime of tax evasion–would be a major credibility problem for anyone tasked with defending his handiwork. TABOR’s many Byzantine government-throttling provisions, which can’t even be undone in one initiative due to the subsequent passage of the state’s “single subject” rule for ballot measures, were carefully crafted to hobble the most basic functions of government Coloradans rely on. Nobody knew in 1992 that TABOR was written by what we know now is a criminal mind–and today, no Republican can admit this either, since blind support for TABOR is an article of faith in GOP circles.

But we’ll say it again: the author of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights is a convicted criminal. A criminal felon tax evader. A criminal slumlord. And pending how this latest assault case turns out, a criminal thug too.

We’re grateful to have no political obligation to defend this man, and we’re sorry for those who do.


26 thoughts on “Doug “Mr. TABOR” Bruce Strikes Again–Literally

  1. The photo of Mr. TABOR behind bars says it all. He was bitching about the quality of the coffee in the Denver County Jail after his brief stint there. Wait til he sees what awaits him in Canon City. 

    Word to the wise, Doug:  Don’t drop the soap.

      1. HD 15’s legislator quality bar was ratcheted down when Bruce took office.  It’s only been allowed to increase by population growth and inflation since.

  2. I saw the video last week, and there were discussions about whether to file an assault charge. I guess the question had be answered.Let the man sit in prison, and have TABOR dismantled piece by piece.. With new revenues coming in, we need to put the TABOR shit aside and move the dollars where it needs to be.

  3. Once again, is there any way we can get rid of TABOR on the grounds that it immortalizes in our state constitution a man who is an acute embarrassment to the state and who must be even more so to the mother who raised him on ever possible level? He’s a crook, a slum lord, a miser, and a repulsive, abusive oaf with no conception of how to behave in polite society. Every time someone refers to TABOR as the Bruce amendment every single person in Colorado should be mortified. No wonder there is no Mrs. Douglas Bruce. He’s the one who brought up hemorrhoids and a true hemorrhoid in the bung hole of humanity is exactly what this ugliest of ugly creeps is. No offense to hemorrhoids. 

    1. The malcontented apple didn’t fall too far from the tree.  She wrote several crotchety letters to the Gazette before she passed away. 

      And Collins is under investigation for undermining the best interests of the city involving a real estate transaction with Bruce.  If she must resign or be removed, the new city council gets to appoint her replacement.  I suppose the people of Colorado Springs could send a thank you note to the dougster for that unintended consequence.     

    2. I was wondering about whether there was a Mrs. Doug Bruce or not. IIRC a few years back, didn’t he sent away to one of the Eastern European or former Soviet-bloc nations for a mail order bride? Did that not work well?

      1. Good memory (and thank Google 🙂

        He’s also not a very nice guy.

        His petty feuds are legendary in El Paso County — from personally and vindictively belittling fellow public officials during meetings to printing business cards that read “Douglas Bruce: Terrorist” in response to then-Governor Roy Romer likening TABOR to terrorism. Even the mail-order bride he traveled to Ukraine to fetch last summer wouldn’t come home with him.


        1. I have personally observed the phenomenon of Doug Bruce entering a crowded room and seeing the crowd part as he moved through it, as though no one wanted to get near him. His handshake is cold and clammy. I did not find him appealing in any way.

    1. First, if you call TABOR an accomplishment. I don’t. It’s every bit as stupid and butt ugly as the man it spewed from. Second it’s not post anything behavior. Is there any history of Bruce ever having been anything other than the repulsive creep he is now? The people of Colorado should be ashamed they ever listened to him. TABOR sucks almost as much as Bruce does. 

  4. We should remember why Douglas Bruce pushed for TABOR in the first place. It was completely self-serving. As a slumlord, he basically just wanted to pay less property taxes. His first attempts at TABOR-like measures (the ones that failed) were even MORE oriented towards paying as little property tax as possible, screw the school districts, state and local governments that need the revenue to provide basic services.

    Douglas Bruce designed TABOR for primarily selfish reasons and his despicable character is very much a part of the core of TABOR’s design. 

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