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August 13, 2008 04:44 AM UTC

Secretary of State's Office Turns Bright, Shiny Blue

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: May as well have been a “Steve Harvey” running, Rocky:

After hearing the numbers for Douglas County, Dustin Zvonek is pleased. As the campaign manager and spokesman for Mike Coffman, he thinks his team is going to win.

“It’s going to be over shortly,” he said, citing the recent numbers. With 43 percent of the vote in Douglas County, the returns are favorable. One candidate, Steve Harvey, stepped down minutes ago, according to Zvonek.

The noise levels are increasing, as more people fill the room with a drink in hand and a Coffman sticker on their shirt.

District 6 – Republican

Candidate Votes Percent

Mike Coffman   21,298 42.1%  

Wil Armstrong 16,274 32.1%

Ted Harvey 7,106 14.0%

Steve Ward 5,949 11.8%


56 thoughts on “Secretary of State’s Office Turns Bright, Shiny Blue

  1. the Republicans held both Senate seats, four of five state executive offices and both houses of the legislature.

    In two months, Democrats will hold both Senate seats, all five state executive offices and both houses of the legislature.

    That’s the Colorado model.

    1. Colorado hadn’t had a Republican governor for 20 years. I understand your glee, but keep in mind that politics is cyclical, especially in Colorado. And with the way that Ritter and Pelosi are screwing the pooch, the state may turn red again before you know it.

      1. The state hadn’t had a Republican governor for 24 years (Lamm and Romer each served three terms).

        It’s not glee, but it is astonishment at how thoroughly the Republicans have, as you put it, screwed the pooch. And, without a bench, the state GOP is going to be in the wilderness for a while. See if you can learn something other than the usual anti-tax, anti-immigrant, anti-government schtick, because voters ain’t buying it.

  2. “Accomplished” trumps “my daddy knows everyone” trumps “I hate government” trumps “I want to make government work.”

    Something in that for everone to like, and something in there for everyone to hate…

    1. For the Democrats. Unpopular SoS being shipped off to Washington, now a very important position gets to be filled by a Democrat. Anyone have any ideas? Is it too early to start floating names for the new SoS? If not, I say Andrew Romanoff.

      1. there’s been guessing and lobbying for months. Romanoff, Ken Gordon and Joan Fitz-Gerald lead the speculation. I’m putting in a vote for Peggy Kerns.

      2. While Speaker Romanoff certainly isn’t done in Colorado politics, and neither is Joan Fitzgerald, I think Sen. Gordon should be first in line (if he wants it) considering that more people probably voted for him than the current occupant.


  3.    I’m betting J.F.G., assuming J.P.’s narrow lead holds up.  It’s not a bad consolation prize.

      If J.F.G. is going to D.C., then Romanoff gets S.O.S.

      1. I think Romanoff would be tremendous in Washington and would be able to go on to some great accomplishments. I don’t think he’s stretched his abaility yet.

        Joan knows how to get things done and how to get what’s critical included in what’s done. That combination seems tailor made for the SoS office.

        1.    As for Andrew going to D.C., how pray tell does that happen?  (Don’t get me wrong.  I’d love to see him challenge Princess Diana in the CD 1 primary in ’10 but it probably aint gonna happen.)

            As for B.O. appointing him to something…that’s possible. But remember, he supported the losing candidate back in Feb.  (The only HRC campaigning I saw in my precinct was the Robocall I rec’d from Andrew inviting me to go see Bill speak at D.U.)

            I’m guessing Obama’s gonna have his hands full naming his supporters to positions in D.C. before he’ll have time to name any Clintonistas.

          1. I think Romanoff makes sense at State. He has so much talent, but so few openings. Maybe Ritter should make him the first Education Czar to figure out the horrible budget crisis.

    1. AR is a Ritter loyalist. None of the others are. Though given the Gov’s recent perfomance it would not be incomprehensible to pass on the youngest, most promising candidate just because he stepped aside and let you have a clear shot at governor.  

  4.    Ritter, concerned about ’10 and mindful of the fact that a big batch of RINOs help elect him in ’06, names Marcy Morrison (who happens to be his Insurance Commissioner) to the S.O.S. post.

    1. and she wouldn’t be a terrible pick, either.

      The Democrats always play so nice, though. Owens could’ve named Ritter to replace Salazar at attorney general but didn’t hesitate to take the office for his party. Ritter shouldn’t either.

    1. now that would be funny.

      But would Coffman really resign and leave the Nov election in the hands of someone new to the job?  It’s not like setting up a congressional office is a full time job…especially when you have 5 months to do it…  (no offense to Hank Eng…)

    2. Will he do it?  I don’t know.  He stayed in all through the primary process; all apologies to Hank Eng, but I’m guessing the general election won’t be more difficult than facing Wil’s dad’s money.

      So does he abandon his duty as SoS for his party since he can’t really claim it’s tough to run a general election campaign, or does he stick with the job?

      1. The Rocky Mountain News reported this morning that Mike Coffman indicated he was going to stay on at least through November.

        So does he abandon his duty as SoS for his party since he can’t really claim it’s tough to run a general election campaign, or does he stick with the job?

        by: Phoenix Rising @ Wed Aug 13, 2008

        Why is it a handful of political junkies insist on referring to Coffman “abandoning” the secretary of state’s office, when such criticism was non-existent when Ken Salazar left mid-term as attorney general to become a member of Congress?  It was irrelevant then, as it is now.

        1. The Secretary of State’s office is going to have its hands full for the election this year; dropping the duties in a new SoS’s lap would be unkind.  The AG’s office, in contrast, runs at a constant level; even so, there was some grumbling about Salazar leaving during a Republican administration.

          Glad the Rocky’s on top of the question and thanks for the update.

  5. If “Get Rid Of Ritter” puts JFG, Ken Gordon or Romanoff in the SoS office I believe the office could be lost by the Dems in the next election “IF” the Republicans put up someone that can do the job.  That is a big “IF”.

    “Get Rid of Ritter” would be better off to put in Morrison because Morrison will have to defend the office from a Dem who will win office back much easier.  Why because the Republicans will not support Morrison very well.

    Congratulations to Congressman Coffman hope D.C. will not give you a big head like it did Tom T.  Listen to the people Mike and serve them well.

    Thank you Skyler and DrewKerin, I believe Colorado will Go For John McCain also.  

    1. Coffman WILL be better than TT in Congress.  But then, who wouldn’t be?  I’m making no reference to TT’s politics, but his record of absenteeism and lack of efforts outside of immigration.

    2. Since Bruce is out of a job, maybe he should run for Governor. Or Tom Tancredo.

      They’re the real Republicans in waiting…

      Unless you imagine that the Republican Party might shift ideology from the extreme right.

      Praying for rain of biblical proportions, might be another strategy.

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