“Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.”
–Nikos Kazantzakis
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Tom Cotton’s brain https://www.facebook.com/MemeGOP/photos/a.429122320441047.103062.429101477109798/968287056524568/?type=1&theater
ok, the 5 minutes edit time isn’t enough…………needless to say I had something very compelling to post and now it is lost to the big bit bucket in the sky.
Here’s more on the Geographical Genius named Tom Cotton:
OK, men ARE simple . . . blind pig . . . well, and truly!
Some perfectly normal, intelligent people were late talkers. However, we don’t need to go back to age 3 to know this guy’s a moron. Did you know that Iran is (shocking) already in full control of Tehran?!?
He didn’t speak ’til he was three? It sounds like he really was his mother’s special child. That explains a great deal. Now he seems to think he’s special in a different way.
16.4 million now how health care thanks to Obamacare http://bigstory.ap.org/article/f1ccc76ef7ad4814a3b46de6d130dc50/obama-administration-164m-have-gained-health-insurance
Bravo! Health care is truly a right and no decent American should be without or deny their fellow Americans the same.
The Cognitive Dissonance that won’t allow all the naysayers to admit they are 100% wrong about ACA.
Imagine if we had a U.S. Senator willing to stand up today and say this:
Hey, maybe Bennet can convince Cotton or Gardner to be bipartisan with him on the Four Freedoms……just a thought.
Sen. Ted Cruz outdoes Gov. Bill Owens: “the world is on fire”.
It’s probably all those Republican pants.
jeb bush’s e-mail troubles http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/jeb-bushs-email-troubles-grow-more-serious?cid=sm_fb_maddow
Of course this becomes problematic for Bush since it makes it harder for him to make HRC’s e-mail situation central to attacks but, to be fair, Bush wasn’t SOS. That not only makes it a weightier problem for HRC but allows Republicans, after their own serial and simultaneous investigations found no there there, to breathe new life into the whole Benghazi thing. Of course, even if HRC had deleted Benghazi related e-mail, if they were sent to anyone with government e-mail they would be available through the recipient but R’s still get some miles out of the mere fact that the word “Benghazi” gets repeated a few more times.
And it’s really not as if you even have to be a Republican to not trust HRC. I don’t and I don’t buy her excuses about not wanting to carry another device (elsewhere she has talked about all the devices she does carry) because of the inconvenience. I don’t believe there is any wrong doing to uncover in connection with Benghazi but I do think HRC used her own e-mail on her own server as SOS because she is naturally secretive. If you don’t think the Obama administration has been particularly transparent, and I don’t, I wouldn’t expect anything different from an HRC administration.
This article is interesting for many reasons. One thing that struck me is that the wealth gap in Israel is getting to be as wide as the wealth gap here, a gap much wider than in western allied European countries. This growing lack of egalitarianism is in vivid contrast to the Israel of the early 70s when I spent some months there having a working vacation on a Kibbutz. True, Kibbutzim were home to a small minority then and now, but the egalitarian spirit which found it’s most extreme expression in kibbutz life of that day (It’s changed somewhat on kibbutzim, too) was not so far removed from the less extreme but still vigorous egalitarianism that pervaded most of Israeli Jewish society in those days.
With talk about the future for Jews in Europe and whether they should emigrate to Israel, this is something European born and raised Jews will have to take into consideration. Will their lives be even more dangerous with an increasingly volatile situation considering the soon to be majority Arab population within the single state Bibi swears to maintain and also less prosperous for the mjority with less opportunity for upward mobility? What will it be like for them living in an increasingly right wing Israel heading toward a gilded age style economy if Bibi and his allies have their way?