Well, he did it. Sen. Michael Bennet had the nerve today to vote with the Republican majority and a few other Democrats to try to override President Obama's veto of the Keystone XL pipeline project. Fortunately, the effort failed. I was holding my breath and hoping that Sen. Bennet would have the good sense to reverse his previous position and support the President on this issue. But it appears that the oil and gas industry has more lobbyists and a lot more cash to hand out than I do. I hope that the good, progressive folks who reside in our beautiful state get together and find someone to challenge Sen. Bennet in next year's primary, someone whose views better reflect the views of the people who put him into office. Because, it is my personal belief that Sen. Bennet needs to go. And I also happen to believe that he will go in 2016 one way or the other – either by being ousted in the primary by a more progressive Democrat (my wish) or by a Republican in the general election (my prediction based on how he is polling). In any case, I plan to do whatever I can to continue to support progessive candidates and to expose "corporate" Democrats like Sen. Bennet. Colorado deserves better.
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But at least he's fund raising off standing up to them Kochs! That'll show 'em!
I just tried to leave a web-message on the Senator's website — got a gateway timeout error.
Either he's unplugged the server, or it is getting bombarded with similar messages concerning his wrong-headed vote.
And yes, I just got a funder email from him too…
My comment to Sen Bennet worked just now. He needs to hear from thousands.
I left a comment via his Senate contact e-mail form.
What an idiot.
Letter in the Post criticizing him for showing up for Bibi, too. There clearly isn't any political advantage to his going so far as to vote to over-ride his own party's president's veto, especially when he knew it wouldn't make the difference and the veto would hold.
The only reason I can see for him to not leave well enough alone by just voting for the pipe line, something on which reasonable people can disagree and which, as Voyageur points out, is something many of his voters might agree with, is to curry favor with big Oil and Gas for future pay back. It won't win him a single R leaning vote and much of the Dem base couldn't stand him already and will positively hate him now. He probably figures he's a shoe in in the next presidential year election regardless so he doesn't have to worry about the politics. Just the money and his future in the private sector. May he leave the Senate and head off into the Big Oil and Gas sunset as soon as possible.
no rhyme nor reason to this guy's actions. I highly doubt CO voters will give this guy another shot at office, no matter how strong Hillary's coattails are.
Zap…. most voters will only know he's a D. If they're voting for a D Prez they'll most likely vote for Bennet, too. It will be him or an even worse R to choose from.
Who's got enough name rec to primary him? Besides Romanoff for being a two time loser and we've already seen what an incompetent campaigner he is. Best, though slim to none hope? Bennet wins, HRC forgives him (well she never really forgives anyone anything, as we saw when her knives came out for Obama the second she was no longer SOS but strategically forgives him) for being Obama's guy in 2008 (Romanoff was the DLC, HRC supporter), appoints him to something and Hick appoints a less offensive to the grass roots Dem to the Senate, at this point, a low bar. Bring on the unicorns.
I wish stupid hurt — might be a bit less, then.
I'll float a name of someone who could challenge him in the primary and have a shot. State Sen. Morgan Carroll.
You mean the same Sen. Morgan Carroll on the host committee for Bennet's campaign kickoff? Guess again.
I keep telling peole that there's no such thing as pure as the driven snow in politics. Mother Teresas just don't go in for such a dirty business.
Nuts! I obviously did not know that!!