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July 28, 2008 06:52 PM UTC

The Morning News - Monday July 28

  • by: Aristotle

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Showdown of sorts Democrats to confront Senate’s “Dr. No” with single bill covering issues he’s blocking

Just in time to (perhaps) blunt GOP ads – < National gas price avg. drops below $4

In terrorism news – bombings in Turkey and India; American citizen suspect in Indian bombings

Democrats using small ‘d’ democratic ideals  Open up platform writing to ordinary Americans rather than power brokers; still has to be approved by committee


9 thoughts on “The Morning News – Monday July 28

  1. When was the last time ANY Majority Leader’s attempt at political tomfoolery was successful?  

    Bill Frist’s little fit over judges that led to Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor reading from the NYT and, if I remember correctly, a cookbook at about 3am.  Rick Santorum following him with an incoherent treatise of the importance of the judiciary at 4am.  Yeah, that worked real well.

    Not to be outdone, Harry decided to have his own all-nigher last July about war funding.  Yeah, they sure crafted a fine piece of legislation…  What’s that you say?  That stunt didn’t amount to anything either?  Oh.  Oops…

    So here’s a thought:  Instead of trying to embarrass the ass backwards traveling circus that is Mr. Coburn, perhaps Mr. Reid and his annoying little pet, the senior senator from Illinois, should do some actual legislating and not try to trump one senator’s right to hold up whatever damn bill he or she feels like.  

    The crazy Mr. Coburn and his senile colleague Mr. Inhofe aren’t responsible to the distinguished Majority Leader or anyone else in the Senate.  Their duty lies in upholding the constitution as the fine people of Oklahoma see fit.  Seeing as they keep getting reelected, they seem to be doing their job.  I don’t agree with them, but I don’t live in Oklahoma and neither does Harry Reid.  It’s not up to us to approve or disapprove of their job performance.  Time to get over it and, ya know, do something productive.  

    Repubs aren’t going to cave on this and tomorrow’s headline won’t be, “Republicans hate women, children, and the late Christopher Reeve.”  It will be “Senate Democrats’ stunt fails miserably…again.”

    1. is the Sen. Coburn is not blocking passage of the bills, he is blocking them being passed without debate.  The Democratic majority are trying to fast track pork without having to put any sort of justification on the official record.  Coburn is not letting them just run up more debt without having to say why the federal government needs to spend the money.  That way taxpayers can see the thinking behind what they are paying for.

      1. Here’s some of what’s in the bill.  To make it more palatable for Republican eyes, I’ll only include those bills primarily sponsored by a Republican.

        Stroke Prevention (Sen. Cochran)

        Vision Care for Kids (Sen. Bond)

        Downs Syndrome Support (Sen. Brownback)

        Mentally Ill Offender Treatment (Sen. Domenici)

        Enhancing Child Porn Prosecution (Sen. Vitter)

        U.S. Overseas Reconstruction Improvement (Sen. Lugar)

        The bill also covers topics like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, paralysis, postpartum depression, unsolved crimes, drug-endangered kids, runaway and homeless youth, Internet child exploitation, and pre-disaster mitigation.

        These are all things Sen. Cochran has deemed it inappropriate to fund.  And no, he’s not just asking for debate; he’s threatened a filibuster on each of them.  Even with unanimous consent for cloture, the Senate gets ample time to debate these bills.

        1. Nice names.  What’s really in the bill?

          Coburn just wants to know how this stuff is going to be paid for.  Isn’t that prudent?

          How’s that 9% approval rating treating you, Harry?

          1. Maybe it’s not really a bill about the prevention of Downs Syndrome…

            Coburn just wants to grandstand.  Oh – and remember, Republicans have a lower approval rating in Congress than Democrats, so when you’re divvying up that 13% approval rating, remember to shortchange grandstanders like Coburn and give the Democrats a bit more credit.

  2. Don’t forget the three suicide bombings in Iraq today, too.

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Three female suicide bombers killed 28 people and wounded 92 when they blew themselves up among Shi’ites walking through the streets of Baghdad on a religious pilgrimage on Monday, Iraqi police said.

    In the northern oil city of Kirkuk a suicide bomber killed 22 people and wounded 150 at a protest against a disputed local elections law, Iraqi health and security officials said. One security official said the bomber may also have been a woman.

    The attacks mark one of the bloodiest days in Iraq in months and underscored the fragility of recent security gains in the country, where violence is at its lowest level since early 2004.

      1. McCain loses the only plank of his campaign he hasn’t waffled on or adopted Obama’s position. He’ll go over there himself and whoop some Iraqi ass if they don’t stay in line until November.

        1. My investiopinion is the decline in violence had more to do with the JAM truce and the end of the alliance between the Sunnis and AQI.

          100 years people, 100 years.

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