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February 19, 2015 06:41 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"Remorse sleeps during prosperity but awakes bitter consciousness during adversity."

–Jean-Jacques Rousseau


20 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread


    DeGette's Anti-Israel snub to result in her getting a primary opponent.

    The Boulder Jewish News reported over the weekend that DeGette intends to snub Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress early next month. Her reason? A mere scheduling conflict that the BJN describes as “so flimsy as to be fully transparent.” They go on to say:

    Her decision is pure, grotesquely partisan politics and a slap in the face to the thousands of pro-Israel constituents – both Jewish and non-Jewish alike –who have helped elect Congresswoman DeGette to office nine consecutive times.


    1. Netanyahu is a war monger who can threaten and agitate all he wants cuz his big brother is standing right behind him at all times. 

      DeGette should initiate foreign agent investigations of both him and him co-conspirator Boehner for their disgusting actions in all this. Matter of fact, "Traitor Beohner" would be a nice way for him to go down in history. Or maybe "Traitor John". And it seems JEB Bush was also in the loop to try to get some foreign policy points racked up by amplifying the Republicans' NeoCon/All-war-all-the-time message

      Ike is spinning in his grave.

    2. Day late on the copy paste there troll.



      Response: Sky Will Not Fall If DeGette Not in Hall

      Response: Sky Will Not Fall If DeGette Not in Hall

      By Staff on ‍‍February 18, 2015 – 29 Shevat 5775 | Add a Comment

      Letter to the Editor: “Dean Rotbart’s piece … unfortunately injects more partisan politics into an already over-politicized matter.”Read More >>

      Posted in Letters | Tagged CongressDean Rotbartdiane degetteIranIsraelletter to editorNetanyahu,speech | Leave a response

      Response: In Defense of Congresswoman Diana DeGette

      Response: In Defense of Congresswoman Diana DeGette

      By Staff on ‍‍February 18, 2015 – 29 Shevat 5775 | Add a Comment

      Letter to the Editor: “We were deeply dismayed to read Dean Rotbart’s shameful and erroneous attack on Congresswoman Diana DeGette…” Read More >>

  2. Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility – NOT

    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) will skip making $108 million in debt payments in the face of a budget shortfall due to a slew of tax cuts he enacted.

    The governor has to close a $283 million shortfall by the end of June. To do so, he will delay making the $100 million payment that is due in May on short-term debt, which doesn’t require legislative approval. The terms of the debt allow the state to defer a payment in any given year without defaulting. The move will increase its debt-service bills by $545,000 in the next budget year starting July 1 and by $18.7 million in the following one.

    1. Do you remember Bill Owens pulling that same stunt, only instead of delaying debt payments he paid state employees a day late – on the first of the next month (the first day of the next fiscal year), not the last day of the month the wages were due? 

      Viola! Fiscal problem solved…

  3. NY Times:

    WASHINGTON — Usually bitter adversaries, Koch Industries and the Center for American Progress have found at least one thing they can agree on: The nation’s criminal justice system is broken.

    Koch Industries, the conglomerate owned by the conservative Koch brothers, and the center, a Washington-based liberal issues group, are coming together to back a new organization called the Coalition for Public Safety. The coalition plans a multimillion-dollar campaign on behalf of emerging proposals to reduce prison populations, overhaul sentencing, reduce recidivism and take on similar initiatives. Other groups from both the left and right — the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans for Tax Reform, the Tea Party-oriented FreedomWorks — are also part of the coalition, reflecting its unusually bipartisan approach.

    1. Once you get the people with a direct interest in continuing the current prison overpopulation issue out of the equation, it's amazing how much agreement the left and right can have on a solution.

      This has the ability to fall apart swiftly if the libertarian side of the coalition decides that reducing recidivism and even heading off criminal behavior before it occurs could expend government money – even if it's less government money than the current jail and forget strategy.

  4. Rep. Ken Buck (CO-Moron):

    The White House said Obama will be in his hometown Thursday to announce the Pullman National Monument. The neighborhood on the city's South Side was built by industrialist George Pullman in the 19th century for workers to manufacture luxurious railroad sleeping cars. The neighborhood was crucial in the African-American labor movement. Obama also is expected to announce designation of Honouliuli National Monument in Hawaii, the site of an internment camp where Japanese-American citizens and prisoners of war were held during World War II; as well as Browns Canyon National Monument in Colorado, a 21,000-acre site along the Arkansas River popular for whitewater rafting.

    A national monument to labor?

    To the victims of Japanese internment?

    To whitewater rafting?

    Who could possibly object to any of these?

    Why do I ask such questions?

    Rep. Ken Buck, Colorado Republican, issued a statement calling on Mr. Obama to "cut it out…He is not king. No more acting like King Barack," Mr. Buck said. "That is not how we do things in the U.S. Actions like this lead the American people to view Mr. Obama's presidency as an imperial presidency."

    This has been a paid political announcement from the Committee To Stop Electing Morons.

    1. This will not stop at Steve King.

      There are indications that King did not "defraud" the College, but had willing accomplices who "looked the other way" and knew full well he was falsifying documents. Other issues, such as non-prosecution of sexual assualt charges, patronage hiring, and inappropriate handling of federal dollars (in particular the "Federal Mineral Lease") program, are circling in the water, waiting for a chance to take a bite out of the Foster fiefdom.


      1. What a cesspool.  I cannot, but can, believe they handed the airport over to Wagner who has been snoozing on the job for years as Rex absconded with public treasure….. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

        Now the borad is talking about tearing down Rex's public funded, half-built, in errears 'boondoogle',' as if its some great mystery how a half completed hanger and building got erected on their property.  

        And as the board somambulates through its ficuciadiary obligations, its other incestous cousin Tim Foster's shop is helping their inside man at the Legislator graft a bit more, since he–sadly–was forced to run for an office that didn't pay enough.  

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