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April 11, 2014 06:23 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"If you can't convince them, confuse them."

–Harry S. Truman


49 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

    1. Yeah…………………., that's one ya might want to start to rethink, ace.

      Or not. Depends on if ya want to lose a mid term that, at least theoretically, you have a shot at, or if it's just about ya bein' a pissy little whiner. This stuff kills it in that tiny conserve bubble. 

      Not so much on the street.












        1. Interesting that only 24% believe it has a mostly negatively effect (and of course we have no idea how many of those really are affected negatively on themselves and their families while 47% believe it has a mainly negative effect on the country.  Also a majority, 58%, believe it has not much of an effect on them selves or  their families, but only  !7% share that view when it comes to accessing the nationwide ( other people), effect. 

          Seems as though lots of people don't believe their lyin' eyes over GOTP propaganda. It's the Dems job to get people to believe their own  eyes and experience instead of the bullshit GOTP lies. 

          It reminds me of when a majority of lower/middle income white people believed that their federal income taxes had gone up under Obama early in his administration when they had really had gone down. The truth was right there in their returns but they still believed the rightie media which took great advantage of Joe Sixpack's bigoted willingness to believe that the African American in the WH must be doing them harm, taking from them to hand out perks to "those" people.

          Dem candidates, don't hide. Get to work screaming the truth. 

        2. You know that chart doesn't help you , ace, don't you?

          Read it again.

          Even with Democrats not stepping up as much as they should,embracing it, your slimy side is losing ground………………………..FAST!

          It's you and the huckabees, singin' to the trees.

          This is TOOOOOOO easy!

          BTW, great explanation, BC.

    2. Let me do your dirt:


      All of these pictures just display stupidity. Like yourself. 

      Nice weather here in Brooklyn (staying until the 20th. must. be. home. for 4/20!)

  1. If we're going to encourage highly placed female members of Obama's cabinet to resign, I have a nomination:

    This idiot. Michelle Leonhart, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration. She apparently didn't know that alcohol kills more people than marijuana, for starters. Her latest is that states shouldn't legalize cannabis because their pet dog might eat the plants. (By the way, this won't by itself kill pets, although it might sedate them).


    And what is she doing to combat the methamphetamine and heroin ravaging cities now? Meth turns people into instant psychopaths. If there's truly an evil drug, that's it.   Apparently she thinks marijuana is right up there with meth and heroin, so :apparently not enough. Watch Rep: Jared Polis grilling her, and her less-than-stunning responses:


      1. I missed the flag story when it hapened, Michael Bowman. Well done. When cannabis was banned, it was just as much, if not more, hemp they were after. If you have a few minutes to kill, Google "William Randoph Hearst +cannabis". The wiki on it is interesting reading.

        1. I've actually performed that Google search!  The flag story went global and viral.  At one time the search with "my name, hemp flag and July 4" yielded about 1,100 hits.  Other countries got quite a hoot out of our ignorance over this 'plant' – given we are the largest consumer market in the world for hemp products (paper, textiles, food, etc.) and yet, in our infinite wisdom, the only major industrialized nation to prohibit its farmers from cultivating the plant.  It's hard to put your arms around that much "stupid". 

          Although there are people who will argue the assertion, we can generally credit the prohibition to Hearst, DuPont and Rockefeller, aided by their banker Andrew Mellon, whose neice was married to Treasury Czar Henry Anslinger at the time.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

      1. Of course, but the females do seem to get special targeting from the right: Shirley Sherrod, Kathleen Sebelius, Hillary Clinton when she was S O S, etc. I'm just saying – Leonhart is dangerously ignorant for the position she holds, yet I've seen no outcry calling for her resignation, except from the left, and who listens to us?

        1. Sebelius deserves to be held accountable IMHO. She has never expressed the slightest awareness that there was anything that could have been done differently on her end in all the time that preceded the ACA roll out. Listening to her answer questions on that score is a lot like listening to Rumsfeld or Cheney on the Iraq war. She's resigning and good riddance.

    1. Agree with the call for Leonheart's resignation – if she doesn't get the fuck out of the way in terms of legalizing marijuana, she does not deserve a job with the DEA. Period.

      Leonheart could make everything EASY by declaring marijuana off the schedule effective immediately. We've been waiting for 5 years for the administration to do something, and we led the way to legalization and has only one DEA raid (due to a Colombian cartel connection with one of the dispensaries) – but everyone is complying with the state law. This weekend will be the Cannabis Cup (shame I have to miss it) but it should be fun. Was also personally invited to a private smoke party on the 23rd. Contemplating on attending.

        1. Don’t think so…I think Catnip is a variety of mint. I have had a couple of cats that were mad for the stuff..a couple of others that couldn’t care less…*(*note to Elliot Fladen…please observe the correct usage of this expression. You will note it contains a negative, from which, it derives its meaning.)

  2. Remember how the Public really likes Udallcare and with all those people signing up everything was going to be alright in November?  That may be true in the Dem/Socialist echo chamber, but check out the numbers for Indpendants.


    Continuing Partisan Divide in Views of the ACA

    1. As I understand it, the Dem meetings are open to the public. You don't need a pass to get in. If you are there as a delegate, you'll have credentials to vote. 

      The following was posted to the Arapahoe County Dems page by the chairperson:

      "As the rules of the Democratic Party call for open meetings, even if you are not an elected delegate to the Congressional or State Assembly, you are welcome and encouraged to attend! The Congressional District 6 Assembly will be held this Friday evening at 7PM and the State Assembly will be held the next morning at 10AM. Both will be at the Colorado Convention Center downtown."

      The Republicans, meanwhile, charge even the elected delegates who want to attend and vote. Different ways of doing things. But then again, the GOP has to raise the money to pay their state chairman a 6-figure salary, while the Dem state officers are volunteers. 

    2. Oh, yeah – state Dem rules require that all party meetings be open. Just ask a certain mountain county in which the local party "controllers" a few years ago tried to select their next legislator in a closed meeting.


      1. (R)asmussen. Wow.

        GOP is finished if O's approval is better than his disapproval. And if R can "fix" it to be +1, then it has to be a +8 (always add 7 to Rasmussen numbers to get the accuracy – they always muck the numbers)

        Obama's Rasmussen number is, in reality, at 58. That dooms the GOP for sure.


        1. Actually lately Rasmussen has been consistently reporting a much smaller disapproval to approval lead than Gallop and other polls. It appears to be not quite the same as it used to be. I thought you were gone, parody puppy. 

          1. DP is real, his views are extreme, but he is real.

            I understand Scott Rasmussen sold his interest in the company and their polling has had a significant Dem + slant since then.  The presidential approval rating is the most obvious.  The RCP average is about 43.  Rasmussen 50.

          2. Interesting that Rasmussen may have shifted to middle.   It's actually Gallup, with very outdated modeling [cell phones?  we don't need no steekin' cellphones] which has been making outliers like their prediction that Romney would win the election, not Obama.  If Rasmussen has shifted, it may be that they updated their profiles to get more cell-phone only users who are disproportionately young and D.   I never though Rassy deliberately lied, but having had some of their robocall polls, I think they oversamjple old white guys who rely on land lines thus skewing their results to the right. 

      1. There's a reason why it's considered the world's toughest job, and just watching it put decades on those that hold the job (although I have to admit, both Reagan and Bush Jr. didn't take the job seriously enough to affect their health)

        1. Heck Reagan had early stage dementia before his reelection so he wasn't really very checked in to anything that would cause much stress during his second term. GW is about as introspective as a turnip so no problem of sleepness nghts there either.

    1. Thanks David. Saving the Economist story for the wife. She'll be politicking most of the weekend, but at Sunday brunch she'll get her own news dump of bits I've been saving this week. . 

  3. CD1 Assembly tonight, 4/11,  Thomas Jefferson High School, 3950 S. Holly St.  Registration starts 5:30, Beyonce sings at 6:30

      Okay, I lied about Beyonce, gotta get your attention somehow.   If you were elected to the state, you were also automatically elected to CD-1.   I didn't plan to go because DeGette has no opposition.   But now a race has developed for state Board of Education.   I'm backing Taggart Hansen, Chief Counsel for Labor & Employment for CH2M HILL and a hard-working, thoughtful, advocate of public education who is firmly opposed to  the kind of whack-job voucherism like the Douglas County plan.   But Taggart Hansen also supports responsible charter schools, as long as they are held accountable.   He has two of his own kids at the Denver School of Science and Technology — the same school where my two grandkids now attend.

    My son and daughter are also DPS grads.   When my son started failing out of East High, we eventually had him diagnosed with, and treated for, clinical depression.   We had noted that even in his worst times, music was the one thing that got through to him.   So we enrolled him in the Denver School of the Arts.   Today, he has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston College and teached philosophy at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn.

      The moral — one size doesn't need all and we need choice in public schools.   But late-entering Val Vigil — backed by Jeanne Kaplan and the "let's beat up on DPS Supt. Tom Boasberg's reform program because it just feels so good" crowd — is running a platform of trying strangle charter schools.   The anti-reform, anti charter school crowd lost that DPS election.  Don't let them slip a victory in the back door at the assembly tonight by not showing up.   I'll be there, the big old white guy in the black overalls, and I'll happily buy a beer — preferably union-label Pabst Blue Ribbon — for any Democrat who will show up to help Taggart and the other good guys win.  

  4. This time tomorrow we will know a whole lot more about what is happening in the Republican Party. I think it interesting that neither Beauprez nor Tancredo are concerned with top line designation on the ballot.  

    I will not comment on the State School Board Race except to say again, in Denver, we pay attention to school board elections….local or state.  But, again, it will be interesting to see the outcome.

    It is nice to be a bystander and not have a candidate in any race.  

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