As the Denver Post's Lynn Bartels reports, nationally syndicated conservative columnist and Colorado Springs resident Michelle Malkin is once again endorsing Tom Tancredo for Governor of Colorado. In 2010, Malkin endorsed Tancredo when he ran as the American Constitution Party candidate, garnering 36.4% of the statewide vote:
“He’ll protect gun owners, entrepreneurs, and families from the encroachment of Nanny State bureaucrats,” Malkin said in her announcement supporting Tancredo. “He’ll fight both big government and big business special interests. He’ll turn back Obamacare and Common Core. And he’ll continue to battle the scourge of illegal immigration at our borders, in our neighborhoods, and on our economy.”
A regular figure on FOX News and other right-wing media, Malkin is perhaps most famous for her 2004 book, In Defense of Internment: The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror. Briefly popular among apologists for the Bush administration's tactics in response to the 9/11 terror attacks, Malkin's book was condemned by, among others, Fred Korematsu of the infamous Korematsu vs. U.S. case:
It is painful to see reopened for serious debate the question of whether the government was justified in imprisoning Japanese Americans during World War II. It was my hope that my case and the cases of other Japanese American internees would be remembered for the dangers of racial and ethnic scapegoating…
If someone is a spy or terrorist they should be prosecuted for their actions. But no one should ever be locked away simply because they share the same race, ethnicity, or religion as a spy or terrorist. If that principle was not learned from the internment of Japanese Americans, then these are very dangerous times for our democracy.
We'd say that apologetics for the internment of Japanese Americans is about as bad as it gets in American history–but if you agree, you were probably never going to vote for Tom Tancredo anyway.
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Least surprising endorsement ever. Malkin and Tancredo were made for each other.
Another name I try to not think of, and here it is.
Sometimes you have to crack some eggs to make an omelette. WWII wasn't the first time, and as Obama's drone strikes on American citizens prove, it wasn't the last.
I see words but I don't see anything that forms a coherent thought here.
Because you are wilfully ignorant. Sometimes it's necessary to take extraordinary actions to defend the nation, from internment to drone strikes. That is the point of Malkin's book, which I have read. Have any of you actually read this book?
Of course not. I wasn't commenting on Malkin's book but on your comment. You're both idiots, though.
Gee, on old white Republican like Moddy advocating for the forcible detention of innocent people of a different race.
This is my surprised face.
And no you didn't. Besides being dumb as a post, you had no idea she'd even written a book, much less what it was about.
The title and the "cliff notes" on this thread told you what you think the book's about.
Moderatus, as allways, you'rea hack, quack, phony,and a fraud.
No real comparison, Moddy. The Japanese were targeted as a fifth column, based on an exaggerated fear of the Black Dragon Society, a subversive group akin to the German American Bund. A fair number of Germans, and Italians, were interned, but almost always because they had a tie to the Bund or pro-fascist groups. Japanese, including my late, great friend Bill Hosokawa, were just interned automatically because of their race if they lived on the West Coast. They were left alone in Hawaii, where they were a huge part of the population, as proved at least as loyal as German Americans and Italian Americans. Ironically, one of the cheerleaders for the internment was the Attorney General of California, Earl Warren. His guilt over that may have fueled his liberal rulings on the U.S. Supreme Court. As for the drone strikes, if somebody is trying to kill me or my family and I have a chance to kill them first, I'll all for it. As Peter King says, the fact that a few of them may be nominal American citizens only makes it worse. But I'll give the little swine due process if they want — just show up at an American embassy or the police station of a friendly poor. I'll even take the death penalty off the table before giving them a free lawyer and a one-way ticket to Guantanamo. But as the French would say, the U.S. Treatment of Japanese-Americans in World War II was worse than a crime. It was a mistake.
make that the police station of a friendly power (not poor)
CU grad, right?
Guilty as charged, dwyer. BS Journalism, 1968. MS LAbor Relations 1972. Most work don't on Boulder campus but went summers to ucd at night and part of the ms work at UCD
I knew Bill Hosokawa pretty well Voyageur. He was a really great man.
You know damn well that if that had been McCain's drone strike you would have been rooting for a fleet of them on constant deployment.
McCain or Obama doesn't matter. If a guy wants to fight for the enemy, we get to kill him on the battlefield. Get back to me when it's some teabagger and not some jihadist.
One thing I know well is that if the president were expending treasure, blood and boot leather to accomplish the same thing as the drone strikes all the wingers would be up on their hind legs howling about how wasteful this guy is and conversely if he were doing nothing they'd be up on their hind legs howling "weak on terror/defense".
Well they had special meeting before Obama was even sworn in for his first term where they determined that, since their only goal was seeing to it that he didn't get a second term, they would oppose anything and everything connected with his administration to deny him any victories or any accomplishments for which he could take credit. They lost the whole second term battle but are still valiantly fighting on for failure no matter what. There is literally nothing he could do that they would support, Consequences for their constituents couldn't matter less. This is why it makes perfect sense to label rightie think tank developed Romneycare the most insidious commie plot known to man.
Well there goes the democratic republic and the rule of law, You prefer a good dose of autocracy, militarism and "internment" camps? Maintaining civil society and constitutional government is hard enough without your attitude. Attitudes like yours lead to people who look "different" being shot and beaten by the ignorant, the fearful and by uninformed vigilantes.
You know Malkin doesn't exactly look like the traditional girl next door herself. I wouldn't be encouraging throwing people who look "different" into internment camps if I were her. I've always detected a strong odor of self loathing around her. One can imagine her dreaming of waking up to look like a "real" American girl.
Self-loathing is right, BC. I once read a book called "One More Victim about a prominent neo-Nazi who went on to be a big deal in the Ku KIux Klan — who was also Jewish, right down to his Bar Mitzvah. When the New York Times exposed him, he killed himself. Ironically, he sort of advanced tolerance, because the Times went on to quote lots Klansmen and Nazis who said his Jewish background hadn't stop him from being one of the finest bigots they knew. I wonder how Malkin would look in bedsheets?
Sorry I am no good posting links, but there is a hilarious video of a Dave Chappelle comedy bit: Clayton Bigsby, the black, white supremist. If your Monday needs a little humor, google it and enjoy.
Is there a syndrome for this kind of thing? Wanting to escape being the loathed one by identifying with the loathers? I bet Tanc would like to wake up tall, blond, blue eyed with last name like Johnson, too.
I couldn't resist. Malkin (from Miriam-Webster) dialect chiefly British : an untidy woman : slattern
dialect chiefly British
a : cat
b : hare
Origin of MALKIN
Middle English malkyn servant woman, from Malkyn,diminutive of the name Maud
First Known Use: 1586
So Malkin means slattern. That truth in labeling law is a bitch!
So now Malkin is a race traitor. Why are libs the most racist people I know?
Not unless she's Japanese which she's not. Why would you think that? You, as usual, didn't understand my comment. And I'd say you know plenty of righties who are more racist than any of the liberals I know. See all the 2008 cartoons about the Obama's.
Sorry. Obamas I saw a teachers' mug with something on it like…. every time you use an apostrophe to indicate plural a puppy dies.
Everyone with a brain knows that you conservatives are the racist party. You right wing wackos continue to make racist and intolerant comments that offend blacks, latinos, gays, and women and it;s no surprise why you right wing lunatics are doing so terribly with these voters.
Is it because you don't know many people or is it because you've expanded your definition of racist to include especially those who point out the racism inherent in the conservative movement? The latter is what wingers have done with "hate" or "hatred".
Malkin is not a race traitor, she's a bigot. She's Filapino and her folks lived in the islands during the Japanese occupation, which was pretty brutal. She probably has more justification than most to hate Japanese, but she is too stupid to distinguish between the Bushido regime and its fascist minions that oppressed her folks and the American Nisei who were raised on and adopted American values. Ask any real Texan what he or she thinks of the Nisei. It was Nisei battalion in Italy that fought through a German cordon to free a Texas National Guard unit, with heavy casualties. Texas proclaimed them honorary Texans which, under the circumstances, was obviously meant to be an honor.
It's the thought that counts.
Is Tom seeking the endorsements of anchor babies now, too? Who next, the Donald?
They could do a remake of Dumb and Dumber. On careful consideration I think The Donald would have to play Dumber.