(Let's be crystal clear – promoted by Colorado Pols)
The Denver Post reported Friday that senatorial candidate Cory Gardner accused the Udall campaign of lying when Udall claimed Gardner opposes abortion, even in the cases of rape and incest. The Post's Lynn Bartels reported Friday:
Gardner said he stepped forward because Udall and his allies have spent the last three weeks "distorting my record." Among the "lies," he said: claiming that he opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest. "Mark Udall wants to run a social issues campaign. He definitely wants to run as the social issues candidate," Gardner said.
Bartels should have stated, specifically, that it was not a lie for Udall to point out that Gardner opposes abortion, even in the cases of rape and incest. That's been Gardner's position–even when asked about it outside of the context of the personhood amendment. Bob Moore of the Ft. Collins Coloradoan reported Sept. 26, 2010:
"I've been very up-front on it; I am pro-life," Gardner, a state representative from Yuma, said in an interview with the Coloradoan. When asked if he would allow exceptions for victims of rape or incest, or when the mother's life is in danger, Gardner said, "I'm pro-life, and I believe abortion is wrong."
Reporters should ask Gardner if he's had a change of heart not just about the personhood amendment, which would ban abortion for rape, but about his opposition specifically to abortion-in-the-cases-of-rape-and-incest. Gardner told The Post that his flip on personhood was based on its restriction on forms of contraception, but he has yet to explain if he's also reversed himself, specifically, on opposing abortion-for-rape-and-incest, and, if so, why.
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Udall is a Liar (if you like your health care plan you can keep it, etc.), so why is anybody concerned about whether what he says is, or is not, a lie. By sheer numbers sometimes what he says is true, sometimes it is a lie. It makes no difference to him, why should it to Pols.
As a constituent of Cory's, I'm still waiting for the proof.…
I can't wait for Senator Udall to take down Con Man at the upcoming debates over this particularly brazen lie!
Your unmitigated gall and shameless chutzpah in daring to call ANYONE a liar, after publically admitting to being a chronic and habitual liar yourself ("it's how the gane is played" — YOUR WORDS), is rivaled only by your breathtaking ignornace and profound churlishness.
What you and fellow liar Gardner (aka Con-Man Cory") fail to grasp is that your own past words and deeds are already out there, on record, on tape, in print, online, forever, refuting and your current lies at every turn as you slither forward.
You are both truly despicable, craven, and, evidently, quite proud of it.
Well, at least you admit that AC takes pride in his work
You'll just tie yourself in knots if you try to distract us from Gardner's transparent attempt to have it both ways with the old if x always lies riddle.
– See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/55938/not-a-lie-for-udall-to-claim-gardner-opposes-abortion-for-rape#sthash.ulMCTvP2.dpuf
The only lame look over there response we'll ever get from him. If you believe that all abortion is wrong that includes all circumstances, including rape and incest. That's what the word "all' means. By claiming that you're refusal to, in additon to that blanket claim, also claim opposition to the specific cases of rape and abortion means a person is incorrect in saying that your blanket claim must, by definition of the word "all", include those cases is laughable. If Gardner really does not oppose abortion in the cases of rape and incest then he must stop using the word "all" and substitute another word, such as "most". He wants to have it both ways. Nobody is buying it.
oops… just "your", no apostrophying needed.
I wish I could caption that photo of Cory in the Keys:
" pre-existing conditions RULE ! "