Back in July, we discussed a complaint from the campaign defending then-Senate President John Morse alleging that some number of recall petition signatures, which were obtained largely by paid signature gatherers, were fraudulent (see our post, Recall Fraud: The Curious Case of Twila Sue Peach).
Today, KKTV Channel 11 in Colorado Springs reports:
A man is accused of forging signatures on petitions asking for the recall of Colorado Senator John Morse…
The DA's warrant alleges that [Nickolas] Robinson committed 13 counts of forgery, seven counts of perjury and 13 counts of attempt to influence a public servant in May of 2013.
We'll update with further details once they are reported, but it appears that Morse's campaign was right.
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Where there's smoke, there's fire. Kennedy Enterprises is shown to be a shady paid signature firm again. Shame Jon Caldara got away with voter fraud.
Any instance of fraud must be punished. This would not have changed the outcome in SD-11, however, so let's not get carried away.
Secretary of State office is arguing for a blanket policy of "sample" signature verification, with lower numbers of sigs sampled, instead of line-by-line verification, which is required by statute, because sampling is cheaper.
There are so many ballot initiatives nowadays, not even counting recall petitions, and most of them need line by line verification. What I find disingenuous and a little scary is the Sec State recommendation that, because aps are available on smartphones now to verify voter signatures, that line by line verification can now be replaced by sampling. (From Joint Budget Committtee FY2014-2015 document page 20)
With these 13 fraudulent signatures, and the continuation of paid signature drives by shady companies like Kennedy Enterprises, citizens that desire petition integrity should let their legislators know that a lower standard of verification is unacceptable.
This desire to save money on the verification process is accompanied by a desire to spend more money on the signature gathering process, with less disclosure by the entities gathering signatures. This bodes ill for democracy.
Surely you can't mean the same SOS who doesn't care how much of our money is spent scouring the countryside, looking under every rock to find examples of voter fraud, no matter how extremely, extremely rare and irrelevant to the outcome of elections they may be? That SOS certainly can't be arguing for relaxing the rules for signature verification? I'm shocked! Shocked I say! Where, oh where have I left my smelling salts?
Gessler has obviously been replaced by a Socialist cyborg Manchurian candidate. He certainly couldn't be advocating for less voter verification.
Curious, is it not, that of the absolutely *infinitesimal* number of actual voter fraud cases which turn up around the country each year, the majority of them appear to originate with frudulent Republican voters?
Hmm. So then I wonder why Republicans spend so much time, taxpayer money and effort attempting to disenfranchise and outright deny the right to vote to so many *legitimate* voters, don't you?
Curiouser and curiouser…
Republicans commit voter fraud in order to justify disenfranchisement of Democratic voters.
Brilliant in it's simplicity!
And remember, Rosa Parks ended Racism once and for all in the '50's!
This is different from Republicans proving that government doesn't work so that they can run on a platform of government not working how?
What better qualifications for running FEMA could you ask for than executive experience with an Arabian Show Horse Association?
Or for running the Iraqi occupation government, back in the day, than the correct views on abortion?