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November 07, 2013 10:42 AM UTC

Owen Hill: "We Already Have Someone From Kenya as President"

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: A blustery and unrepentant Sen. Owen Hill responds via FOX 31's Eli Stokols:

“The fact that my obvious joke is being highlighted today just shows how worried Mark Udall and the Democrats actually are of my campaign for the U.S. Senate here in Colorado,” Hill said in a statement. “These are the typical sleazy tactics used by Mark Udall’s radical operatives who are scared of losing their go to guy in Washington DC. Such dishonest antics show how desperate the Mark Udall machine is over losing its stranglehold on our economy, diverting folks from focusing on his inept Obamacare rollout.”

Frankly, we find this statement more interesting than his original "birther" remark. While Hill makes no apologies for his "joke" about Obama, he is clearly interested in distancing himself from being labeled as a "birther." This again highlights the internal battle facing Republicans. Hill can't apologize, because he needs the right-wing Tea Party types to support him in a primary; at the same time, he knows that this kind of label would not be helpful in a general election, were he to become the GOP nominee.


Owen Hill.
Owen Hill.

Move over, Frank McNulty–as Buzzfeed reports, the Colorado "birther" hits keep coming:

At the Denver County Republican Party’s First Friday Breakfast Nov. 1, [U.S. Senate candidate Owen] Hill made the comment to laughter from the crowd:

“You spend time out there [in a Kenyan slum] and little kids are running around barefoot in these kinds of streets and you ask them what they want to be, they want to be an astronaut, they want to be a physicist, a marine biologist, one kid even told me he wanted to be President of the United States. I held back my snarky comment that said ‘Well, you know what, we already have someone from Kenya as President of the United States.’” [Pols emphasis]

Hill was telling a story about his time working in the Nairobi slums as a top official with Compassion International, a Christian children’s charity. Audio of the remark was captured by a Democratic operative in the room and obtained by BuzzFeed. Hill did not immediately respond to an email and phone message left at his legislative offices Thursday.

We've noted in the past how freshman state Sen. Owen Hill seems out of his league, jumping directly into a U.S. Senate race at such a tender age and with very little political experience.

Well folks, now we know he's a straight-up Kenya-invoking "birther," too. For the purposes of a general election, one might consider that a serious impediment, even disqualifying. In a GOP primary? It's tough to know for sure. Either way, it's now logged in the permanent record.


58 thoughts on “Owen Hill: “We Already Have Someone From Kenya as President”

  1. Hey liberals, can't you tell whan a conservative is making a joke?  You guys have no sense of humor about anything.  You guys even get upset when we make jokes about Nazis.  Lighten up!

      1. If it's just good fun joshing then surely we should be able to find similar "jokes" about other Dems they disagree with. Fun stuff at public events about Jewish Senators they disagree with on cuts to food stamps going back to Israel (Not that most of us came from there. I'd have to go "back" to Ukraine). Constant references to a Dem congress person's Irish or Polish or Italian heritage while citing disagreements over health care reform. That kind of all in good fun stuff.

        If they can't come up with examples like that as easily as we can come up with Kenyan birth references then I'd say they have to admit it's not just joshing. It's purposeful and it's goal is to tap into racism. And might I add….. duuuh!

  2. For the last time, If you don't agree with President Obama on policy fine. But every single Republican who makes these "jokes" is either a racist or a manipulator of racism for political purposes. Period.  Why else would all of these Republicans constantly seek to identify Obama as being African by both race and nationality in their remarks  instead of sticking to policy differences if not to exploit racism? Answer: There is no alternate reason. None. 

    Hill demonstrates himself to be is a racist, I don't care what a nice person his friends may think he is.  Plenty of otherwise nice people are racists. If normal nice people weren't capable of being racists all those lynchings in the modern south couldn't have not only happened but gone unpunished. If nice normal Germans hadn't been willing to vote for Hitler even if they thought his hateful speeches against Jews were going too far, the Holocaust couldn't have happened.  And no I'm not equating Hill or any of our many racist Republican pols with Hitler. I'm just saying being a nice person doesn't negate the possibility of being a racist. 

    If only monstrous, horrible people were capable of racism and bigotry it wouldn't be much of a problem since very few of us are monsters. Not a single Republican who repeats these "jokes", no matter how many foster children they shelter or how much they help their neighbors in a pinch, can claim with any credibility that the intent isn't to punch up their criticisms of Obama with good old fashioned racism.

    If you aren't a racist and disapprove of racism you can't vote for any of these people. Period. Simple as that. A vote for any of the candidates who pull this Kenya nonsense is a vote to endorse racism. Period. No matter how good you are to your aged mother or stray kittens.

        1. Not really.  Owen's remarks were utterly stupid politically.  They are going to continue to play into the narrative that he isn't ready for primetime and will melt under pressure. However, that doesn't make them racist BC.  Just stupid. 

          1. Exactly, Elliot.  The only truly racist remarks always begin with "Attention, this is a racist remark".  Otherwise, otherwise, by definition, it's not racist.


  3. We've already seen this bullshit with coffman. Now hill. 

    Keep in mind, and this is important, both these assholes are former US Military Officers. They are both expected to learn, memorize, remember, and respect the UCMJ. 

    The conduct of each of these scumbags is reprehensible. As former Officers, they both know they must NEVER speak about the Commander in Chief in derogatory terms, be he a member of your political persuasion or not.

    This "judeo-christ-ee" ideology of hate taught by dobson's minions at the AFA to hill, and coffman's opportunistic hatred are in direct conflict with expected behavior of US Military, current or prior.

    Both of them are a disgrace to the uniform. They make me sick.


  4. In addition to being a race-bating birther POS, this hapless Howdy Doody's "response" to Stokols' inquiry is both childish and amateurish in the extreme. Talk about not accepting responsibility! This will not play well AT ALL outside the racist, hermetically sealed RWNJ bubble.

    Prime time? Hell, this useless knob couldn't handle the 2 to 6 AM slot.

  5. I'm guessing here that that white robe that Owen wears comes from his church???

    Haha that's an obvious joke, Owen, you racist fuck!!

    Haha — that "racist fuck" remark? Just another obvious joke . . . [wink][wink]

  6. Coming soon from a Colorado Republican politician:

    "I don't know how we're ever going to get past racism in this country if we are so afraid to talk.  My comment was obviously not intended to be anything but harmless and humorous, I just wanted to start the dialogue — it's important that we discuss these stereotypes.  We need to talk about this.  Why are liberals alway so afraid to talk with us about these important issues?"

    1. Spot on.

      Personally, I think Hill just flushed away any chance at statewide office for the remainder (may it be short) of his political career.

      Remarkable how incapable these right-wing "rising stars" are of refraining from or hiding deeply enough their innate racist bent.

    2. Coming soon from Fladen:  If we can't prove evil intent it's not racism. Only really bad people with evil intentions can be racist. Stop jumping to conclusions you mean liberals. Ipso facto, ad hominem, mumbo jumbo, so there!

            1.  It doesn't need pointing out to anyone wth more sense than a piece of toast who isn't in comically deep and familiar denial. And yet we've done all sorts of pointing already anyway. Point being your point about our failure to point is totally pointless, nonsensical and without merit. Exactly as we've come to expect of you.

              1. When you can provide a single substantive explanation on why the remark is racist beyond mere conclusory statements, then I'll perhaps care.  Until then, carry on in your echo chamber.

                1. oooh…. conclusory. My spell check doesn't even recognize it.

                  No need for any of us to explain it again just because you insist on being comically obtuse. But it really doesn't matter in the big picture because Hill doesn't have any more chance of taking Udall's Senate seat than you or I do. Just like Tanc, he can say or do whatever he wants for all it will affect his clown car candidacy.

                  I love that he imagines he's scaring Dems, though.

                  1. He's doing it again, he's Jerkin' chains BC.

                    I think EF's like ann coulter, in a not for profit way.

                    I really don't think he believes most of the stuff, maybe none of it, but he knows the utterly implausible nature of what he's saying irritates us. He had us going for days on the doctored mailout to those goober mountain racists, and this is another one where he can defend hill's actions by calling the guy stupid. Which I actually agree with.

                    But, even Elliot knows hill knew the audience he was pandering to would eat up any joke that brought in the President's color, the poor conditions the Kenyan children were living in, the 3rd world country reference, the predisposed thinking conservatives have about people "choosing to be poor", and would marry them together.

                    hill's playing to the racist base, he's trying to get to the right of a field for US Senate that's already at the fringe. The red base is clearly racist, and proud of it. hill may not be, but he's going to play the part of a racist to get the job.

                    Elliot knows that.

                    And he knows we'll take the bait………and we did.

                    1. I don't know, rocco. I think he really, really wants to delude himself into believing the nonsense that comes out of his mouth. It's the only way to make peace with himself because he does actually believe in a few things that do make sense. He's just got to make himself believe stuff like there is no racism in the right's messaging in order to justify his 98% alliance with it. The only way Elliot can preserve his white hat image of himself is by seeing, hearing and speaking none of the blatant evil of his chosen fellow travelers. 

                    2. I'm with rocco on this one. I think Elliott agrees maybe half of the most offensive stuff his buddies have spewn. He defends them with every ridiculous, intellectually dishonest argument he can, because it amuses him to do so, and, clearly, he wants to stay on their good graces. These are the kind of arguments that would get him laughed out of any court that's not featured on afternoon TV, and for someone who spent a lot of time and money learning how to effectively argue, it's probably fun to do it really sloppy and stupid.

                      Or, maybe the people he's defending only value those kinds of arguments, so he's giving them what they want. Either way, I really do think he's smarter than most of the arguments he makes. It just fits his agenda to act otherwise. 

                2. Elliot…I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. Please define "racist" from your point of view. Must a remark contain an obvious and well-known racist slur in order for you to consider it racist?

                  Because the rest of the country understands implication, connotation, and the repetition of stereotypes as being racist.

                3. You guys are overthinking this. It's clearly not racist. If it were racist, it would have been said by someone Elliott didn't want to curry favor with. 

              2. You can't be surprised at Elliott's "defense". He's already proven numerous times that racism is fine and dandy with him, as long as it's from a Republican he wants to maintain favor with.  He's got no problem "standing up" to the fringe elements like Tancredo, but to the mainstream racists, he's a simpering sycophant. You have to pick your battles, after all…..

                1. Still waiting for anything beyond conclusory statements that demonstrate this is racism and not merely a stupid comment.  So far you guys have been able to put up nothing. 

                  And for good reason.  This remark had zero to do with Obama's race.  It had to do with the repeatedly disproved tin-foil hat idea that Obama is inelligble for the Presidency due to not being born in Hawaii. 

                  So basically you guys are right to make fun of the remark but are using the wrong label in doing so. 

                  1. You'll be waiting a very long time since your intention is so firmly and clearly to consider anything and everything offered as not enough. Maybe you could read a good book or something while you wait. Say "hi" to Godot when he shows up.

                    1. BC, BC, BC…  Don't you see that Elliot is simply utilizing his extensive (and expensive) legal training to explain to you the law's standard of proof?

                      If 12 impartial jurors weren't actual witnesses at the scene and time of the crime, then no conviction is justified or possible.

                      Sheesh, the OJ Simpson trial firmly established that standard.

    3. Exactly backward, Dio. Coming soon from a (Colorado) Republican politician:

      "I don't see why you Liberals have to drag race in to this. This country is trying to get past issues of racism and you keep dragging the country down with your talk of racism."

      I say this because I had this conversation almost to the letter a few weeks ago with one of my favorite Republican acquaintences.

  7. People are so sick of this childish shit.  Hill just sank any chances he had for getting votes from sane, rational people, and he just sank his campaign.  I wonder what variety, and how pathetic, the backpedaling will be.

  8. "… inept Obamacare rollout … (What did you expect?  I mean, whoever heard of a Kenyan computer programmer? I sure haven't!!  Doesn't everyone know that if you want a good programmer these days you hire an Indian — dot, not feather, of course?!?  You should never hire a Kenyan to do an Indian's job . . .) [nyuk nyuk, ba dump dump]

      1. So show us some examples of similar jokes about other Dems and their ethnicity or nationalities. If they're always joking about the race, ethnicity or national origins of Dems they disagree with then…OK. It's just the way they like to joke around. So they're a bunch of stunted juveniles. OK.  But if it's only Obama who gets this treatment over Kenya every chance they get then you're full of it. It may be a joke but the point of the joke is none too subtle racism and xenophobia.  It says don't forget, bigot base… he's black and he's not American.

      2. n3b, I'm sorry, but it looks like the Pols text editor ate your last sentence. I've recovered it for you:

        You Demislamunistofacists just have no sense of humor when it comes to jokes about the unheartlandishly-hued 🙂

        (Thanks Jesus' General) (See, footnoting isn't hard)

  9. Just so you know, he's also lying about what barefoot kids say in the streets of Nairobi or any other African city.  I probably haven't spent as much time as he is, but most of the kids just want a dollar (a day's average wage in that part of the world) or some food or an adult to look after them.  They probably don't even know what an astronaut or a physicist is.  But of course, Hill probably didn't get that these kids will repeat anything they are told to say to impress an American and get a dollar.  Are you kidding me?  God is going to send him to hell for lying.

    1. Remember when they were talking about a constitutional amendment just so he would be allowed to be President? And where's the outrage over that idiot Canadian. Not the same as calling Obama a Kenyan because Cruz actually did have dual citizenship, really was born in Canada so really was Canadian. After the flap he said he was renouncing his Canadian citizenship. And not a single rightie claimed he therefor had no right to be President.

  10. The Republican Party is a racist party.  What else would you call a party that has only about 7% approval from blacks, not to mention only about 25% approval from Hispanics.

  11. This patriotic veteran at the Pueblo Town Hal with Congressman Tipton had some interesting things to say about Republican obstructionism and racism:


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