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October 18, 2007 04:58 PM UTC

"Shifty Schaffer" Isn't Talking

  • by: Colorado Pols

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

As we discussed yesterday, and the Denver Post reports today:

Colorado Democrats are putting the heat on GOP senatorial candidate Bob Schaffer in an effort to smoke out his positions on everything from drilling on the Roan Plateau to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP.

But Schaffer isn’t playing along.

The former Colorado congressman, a vice president at a Denver-based energy company, has remained quietly on the sidelines…

“I am starting my campaign with my ears, not my mouth,” Schaffer said Wednesday.

But with the U.S. House of Representatives set to vote today on whether to override President Bush’s veto of expanded SCHIP coverage, Democrats say Schaffer should end his silence.

“If they override the veto, it could potentially then go to the Senate, and what would Bob Schaffer do if he was there?” said Matt Sugar, communication director for the state Democrats. “He’s running a campaign and raising money but has failed to state a position on anything of importance to Colorado.”

Schaffer, who voted for the creation of the children’s health program in 1997, declined to say what he would do. Instead, he took a shot across the aisle…

The article goes on to quote DU political science professor Seth Masket saying Schaffer’s refusal to comment on any hot contemporary issues is a “politically wise move,” since (as in the case of the SCHIP veto) he stands to upset some segment of voters either way.

We’re amazed that Schaffer would draw this kind of a pass in major media, the ones charged with geting candidates on the record in the name of the public’s right to know. The best way for a candidate to present himself to voters is to clam up about anything controversial? That’s ridiculous.

Then there’s this rare Schaffer sighting from last weekend in the Montrose Daily Press, where he apparently felt comfortable, despite his stated desire to ‘start his campaign with his ears,’ going on and on about education and illegal immigrants. Maybe he campaigns with his ears as opposed to his mouth…based on the reporting news outlet’s circulation? Friendly GOP issues like education “reform” and rascally immigrants only?

We don’t know how you add up this inconsistent, shifty approach to one’s public message as a “politically wise move” unless you are truly keeping quiet on all issues. It looks much more like a weak candidate hiding from his own party and core values, and after several such incidents in a row it seems to fit a habitual pattern.


30 thoughts on ““Shifty Schaffer” Isn’t Talking

  1. said they could NOT muster enough votes to override the President’s veto.
    Maybe they (Dims) need to back off of their “universal health care for ALL” thinking and send Bush something along the lines of what SCHIP was originally meant to do.

    A little give and take instead of asking for the whole cow.

    1. A little give and take? Bush and the obstructionist republicant’s are playing politics with children’s health care. Your joy of denying children health care is sickening and immoral.

      1. Clinton’s “It’s the Children” lies began 15 years ago.

        Its not about the children. It’s about the Dems’ power.

        Bush’s veto was right on.

            1. I’m sick and tired of you righties telling us to “get over it” after the signing of the (un)Patriot Act, before the invasion of Iraq, after the occupation of Iraq, after Gitmo, after the billions lost in Iraq, after Bush tried to shred Social Security, after Cheney pushed devastating environmental laws for his energy buddies, after the the victims of Katrina were left to rot, and on and on.

              I’m not going to get over it until the issues are resolved.

                1. But between vindictive veto threats and excessive use of the filibuster it’s rather hard for them to over-come the small but vocal and empowered minority that opposes Iraq withdrawal, health-care for kids, etc.

                2. …everything can be changed and undone in 9 months. Even Gingrich failed at that.  Hitler, with all his heavy hands and immorality took years to mold Germany.

                  And yes, us Dems ARE pissed off that our reps don’t have larger huevos. But it’s not like the prez is a Dem or the Senate has a huge majority.

    2. …ask for the whole cow.  Why don’t you try living without healthcare on $40,000 a year with two kids. 

      Love the fetus, hate the child.  That’s your call.  Oh, and spend billions on Iraq, but none for children. 

      1. Take responsibility for your life. Live within your means. Be glad that you have health insurance and the best health care in the world (if you know how to access it).

        1. Yeah, with money.  No genius IQ needed.

          I’m now the full time caregiver to my aged parents.  I will soon be seeing what I can find for indigent care. 

          Welcome to America’s lopsided health care system.

        2. $40,000 minus about 25% for taxes leaves $30K.  Health insurace, deductibles, and copays for that family will run $11K, per latest numbers.  If they are paying $1500 a month for rent or mortgage – pretty low by today’s averages – that leaves $2,000 a year for food, education, clothing, transportation.

          I’m sure you can do it, however.

          1.   Bush is gonna look like Herbert Hoover by Nov. ’08, only worse.  Hoover didn’t have the quagmire that is Iraq.
              Sure, the Shrub’s name won’t be on the ballot, but don’t you think that some of his administration’s policies will spill over to the GOP nominee?

          2. and their apologists think that $40,000 for a family of four is plenty…  while THEY and THEIR FAMILY get the best taxpayer-funded healthcare in the world and a 6 figure salary.  How many times did the Repug Congress vote to raise their own pay during their 12-year ‘permanent majority’?

            The Dims, for their part, can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. 

            “Ohhhh, I cannot lead until I see what my leadership might mean for the led and I am afraid to propose anything that might have consequences and maybe someone won’t like me and wahhhhhhhhh, I suck.  I don’t like the war but here’s another $200b MR. PRESIDENT and, like I DO I DO I DO think the Constitution is important, kind of, but don’t let that stop you from gutting it MR PRESIDENT. and Sure, your violations of law trouble me, but please understand that the only powers we actually have to hold you accountable MR PRESIDENT, like impeachment or the power of the purse, we will never actually use, ever, because then maybe people won’t like us any more, not that they do now.  Leadership is HARD MR PRESIDENT, how about we let you set the agenda and define the issus for us?”

        3. Maybe because when they had the kids you made more money than $40k a year and they lost their jobs.  What do you think of the 47 million people that can’t access healthcare.  Besides, even if the parents made mistakes by having too many kids, why should the kids have to suffer with no healthcare?  Your using your so-called “rugged individualism” to hide the fact that you and your hero in the White House are completely out of touch.  I don’t have kids myself, but I don’t like the idea that when something unexpected happens, a family can’t get their kid taken care of because of the lack of availability of health care. But you would probably not even imagine that or care about that.  I’d love to see someone like you (a so-called “compassionate conservative”) go without healthcare and see how it feels if you or someone in your family has a problem. 

        4. If there is one argument that is going to work better for Repubs than calling working class families rich, it’s got to be telling them they shouldn’t have had children.  You guys should definitely go with that.

        1. Nice comment wise guy.
          And I notice Go Turn Blue didn’t read it either.
          Too bad because it was written by the Regional Director of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

          But I suppose his opinions don’t mean shit to you either because it isn’t the same as your minded single cell thoughts, huh.

          Typical Dimocrat. Think with your emotions instead of your brain.

          1. First, he is a republican appointee, therefor my parroting friend you are only repeating like-minded single cell throughts.

            Second, it has absolutely nothing to do with BS not taking a stance on any issue, let alone one he voted for while in Congress. He’s more of a hypocrit than any candidate I’ve seen outside of Sen. Craig. Perhaps.

            Third, Rep. Pete Stark had some kind words for the President that are relevant to this conversation, since those who support his veto (and those who stay silent on it) are in the same boat of 6% of Americans who want to defund health care for children, but are willing to spend trillions in Iraq:

            You don’t have money to fund the war or children. But you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President’s amusement.  This bill would provide healthcare for 10 million children and unlike the President’s own kids, these children can’t see a doctor or receive necessary care.  […]

            But President Bush’s statements about children’s health shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than his lies about the war in Iraq.  The truth is that Bush just likes to blow things up.  In Iraq, in the United States and in Congress.

      1. They can do what they want.

        Why do you guys keep bring this up?  Do you see “Fair and Balanced” on the masthead?  You don’t expect Little Green Footballs to be balanced do you?

      2. BS is nowhere to be found on any issue! He seems more worried about fundraising on K street than what’s important to the people he claims he wants to represent in the Senate. So far, BS is edging closer to running a campaign as pathetic as Beauprez’s.

  2. We all know BS is extreme on the issues, so staying silent on the most important issues today is only locking him in that cage.

    “I am starting my campaign with my ears, not my mouth,” Schaffer said Wednesday.

    And his quote reminds me of the “monkey see, monkey do” where BS is covering his eyes, ears and mouth.

  3.   This Sphinx Strategy of Schaffer’s is nothing new.  I recall back in 1994 when B.S. was Bruce Bensen’s running mate for Lt Guv. 
      The “Oil & Gas Man” was getting pummeled by Roy Romer in the first of several debates.  Schaffer’s advice:  refuse to debate Romer any more.
      Bensen took the advice and Romer won re-election.

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