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October 12, 2007 12:07 AM UTC

Doug Lamborn, Armed Services Committee, and Lincoln's Generals

  • by: CD-5 Line

A  thought comes to mind when reading that Doug Lamborn has finally been given a slot on the Armed Services Committee due to the unfortunate passing of Congresswoman Davis of Virginia. 

Generals McClellan, Hooker, Burnside, and Meade all had one thing in common.  Abraham Lincoln, the icon of the Republican party, fired them.  And, he did so, because they could not get the job done of winning the Civil War. 

And, in that sense, as we witness Doug Lamborn’s taking a seat on the Armed Services Committee, there is as little reason to entrust that seat to Doug Lamborn for life as there would have been for Lincoln to have entrusted to General Burnside, or any other of the Union’s failures as generals, the positions they held when they could not get the job done. 

While objections to Doug Lamborn’s ethics arising from the 2006 campaign are themselves reason enough to toss him aside, it is Lamborn’s severe limitations as a leader which stand as the paramount reason to oust him from office, as Lincoln did his incompetent generals. 

There is reason why in the short run we would want to have even an incompetent Congressman representing the 5th CD on the Armed Services Committee, but, we do ourselves more harm than good by leaving him there in the long run.  We can.  We must do better than Doug Lamborn.

But, we do not do any better, that is to say, we do ourselves as much harm as good by replacing Doug Lamborn with someone with a military ego and political ambitions of the magnitude of General George Custer.  This is not the job for a general.


6 thoughts on “Doug Lamborn, Armed Services Committee, and Lincoln’s Generals

  1. Jeeze Chuck & Dustin,

    You’re really scraping the bottom of the idea barrel on this post.

    Your comparison of Lamborn to Amborse Burnside is obtuse and far fetched.

    If that’s the best you can do, all the money in the world won’t get your gay-endorsing, tax-hike supporter, non-conservative into Congress.

    (Additional Note: George Armstrong Custer was a very successful cavalry office during the Civil War — he even squared off and won against JEB Stuart during the Battle of Gettysburg– it wasn’t until the Indian Wars that he made any strategic miscalculations.  Your civil war analogy doesn’t quite work if you reference Custer)

    1. You aren’t content with putting your foot in your mouth, you instead shoot your foot with your mouth.  I am neither Chuck & Dustin, nor Chuck or Dustin.

      Doug Lamborn has a “double E” problem, and I don’t mean by that a problem with an electrical engineer.  His problems are with political ethics and political effectiveness.  Had Lamborn high political ethics, he still should be removed from office and on his lack of effectiveness.  Lamborn’s weaknesses might have been hidden if he were comfortably surrounded by a majority of Republicans in Congress, but, as a minority member, his shortcomings are even more glaring.  Lamborn is lucky that he was not on the Armed Services Committee when the House cut the rug out from underneath him with Musgrave’s help on the rug cutting on Pinyon Canyon.  The results would have been the same with Lamborn on the Committee, and would have emphasized even more his impotence with having such a seat, and the results still being the same.

  2. Doug Lamborn has a few things his announced challengers do not have, a stellar 12 year voting record, the best record of the current congress for supporting conservative issues, and the 5th congressional district seat.

    Now he also has a seat and is earning seniority on the House Armed Services Committee.  The ONLY Republican Freshman to earn such an honor.  Sounds like El-Paso County has a great representative in Doug Lamborn.


    1. The district will never go Dem.  I respected Hefley: I thought he had integrity.  I must admit however that watching Lamborn talk makes my jaw drop.  Its pure comedy, whoever wins that seat will be a conservative, but it could be a thoughtful individual with integrity, someone who could explain the appeal of conservative ideas in a way that could make moderates say “I never thought of that way”. 

      We both know that no matter what kind of loonie is nominated in the 5 and 6 the GOP wins–same is true for D’s in the 1 & 2.

      Instead you keep Doug, I’m thinking about sending him some money, he’ll really help us dems in 2012 when we redistrict you into dougco and elpasoco.  You’ll get your 2 loonie seats (5 & 6), we’ll keep our 2 (1 & 2), and the other 4 (CO will pick up one in redistitricing)  will trend moderate.  With idiots like lamborn representing the party it will be real easy for D’s to win the moderates.

      Go Doug!!!

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