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October 09, 2007 06:48 PM UTC

Still More Open Seats for Congressional Control

  • by: Colorado Pols

As The Washington Post blog “The Fix” reports:

The dominos are starting to fall in New Mexico following Sen. Pete Domenici’s (R) retirement announcement late last week.

The first major domino was Rep. Heather Wilson (R) who announced last Friday she would leave the 1st district seat she has held since 1998 to make a run for the open Senate seat.

With Wilson vacating the Albuquerque-based 1st district, Democrats see yet another pickup opportunity as the seat has been a perennial target ever since Wilson won it in a 1998 special election. Wilson is the tenth Republican House member to announce their retirement; just two House Democrats are vacating their seats in 2008.[Pols emphasis]

Wow. Republicans are vacating 10 seats already in 2008, while Democrats are only leaving two open (and one, the seat of Rep. Mark Udall, is not going to change hands). While 2006 was a bad year for Republicans nationally, 2008 is shaping up to be even worse.


14 thoughts on “Still More Open Seats for Congressional Control

  1. They blow the Presidential election which looks like a real possibility. The void in leadership is depressing and the thought of another “conservative” President is mind numbing. Worse than that is the thought of another President who doesn’t see the need to reign in executive power – I don’t know that either party offers that.

    1. I am really happy with all of the Dem frontrunners and think any of them would be a good president.  Further, I think any of them can easily beat any of the Republican candidates.

      However, I do share your unease about whether the next president will want to cede back the powers Bush has grabbed for himself.  It kind of goes against human nature.

        1. Most of what I’ve heard from him is balanced pro-labor, pro-democracy/health checks and balances, pro-peace, pro economic justice…and honest, common sense approaches to all of the major issues of this election cycle. His most appealing characteristic, IMHO is his apparent freedom from special interests….again, IMHO…a huge problem in the country right now.

      1. However, I do share your unease about whether the next president will want to cede back the powers Bush has grabbed for himself.  It kind of goes against human nature.

        After Lincoln, control in the North was immediately relaxed. After WWII again control was relaxed and even the Korean War did not bring back the power FDR had. After Nixon Carter did a good job of letting go of a lot of what Nixon had grabbed.

        I think Hillary will do a decent job of turning things back to normal. Not perfect, but decent.

    2. The dems have a strong leader in HRC, but she carries a LOT of luggage. Obama is regarded as young. The rest are so-so. I am hopeful that Gore will announce during the peace prize.

      Executive power. What a nightmare this last 7 years has been. I love the fact 1 judge at least reign in part of 13233 (the protection for reagan and poppa bush papers). Now, I hope that either the next court finds the rest of it illegal or the next president will do what is right and rescind it. The problem is that he made so many bad ones. I doubt that most, let alone all, will be backed out. I would say that the last 7 years has been a horrible time for rights until we get a real leader.

  2. It is possible – even probable – that NM-02’s Rep. Steve Pearce will also try to run for Sen. Domeneci’s post.  While Pearce’s district is more of a GOP-leaning district than Wilson’s, it is by no means “safe”.

    2008 is looking to be downright depressing for the GOP, and is bound to get worse before it gets better.  There are several retirements still pending…

    1. I mean, I don’t think 08 will be 1994 all over again, but some seats that went Dem in 06 will probably return to their roots in 08 (see Washington Post’s “The Fix” Line).  I mean, if it weren’t for Foley’s “fun”, his seat would have remained strongly Republican.  In short, my point is that there will be seats that switch back and forth, and I really don’t think the make up is going to be that much different in the House.

      The Senate though, that’s a completely different story

  3. …is Tom Allen’s in Maine where Allen is taking on Sen. Susan Collins. 
      It will probably stay safely Democratic.  The Dems held 17 House seats in New England prior to Nov. ’06 while the GOP had five.
      Total there 21 Dems and one Republican in New England.

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