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October 02, 2007 03:19 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Run to the window,
They’re coming to get you!
Hide in the basement,
They’re coming to get you!
Flee to the rooftop,
They’re coming to get you!
Don’t go outside,
No don’t let them get you!

–Dead Milkmen, from The Conspiracy Song


19 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. “GOP Is Losing Grip
    On Core Business Vote
    Deficit Hawks Defect
    As Social Issues Prevail;
    ‘The Party Left Me’

    WASHINGTON — The Republican Party, known since the late 19th century as the party of business, is losing its lock on that title.

    New evidence suggests a potentially historic shift in the Republican Party’s identity — what strategists call its “brand.” The votes of many disgruntled fiscal conservatives and other lapsed Republicans are now up for grabs, which could alter U.S. politics in the 2008 elections and beyond.”

    The article notes that business leaders are drifting away for a variety of reasons including the desire for more federal help on health care and bolder action on Global Warming.  The social conservatives just don’t get it.

    Link to full text

  2. The article doesn’t note that NJ, IL, CA, AZ, and NH also joined forces.

    Washington and at least three other states will sue the Bush administration over restrictions it has imposed on state efforts to expand children’s health coverage, Gov. Christine Gregoire announced Monday.

    Gregoire said a lawsuit to block the new restrictions – which she called “draconian” – will likely be filed within the next week in federal court in New York, one of the states joining the suit. The two others are Maryland and Illinois.


    Where’s John Suthers on this? Still vacationing in Mexico?

        1. Suthers went to Mexico to rest and relax while speaking with attorney generals from North Dakota, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico and with officials from Arizona, California, Hawaii, and South Dakota?

          Did they all go conga line dancin’ after the meetings with their Mexican counterparts as well as Gov. Marco Antonio Adame Castillo of the state of Morelos, as well as Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza, the attorney general for Mexico’s federal government?

          He went down there to discuss human trafficking and meth issues for four days. 

          I think they all went down to the conference, spoke with everyone they needed to, developed some strategies and will come back better prepared from communicating with their colleagues.

          Prove me wrong.

    1. But given that Repubs will frame this as “Dems wanting to raise your taxes AGAIN,” it probably won’t.

      When was the last time Dems framed a debate on our own terms?  Oh that’s right…almost never…

      And will someone tell Dave Obey to stop using words like “misbegotten.”  I know it’s a real word…but it just sounds goofy…

  3. Either the locals don’t want drilling and the republicans are playing denver politics with the chamber and oil & gas companies, or both groups are push polling.

    Opinion polls rarely offer a clear means of resolving highly contentious public-policy disputes. In some cases, they become part of the dispute.

    Consider two polls with questions about drilling on the Roan Plateau, which The Daily Sentinel’s Mike Saccone reported on over the weekend.

    One, by the Denver Metro Area Chamber of Commerce, found that 60 percent of Coloradans surveyed support drilling for natural gas on the top of the plateau west of Rifle. A second poll, by the Save the Roan campaign, showed that 72 percent of those questioned in western and southern Colorado believe there should be no drilling atop the Roan Plateau.


    1. ….And I am certain our conclusion should be that Coloradans clearly prefer “pristine” over “cubic feet.”

      Oh, wait a minute.  I am certain no one is considering the fact that we could have both even on the Roan Plateau.

      Oh, and there definitely isn’t enough pristine nature to spare in our beloved state either.

  4. Sitting on the balcony of the Hotel San Jorge, smoking an alleged Cuban cigar.  Shhhhhh.

    I have a USA T-Mobile data signal here, so I’m on the net, albeit, slowly.

    Had some dental work done today, more tomorrow.  So far, very pleased and a lot less expensive than in the USA.

    Sweet Jeep cruised to Austin uneventfully. I took a bus from there to Del Rio. 


      1. ….except for waking up without a walllet.  Mr. Cuervo was not responsible, but my selection of establishments and company apparently was a bad one. 

        Fortunately I had my passport and my brother could wire me some money.  To eat breakfast, I had to borrow $20 from my dentist!  Also had to walk about a mile to get the funds.  I bought a new leather wallet which will remind me every time I pull it out of that fateful night.

        I deemed the cigar bogus Cohiba.  A terrible ash.  Must be quite an industry, making the very nice boxes, good labels, etc.

        I’m hoping to wrap up the surgery tomorrow fast enough to get back over the border and catch the nooon bus to Austin.  Cd. Acuna is “thin”, not much here.  Even with my incorrigible curiosity and observations, I’m done. 


  5. His “Theory of Dissolution” is so relevant and applicable in so many situations, that he comes to mind a lot. IIRC, this theory attempts to mathematically project when a critical mass disperses and dissolves….in essence. It can be applied to clouds over the Rockies, traffic jams, and even political brouhahas. There is alot of shit piling up that needs to dissolve so we pay attention to real issues. Don’t let the oxycotin prince distract. There are a lot of important issues on our plates.

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