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September 30, 2007 04:57 PM UTC

Her Name Was Rachel Corrie

  • by: kate

Rachel Corrie, like many of us, was forever changed by the events of 9/11.

Rachel Corrie, unlike many of us, decided to redirect that anger toward Israel.

She didn’t blame Muslims or Saudi Arabia or even our country for ignoring the warning signs.

It’s the fault of those goddamn Jews.

How unoriginal. Martin Luther, Adolf Hitler and Arabs the world over would be so proud.

Rachel Corrie joined a radical, anti-Semitic organization that recruits ill-informed, naïve western idealists, convinces them to travel to Israel, encourages them to put themselves in harm’s way – all the while justifying Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians.

Rachel Corrie, a privileged American white girl, grabbed a bullhorn, neon vest, and hightailed it over to Gaza where she stood in front of bulldozers – interjecting herself into a complicated situation she knew little about.

Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by such a bulldozer in 2003.

Rachel Corrie’s mom blames Caterpillar Inc. Not radical leftists for using Rachel or Rachel herself.

Caterpillar. Oh, and the goddamn Jews.

A play honoring Rachel’s life played to packed audiences in London. Next stop, Broadway. Except New York Jews weren’t having it. They have a problem glorifying a young girl who played the pawn of Palestinian-terrorist sympathizers.

Part of why the East Coast rocks.

So the play shut down before it was shown.

The play opened in Denver this past weekend.

There is something profoundly disturbing about the arrogance Americans show when traveling to war-torn areas with a mission to create mischief. As if this bubble of democracy and fairness will protect us.

It will not.

Gaza isn’t downtown Des Moines and when you leave American soil to stand in front of a large machine and end up squashed like a bug, well, you have no one to blame but yourself.

While tragic, Rachel’s death was her own doing.

As an aside, I’d like to know – where were the Palestinians she was fighting for? The picture featured in The Denver Post, made it seem she stood alone.

What a waste.

And suing Caterpillar, Inc. for making the bulldozers that killed Rachel doesn’t make sense either. They were not built to be weapons. You wanna sue someone? How about the people who make bombs and guns that were designed to kill. Innocent men, women, and children are dead the world over.

But the House of Representatives should investigate *this* particular death. Cause she had blonde hair and spoke with an American accent.

Rachel was used by a leftist organization more interested in headlines and destroying the Jewish state than the humanitarian label it hides behind.

Along with a young girl who should have known better, they are to blame.

Not Caterpillar. And not the Jews.

The heartbreak here is a life stopped short – for nothing.

***cross-posted at Out in Left Field***


4 thoughts on “Her Name Was Rachel Corrie

  1. to me, looking into Gaza from Sderot, I saw what I thought was a prison camp.
    I saw what I thought was mass punishment.  Dehumanization.

    But if, by destroying block after block of housing, the Israeli Army was really intending to accelerate some sort of Urban Renewal,
    then I didn’t understand their noble intentions.

    1. Nothing I’ve read about the Corrie incident made any reference to Corrie being part of an anti-semetic group, at least not what I think of when I think anti-semitism. I certainly hope it’s possible for someone to oppose certain Israeli policies without it being labelled anti-semetic but maybe if you’re engaged in inexcusable activities you use whatever cover is available.

  2. and not be anti-semetic.

    Most Jews would fit that bill.

    However, those who wish to destroy Israel – well, that’s just modern day anti-Semitism.

    There are noble ways to go about helping peace break out between Palestinians and Israelis. And there are dispicable ways to go about it.

    Mistaking the two can get you killed. And then the process just continues. Helping no one.

    That’s Rachel’s legacy. And we shouldn’t forget it.

    1. I love Israel.
      I hate whats happening, and has happened, to Palestinians. 

      I don’t know how to fix the mess. 

      Rachel didn’t either, but thought the injustice was so bad that she had to do something. 

      I think what she did was noble and naive. 
      I don’t think what she did was despicable. 

      She had a calling from God. 
      God didn’t ask her to solve the problem; he called her to give [up] her life in live and devotion to Him, and she bravely and faithfully followed. 

      One can say she was stupid, a fool.
      But I would twist that slightly and say she was a fool for God.

      The world would be a better place if more of us fundamentalist Christians (I know you belong to another tribe) actually let our lives be guided by His teachings.

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