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September 21, 2007 05:25 PM UTC

Another candidate in CD-4?

  • by: John Galt

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

According to Roll Call Bent County Commissioner Bill Long is throwing his hat in the ring to challenge Angie Paccione, Eric Eidsness and Betsy Markey for the Dem nod to challenge MM 2.0 in the 4th CD.

If it is true that he is indeed running, this stands to hurt Betsy Markeys campaign the most. Markey has touted her strong ties to eastern Colorado as one of her strongest attributes. Commissioner Long will definitely dilute those votes in a primary if not altogether negate them. Long who has ties to the Salazar brothers was rumored to be their hand picked nominee last summer to take on Paccione.

Below is the Roll Call article, unfortunately only those with a prescription can read the actual article.


Some Party Leaders to Headline Paccione EventFormer state Rep. Angie Paccione, hoping to win the 4th district Democratic primary and earn another shot at Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R), has enlisted a host of Colorado Democrats to headline a fundraiser for her.

The Sept. 28 event, scheduled to feature former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb (D), state Senate President Pro Tem Peter Groff (D) and three other state Colorado legislators, among others, is asking for anywhere from $50 to $500 per attendee.

The evening fundraiser, set for Denver, will offer a private reception to those who contribute at least $200. Paccione banked $107,000 at the close of the second quarter.The 4th district leans Republican, but Democrats are expected to target Musgrave in 2008. Also running in the Democratic primary are Eric Eidsness, a former Republican; Betsy Markey, a former aide to Sen. Ken Salazar (D) who has been endorsed by her ex-boss; and Bent County Commissioner Bill Long.

Musgrave narrowly defeated Paccione in 2006, winning 45.6 percent to 43.1 percent. Eidsness, who ran last year under the Reform Party banner, took 11.3 percent of the vote.


12 thoughts on “Another candidate in CD-4?

  1. I don’t think that’s what the Roll Call article says, unless we’re missing some part you didn’t quote.  Long’s name is mentioned in a list of candidates.  Since he was mentioned early on as a potential candidate, and toyed with the idea before deciding against it, I’m guessing some DC writer who didn’t know much about the race just scanned past articles and noticed his name.  He could have just as well stuck in Brandon Shaffer’s name, too.

    So I think the first sentence is misleading; Roll Call did NOT say Long was “throwing his hat into the ring” — it just included him (likely erroneously) on a list.

    1. I was the one who said he was throwing his hat into the ring, but only because of this sentence in the article

      “Also running in the Democratic primary are Eric Eidsness, a former Republican; Betsy Markey, a former aide to Sen. Ken Salazar (D) who has been endorsed by her ex-boss; and Bent County Commissioner Bill Long.”

  2. That had Long listed as a candidate for CD4 long after I e-mailed them to tell them he dropped out. They did make severla of the other updates I offered though.

    The do a state-by-state of federal and statewide races. It is interesting to look of some of the weird things that are elected in some states.

  3. I’m no political expert, but if Mr. Long does get in the race, doesn’t it “dilute” the votes even more.  Those who like Angie are going to support her, and now that there is another candidate, the votes that may have pushed Markey or the others passed Angie will be split even more, right?

    Similar to what’s happening in CD – 5 with Crank, Lamborn and Rayburn.


  4. A lot of us are desperate for a credible Dem candidate. At this point we’re not terribly picky, anyone who could beat MM will do.

    So if someone shows up that can resonate with voters, can raise money, and can campaign effectively, I think you will see most people jump to her/him.

    – dave

      1. MM is so awful in so many ways. But let’s see. If she voted to bring the troops home (hard deadlines, not requests) and was grand marshall for the gay pride parade, then I would vote for her – if I lived up there.

        I just want a Dem that can beat her.

        1. I am not familiar with Project X, what is it?  Besides that, um no. Like most of your theories CD-5 line, this one is also ridiculous.  I am quite sure that Musgrave would not gain or lose a single vote if she said anything negative or positive about Jon. 

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