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September 15, 2007 01:05 AM UTC

Colorado Business Climate Strong

  • by: Colorado Pols

From Colorado Confidential:

Colorado is at the top of the class where business development is concerned. That’s according to CFED, formerly the national Corporation for Enterprise Development, and its 2007-2008 assets and opportunity scorecard of 50 states.

CFED, a research think tank funded by businesses and foundations, gave Colorado an overall B rating on the scorecard, which was helped in part by an A grade given for business development. However, the same cannot be said for many of the state’s neighbors…

…During the summer, state Rep. Ted Harvey (R-Highlands Ranch ) voiced concern over Colorado’s business development being inhibited because the state is not “right to work,” where union agreements with employers cannot mandate required dues or fees. A initiative making Colorado “right to work” has been proposed, and may be on the 2008 ballot.

But according to CFED, there does not seem to be a development problem in the state, echoing the position that the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce has taken on the matter. At the same time, Colorado’s border states, which are all “right to work” except for New Mexico, do not appear to be doing as well on the development front.


17 thoughts on “Colorado Business Climate Strong

  1. While ConMen want to turn Colorado into a so-called “right to work” state (which is double-speak for you’re screwed), where the middle class loses and business suffers?

    Excellent idea Ted Harvey, Shawn Mitchell, Josh Penry, and Cory Gardner. You’re genius ideas to not only ruin state government, but also the entire state economy is one for the history books.

    And don’t worry, WE THE PEOPLE will be right here to remember what you are doing, write it down, and keep an accurate account of your actions so you can manipulate history. Speaking of, I wonder how many in the GOP believe “Dinosaurs” are merely propaganda for us “evolutionists!”

    1. Blue, stick with your true life that of a limo liberal.  New handle please…Lamelib.

      Did you bother reading the Liberal Denver Post the other day suggesting that Colorado is heading for a mild to moderate recession?  Pols would never print that factor, they would rather provide propaganda from a loony Think Tank instead of their fellow yellow journalistic paper that being the beloved Limo Lib Denver Post

    2. Don’t believe the silliness from the Denver Metro Tax Increase Support League.

      They are controlled by contractors and have supported every tax increase that would enrich their members while screwing taxpayers.

      Colorado faces slowing development as the Gov. and legislature  turn us into a highly unionized state. If the gov goes through with unionizing the state’s workforce, municipalities that aren’t unionized will follow. Then private businesses will be forced to accept unions.

      No smart business owner will want to start a business here or move one here.

      Look at Michigan. Highly unionized and lousy economic development.

      Remember, CO has major economic development liabilities, and we shouldn’t add too them with all this unionization nonsense.

      Our disadvantages:

      1. DIA is busy and air fares are high here. Travel is inconvenient. You can’t drive anywhere meaningful.

      2. Water.

      3. Drought.

      4. Religious fanaticism.

      5. Location, location. Except for the views, this not a place to put a business.

      6. Growing anti-development feelings.

      7. Relatively expensive housing.

      8. Expensive real estate.

      9. High property taxes on businesses.

      10. Talk of onerous new health insurance legislation.

      1. Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming, Utah…….

        Not exactly development fairy tales.

        I thought our business taxes weren’t that high, maybe average?

        But your list is good.

        1. There is nothing about transportation to or around the Denver metro region that is dramatically worse than any city in its class.

          It is of course cheaper to get to Atlanta and the taxes are lower, but you will spend the better part of your life there at a dead stop on the highway. Ditto Houston, etc. Don’t think any of you are going to move to Wyoming, much less Mississippi. You get what you pay for in terms of government and quality of the work place.

          #2 & 3 are the same resource efficiency issuse. This goes away completely if we behave like we live in a semi-arid climate – which is the case.

          Besides ##6 and 10 are just positive quality of life indicators restated as obstructions to ultimate destruction of civilized life.

          Without #4 another skeptic will never again be able to poll more that 30% for any of his favorite issues. Don’t knock them if they are in your coalition.

      2. I know of several cases of people moving here from silicon valley to start a high-tech company. Like any state it has it’s pluses and minuses but it is a good location.

        As to health insurance – if the state puts in a plan that would be a giant plus drawing in high tech businesses. And unions tend to be irrelevant to high tech companies.

        And housing here is cheap compared to places like silicon valley and Massachusetts (another hotbed of high tech companies).

        Basically, for high tech companies you don’t know what you are talking about. And I’m not sure your points are valid for any other kind of business unless it’s one that uses lots of water, requires lots of land, and only hires athiests where the employees must live in Colorado Springs but buy a house in Boulder.

        1. …however, there is an inference that any other state is golden.  Every state has its problems in attracting businesses.  Certainly tech is the hot sector of this generation and their needs are far different from Ford building his River Rouge plant. 

          Unlike an auto plant, tech can relatively easily pack up and move.  Witness the spread of US technologies to other nations.  (While at Motorola my daughter spent some months in Scotland “helping” them get their fab plant running.  Her boyfriend went to China for a year to build a new one.)

          But for techies, Colorado is heaven.  Cheaper than CA,and far more interesting than MA, I would think.

          1. Technology companies that come here do because CO has a relatively rich supply of tech workers. The question is, do they bring jobs or outsource them abroad and around the country? What do they add to the economy, especially with Intel, HP, Sun and even, I think, IBM doing more down sizing than expanding in this state?

            Merrill Lynch opened a big call center here and shut it down. Other companies have done the same.

            All I’m saying is that unionizing the state and imposing socialized health insurance on the private sector won’t help bring new jobs to CO and will drive many away.

            1. That business from Detroit on down are begging to be relieved of health care obligations and concerns? They, unlike you, understand what a burden they are under.  It makes them uncompetive in the international markets let alone the administrative nightmares.

              If Colorado had a simple single payer plan it would be the ace card up the sleeve to attract business.

                1. You are like a broken record. 

                  Taxes are only one of many factors why a business locates.

                  Things like an educated workforce, recreation, the arts, and other factors weigh in.

                  If Colorado had universal health care, and off of the corporation’s administrative back, they would flock here.

                  I notice that you parrot instead of addressing why it might be that Detroit and other industries have asked for health care relief.

              1. Tax increases will be an incredible sticker shock. And changes in providers’ and consumers’ behavior will shock Wis. legislators as they face the need to boost taxes again.

                1. Single payer health plans ALWAYS lower costs.

                  I point to a page of well researched facts and all you can do is predict the GOP will benefit.

                  Conservative used to claim that they were logical and no emotional.  Logic says single payer wins.

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