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August 30, 2007 07:51 PM UTC

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R.-Maroon)

  • by: Colorado Pols

As State 38 writes, Rep. Doug Lamborn just keeps shooting himself in the foot. He was accused of taking money from a gaming company and fired back at his accusers for making false accusations.

The problem? Lamborn did take the contribution but failed to report it.


55 thoughts on “Rep. Doug Lamborn (R.-Maroon)

    1. No dem will be elected there. Look even if it was hitler running as a republican AND lincoln came back as a dem (more likely libertarian), it would still be a republican there. So these guys can shoot at each other all they want and they will still win.

      1. truth.

        It is still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the people of CD-5 are so blinded, so addicted to the Kool Aid of the far right and their lies, that a bumbling fool like Lamborn got elected.

        Hitler, Mussolini, Attila the Hun….yep you’re right.
        Heck, some of them would vote against Jesus Christ unless he came out for the second amendment and declared his hatred for those peace loving hippies.

        1. Hitler, Mussolini, Attila were all (at least) competent.  Reprehensible, yes, but also in a bit of a different league than Lameborn.  Hitler took over (and held for a while) most of western and a good part of central Europe.  Mussolini made the trains “run on time,” and we still talk about Attila’s conquests 1600 years later.  How soon until we forget Mr. Lameborn?

          1. gulliani is kind of like stalin, but wait he is a R elected in NYC.

            Bloomberg, a much better mayor, was also elected as an R.

            Supposition refuted.

          2. In san fran, just send in a log cabin and I would bet that they would at least run competitive, if not win. Of course, they would have to be a moderate R. Think about who is CA. Gov.

            As to chicago, well the last one was in the 30’s. But as an ex Northern Ill., I can tell you that a republican CAN be elected there. Not when there is a strong dem mayor, but between the two Daley’s, it would have been possible. But the R’s did not take advantage of it to run strong candidates who would address real issues. If the R’s really wanted to take the city, they could do it in particular by slowly dismantling cabrini green, as well as put Rs in the city who are willing to help it. Few have ever done it. Most of those in the city and just outside really are Dems. Once you get out about 30 miles and beyond, it is ALL red. I know.

            1. You really think that a Republican can win in San Francisco? 

              I don’t.  And remember, there are a lot of Republicans and independents in California who voted for Arnold. 

              As for Chicago – I don’t agree because a Republican whou would be willing to do all that is necessary to win would not really be Republicans. 

    1. The truth about Lamborn’s lamebrain saga is in the The Colorado Statesman today. Full story is there –

      There’s a link to the entire story! His biggest crime isn’t gambling money, it’s threatening a couple in CSprings for daring to write a letter to the editor. Shame on Doug!

    1. I loved this part of his letter. What an idiot! This also shows that he wants to do more harm to GOPers rather than face the facts. In Doug’s own words…

      “Greg, I stand by to assist you however I can as you set up an appropriate investigative process, and contemplate an appropriate punishment. Also, because you require in the newspaper interview “that candidates disavow any statements that are made by their campaigns or supporters and are found to be untrue,” we should all call upon Mr. Crank to denounce the false statements of the Barthas.

      I don’t see how there could be a more clear case of making a “false or misleading statements”–when someone says an elected official accepted a campaign contribution which he actually did not. This is especially so when it is done with an apparent intent to impugn the elected official’s judgment and integrity.”

      1. Greg has no authority to “investigate” anyone. Second of all if Doug says he didn’t take the money- I believe he didn’t take the money. His record shows no acceptance of the money. But I guess the facts are irrelevant to you. You guys are so obviously Crank supporters. If the shoe was on the other foot you would have a different story to tell.

        1. Why do you believe that?  The records are unclear.

          BTW I am not a crank supporter, I am a D.  I actually enjoy the comedy of lamborn.

        2. The post below shows he has taken gambling money and furthermore, there’s nothing showing he returned his $1000.00 from IGT on his FEC report.

          Lamborn justified accepting the $500 from Marc Murphy, manager of Bronco Billy’s, in a Gazette Article.
          http://findarticles…..  [Lamborn’s comments appear in here for his reasons for accepting the donation.  What it amounts to, in my book, is one gambling company trying to limit competition from other gambling company by trying to garner favor with a Congressman who may support its interests in limiting competition with votes in Congress, when and if needed.  This is a typical gambling concern ploy.  It amounts to protection money–protection from competition.]
          IF Lamborn returned the $500 to Marc Murphy, manager of Bronco Billy’s, it would seem he did so only by virtue of the fact that Lamborn’s acceptance of the money to start wtih and the statement he made afterwards justifying the acceptance were widely reported and discussed.  He revealed his heart by the reasons he justified in accepting it to start with. 

          One thing Demogirl had right was that Doug Lamborn and his supporters gave dirty politics a bad name. Visit my home page often and decide for yourself. (Demogirl, you inspired me to join Coloradopols. Won’t you please come home?)


          by: CD-5 Line @ Thu Aug 30, 2007 at 17:44:34 PM MDT
          [ Parent | Reply ]

    1. if IGT sends Doug a check,
      but he refuses to cash it and sends it back,
      how does that make him a liar ? 

      In fact, doesn’t that make YOU the liar ?

      1. If he sent it back right away, then he has no problem.  If he sent it back several months later, he has a bigger problem than if he accepted it.  If he delayed to see if anyone would notice, he is showing that he knew it was wrong to take the donation, yet still wanted to take it if it would go unnoticed. 

        Indications now are that IGTs donation was not sent back to them and they believed that Lamborn kept the donation.

  1. If so we should stop making fun of him.

    I think there is enough evidence of cognitive disfunction to warrant an assessment.

    Until then I will refrain from teasing the specially able congressman from colorado springs.

  2. I bet his, gotta laugh at this one, Military Liaison in Colorado Springs, Dale “call name Andy” Anderson stays and his live in friend Dave Crater will defend Lamborn’s misguided version of the Gambling PAC.

    What experience does Andy Anderson have as a military liason any way? The Generals will look at this monkey and shut their door in his face. Especially, since Lamborn was “promised” a seat on the Armed Services Committee by  former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

    Let’s not forget about that promise he made to Lamborn. Will that hold true after the ’08 elections?


  3. …but he clarly states in his letter that he DID receve the check and then RETURNED IT uncashed. The situation seems more like the PAC didn’t realize that they got their check back. Poor PAC accounting may be to blame.

    1. Seond to last paragraph in the Lamborn letter:

      It’s good to try to be reconciled with people wherever possible. That’s why I attempted to contact the Barthas before making this statement to my friends in the local Republican Party. However, I got no response. This kind of personal reaching out can be quite helpful–had the Barthas bothered to ask us before publishing their accusations they would have learned that we were indeed sent a check by this company, but that due to our objections to gambling we sent it right back and did not even deposit it.

          1. …stop the witch hunt for just a second and think about this in a more neutral way; it’s likely just a stupid situation where people on the PAC’s end didn’t even realize that a politician they sent $1k to didn’t cash it and mained it back. Fairly unusual for them I imagine.

            And, to be fair, did anyone even see if Lamborn depositied the check? If not, it’s not a crime to be sent a check and return it.

            One doesn’t have to like or dislike Lamborn to see that this is way overheated talk for something that Lamborn should have the benefit of the doubt on.

            You Spingsies are WAY fired up WAY early… sheesh.

            1. But it is a crime for a sitting Congressman to threaten his constiuents for exercising their First Amendment rights!

              Statesmen Article?
              Did anyone read the Statesman article re: Lamborn?
              Apparently, he called the Bartha’s, which they have a copy of the tape, threatening them for using their first amendment rights. Said to the Statesman, in his words…”I’d like to get together with you as brothers and sisters in Christ.” If not, there would be “serious consequences.”

              What a dumbass!


              by: The Gambler @ Fri Aug 31, 2007 at 09:08:28 AM MDT
              [ Reply ]

              1. I assume that, if you go back after cooling off, and re-read what you’ve posted here,

                you are going to wish you hadn’t. 

                e.g., “it’s a crime for a Congressman I don’t like to express an opinion.” 

                you sound pretty silly.

              2. Can you post that article?  If this is true, it is far worse than any of the other allegations.  A US Congressman personally called a citizen who wrote a letter to the editor and threatened them? 

  4. Good jobs Pols on reaming Lamborn before you got or even bothered reading the facts.  The left leaning blog is at it again…printing dis-information. 

    1. 1. IGT lists a $1,000 donation to Lamborn
      2. IGT has no record of a refund
      3. Lamborn’s campaign has no record of a refund

      Where are YOUR facts?

    2. if he deposited the check?

      If Doug said he didn’t do it, and the group making the supposed donation can’t PROVE he cashed it, where does the benefit of the doubt lay?
      In the Pols eyes this is just another chance to bash a “Repug”……

      1. We’re just pointing out what Republicans are doing to each other in CD-5. This started with REPUBLICANS writing a letter to the editor accusing Lamborn of taking the gaming donation.

        Once again, just so we’re clear, we didn’t start this.

        1. So, let me get this straight, if every anti-lamborn constituent writes a letter to the editor opposing Lamborn, they can expect an harsh negative letter from the Congressman?

          Way to disfranchisement the democracy of the people!

        2. with glee in your eyes.
          And I’m sure watching everyone pound on the man didn’t make ya’ll sad either did it.
          Funny that there are no real facts to back up the accusation.
          It sure got quiet in here…………hmmmm

          1. Seriously? Let’s go over this again… ALL the FEC reports demonstrate that money was given. NONE of the FEC reports show it going back. AND… he said they returned the Cripple Creek employee’s money after it was deposited (in previous public statements) so where is THAT on the FEC report? It should be there and it isn’t.

            1. http://findarticles….  [Lamborn’s comments appear in here for his reasons for accepting the donation.  What it amounts to, in my book, is one gambling company trying to limit competition from other gambling company by trying to garner favor with a Congressman who may support its interests in limiting competition with votes in Congress, when and if needed.  This is a typical gambling concern ploy.  It amounts to protection money–protection from competition.]

              IF Lamborn returned the $500 to Marc Murphy, manager of Bronco Billy’s, it would seem he did so only by virtue of the fact that Lamborn’s acceptance of the money to start wtih and the statement he made afterwards justifying the acceptance were widely reported and discussed.  He revealed his heart by the reasons he justified in accepting it to start with. 

  5. We have received numerous phone calls about the article on Doug Lamborn in this week’s issue of The Colorado Statesman. For those wanting to read the whole article about Lamborn invoking the name of Jesus to settle his latest dispute you can go to The Statesman site ( and there is a link on the front page.

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