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August 27, 2007 03:38 PM UTC

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

  • by: Colorado Pols

As the New York Times reports:

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, has resigned. A senior administration official said he would announce the decision later this morning in Washington.

  Mr. Gonzales, who had rebuffed calls for his resignation, submitted his to President Bush by telephone on Friday, the official said. His decision was not announced immediately announced, the official added, until after the president invited him and his wife to lunch at his ranch near here.

Mr. Bush has not yet chosen a replacement but will not leave the position open long, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the resignation had not yet been made public.

Mr. Bush had repeatedly stood by Mr. Gonzales, an old friend and colleague from Texas, even as Mr. Gonzales faced increasing scrutiny for his leadership of the Justice Department, over issues including his role in the dismissals of nine United States attorneys late last year and whether he testified truthfully about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs…


44 thoughts on “Alberto Gonzales Resigns

        1. A commenter’s expression of “YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH” was screwing up the homepage. Please try to put occasional spaces in your unbridled expressions of glee.

      1. will the dems finally allow prosecution to happen. It is certain that W. is going to appoint the next person during the next inter-session and that person’s job will be to prevent any investigation/prosecution from going forward. SO it will be under the next president that we will have a chance to go after W and his ilk. But congress, including the dems, have shown that they would rather allow this kind of crap to slide. Hopefully, the next congress will elect to push this, as well as set-up something that will allow for true independent investigation of ANY president.

        1. The ball has always been in Congress’s court, yet they were hesitant to go forward with an investigation because of Gonzo; whereas I believed they could have hit two birds with one stone. Let’s see what the next move.

          Did anyone watch Fredo’s speech? Did anyone notice he didn’t state WHY he was leaving?

    1. He was keeping the president from coming under true congressional investigation. He has stood in the way, and so will the next one. Personally, I do not blame Gonzales. I blame W. The man is as corrupt as Nixon or reagan.

    2. John Edwards released a statement saying “better late than never.”

      You know, John has missed a step either. He’s running the campaign he wants to run with no regrets and no second guessing. I’ve really grown to respect him more this time around.

      1. About the Edwards coincidence, that is.

        I’m thinking of something else, though, when I think about the timing of the resignation, two things in particular. One, what good does it do now? Gonzo’s done serious damage, to the DOJ, to the rule of law, and to the prestige of the USA with his support of torture. Two, will he ever face justice for this, even if it’s the limited justice of finally appearing before Congress under oath to testify? I guess that latter point doesn’t have much to do with “better late than never,” but as someone pointed out elsewhere Bush is just going to plug in someone else who shares his ideology. I just hope that the Bush admin’s credibility is too shattered for whoever it is to be effective in carrying on the discredited policies of Gonzo and W. That was one nice thing about him hanging on, under fire, too distracted to do his job…

  1. Declaring the Geneva Conventions “quaint” — harassing a very ill man in the hospital — demonstrating an overwhelming inability to tell the truth to Congress (the list goes on).

    1. will not be missed. He caused so much harm in the little time there, it’s unbelievable that he won’t go down as one of the worst AG’s in American History. To politicize the Justice Department was unconscionable and un-American.

      1. Just a word about how much I’ve come to appreciate your commentary. It’s level headed, factual, incisive and usually spot on. Thanks for being a contributor here.

        As to the resignation of the AG….and Rove….there’s little left of the Texans who surrounded Shrub and protected him. His veneer wears thin. How much time before HE resigns??? Cheney, too!

        Yes, Pelosi for President! We might as well have a glimpse how a WH run by a woman will look.

    1. to think that I’ve actually defended Ashcroft on occasions during discussions of Fredo’s Godfather Hospital scene, where John actually stood up for the rule of law.

      1. shortly you will be defending Gonzales as being better than what is about to come in. I have no doubt that a surprise appointment is about to be made in spite of the agreement between reid and W. In fact, I would not be the least bit surprised to find out that W. did the agreement just so that he could change out Gonzales.

        1. First, I only prasied one situation that Ashcroft was put into my Fredo, rather than praising his over-all career. I will not be able, in any foreseeable way, be able to compare and defend Gonzo as a better AG with regards to the hypothetical next; unless of course Bush wants a Gustapo established at the DOJ as a means to “protect Americans.”

            1. Come on Yokel, read the “if” comment. This is what happens in what if situations, and take my comment seriously? Talk about not knowing the difference…

  2. ….I’m suspicious.

    What does Torquemada and Bush know that would make it harder to prosecute either by AG’s – ironic coincidence, that – departure.  Rove may be officially gone, but you know his cell number is in GW’s Rolodex. 

    For instance, trying to get to the bottom of the AG – attorney general, this time – firings, of the trail leading back to Rove, all will be made harder by both of them being gone.  More time elapses, they no longer have access to their files and records, etc.

    Pardon my dampener.

    1. Today is the anniversary of Katrina.  Chertoff is now being talked about as the AG replacement instead of as one of the guys who wasn’t on the ball that day.

      There’s never just one reason for anything these crooks do.  Personally, I’m waiting for the headline: “Alberto Resigns To Spend More Time With Karl”.

  3.   I don’t care if he has to stay on the floor himself, Harry Reid had best not recess the Senate before 1/20/09 least we end up with a recess appointment.

      1. If you are implying race-baiting I would hold my tongue if I were you, especially since Rudy has just hired the media team that attacked Harold Ford with the most controversial TV Ad last year; and let’s not forget the ads airing in the south that claimed Democrats were responsible for slavery.

        And let’s see what the King of Ditto heads has to say about race:

        Democrats “want to get us out of Iraq, but they can’t wait to get us into Darfur,” Limbaugh said.

        He continued: “There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur? It’s black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc, they’re in trouble.”

        A caller responded, “The black population,” to which Limbaugh said, “Right.

      2. Dubya calls Gonzales “Fredo” – that’s why the nickname has spread (just like he calls Rove “Turdblossom”…)

        And I think Torquemada should be pretty much self-explanatory given his role in the torture memos.  I never even associated Torquemada with a racial overtone until you brought it up.

  4.   If Bush appoints Michael Chertoff as the new A.G., then he has to fill a vacancy at the Dept. of Homeland Sec. 
      Who would be the most easily confirmable candidate to fill that vacancy.  Joe Liberman who also has some knowledge about the subject matter as chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. 
      Liberman’s appointment, of course, would trigger the appointment of a new senator by Connecticut’s Republican Governor.  The most likely new senator would be current U.S. Rep Chris Shay who has the dubious distinction of being the only Republican House member from New England.

    1. A couple of things

      1. Lieberman just won re-election, he has 6 more years in the Senate. There are 18 months left in the President’s term. Lieberman isn’t going to take that trade.

      2. No matter what Lieberman does or doesn’t do the Senate will not change. The Senate adopted a rule at the beginning of the 110th Congress which would allow Democrats to retain their majority even if Lieberman switches.

      1. We’re talking about Liberman’s vacancy that a Republican governor would be able to fill-presumably with a Republican.  That’s not Lieberman switching parties, that’s a whole new Senator….

              1. If the balance of power shifted in the Senate, the Repubs would force a new organizing resolution to be passed.  Yes, chairmanships last for 2 years…but only as long as a new organizing res. isnt passed.  If the balance shifted to 50-50 (50 R’s 49 D’s and Sanders) Repubs would be the “effective majority” just like in 2001.

                Senate rules, especially organizing resolutions, arent set in stone for any length of time.  If Republicans command a true majority b/c if for ex. a bunch of Dems die and get replaced by by Repubs, the new majority would insist on a new organizing resolution.  If the Dems tried to ignore that, it would be politically disasterous.

                Youre absolutely right about the current rule not having a provision like the 107th Congress allowing for an automatic switch of control.  But the 110th Congress should be compared to the 83rd Congress for proper context.

                If control actually switched and Dems tried to filibuster a new organizing resolution, Repubs would eat the dems alive…

                  1. requires a 2/3 majority, but an organizing resolution doesnt seem to fall under the 44 Senate rules.  S.Res 27 and 28 (the current orgainzing res.) just appoints Senators to their respective committees.

                    So, unless I’m mistaken, an organizing resolution doesnt effect the standing rules of the Senate and thus doesnt require a 2/3 majority.

                    1. Thanks for the clarification.

                      However, aren’t the standing rules the ones that were changed to keep the leadership in their positions?  Probably some horrible legal contradictions in there somewhere; I’m not up on the rules enough to know.

                      In any event, if Lieberman thought he could get some extra leverage by pulling the trigger and switching parties, he would have done so long ago now.  He apparently either thinks he doesn’t have that power, or he still has some reason to like what he has now – my guess is the latter, since he’s still very much with Democrats on a number of other issues.

  5. Any word on who he will introduce for the open position?

    I heard that on the day after Ken introduced Alberto Rove’s ass was noticebly smaller from laughing part of it off.


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